May Hatch-a-Long!

Love it!! I was asked if I were joining the May hatch along and sounds like fun. I set my 12 eggs---6 GL & 6 WC Blue Polish on April 19th and I'm due 5/10. This is my second hatch this year and I'm addicted!!!
Chicks due in 11 days!!!!!!!!!!!
last time I candled (day7) there were 12/12 who were growing
I'd like to join you all. I have 24 eggs set, due on May 4. EE's, OE's, and FBCM's. I've hatched quite a few times, but this is my first time with shipped eggs. Crossing my fingers for a good hatch!
When and how often do you candle? We're on day 6 and haven't candled. We're looking to move her because we have a leghorn that is recklessly getting on the nest when momma goes to eat or drink.

First, I acknowledge that I have a problem!! Last hatch I was out of town on spring break with my mom babysitting the incubators so I was prevented from doing this. I probably candle more than some because of that problem I mentioned
AND because the Brinsea Maxi II Advance comes back to temp & humidity so quickly. Normally, I'd candle day 7 for fertility, mark questionables, pitch blood rings, etc... I would also mark the air cell at that time and weigh with a gram scale. I also candle at day 10 to check my question marks, weigh & redraw the air cells. I do again at day 14 if there are still question mark eggs, wonky air cells and to make sure that the air cell is still growing. I am a compulsive maniac, so I check again at 18, take out my turner, insert my hatch mat, jack up the humidity and start praying.

I'm sorry I don't know anything about hatching outside of a's also only my second time, so I'm still a nervous nelly. Well, maybe a slightly less nervous, but very compulsive hatcher!!

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