May Hatch-a-Long!

I'm sorry I just remembered that I wanted to ask 2 questions.
1- Do eggs hatch in 21 or 28 days? A lot of places on the internet say both.
2- My chicken coop has mites that we are trying to get rid of. Are mites safe for new chicks or should I change the nest box shavings for now and do the chemical job later. I don't want to hurt them!
Thanks to all the supporting people out there!
I'm sorry I just remembered that I wanted to ask 2 questions.
1- Do eggs hatch in 21 or 28 days? A lot of places on the internet say both.
2- My chicken coop has mites that we are trying to get rid of. Are mites safe for new chicks or should I change the nest box shavings for now and do the chemical job later. I don't want to hurt them!
Thanks to all the supporting people out there!

Chicken eggs hatch in 21. Duck eggs hatch in 28.

If you can work on the mite problem now I would. Mites are bad for all chickens, adults and chicks. Clean your coop well, and make sure your hens have a good spot for dust bathing. Wood ash is particularly effective. I take the ash from our woodstove and occasionally spread it around in their coop. I've also heard diatomaceous earth is safe and effective. Good luck!
I use diatamaceous earth all around and inside coop. Don't know if it really works or not but I don't have mites. I also put 2 cups in 50# bag of food and shake. Its supposed to help with digestion and internal parasites.
I'm sorry I just remembered that I wanted to ask 2 questions.
1- Do eggs hatch in 21 or 28 days? A lot of places on the internet say both.
2- My chicken coop has mites that we are trying to get rid of. Are mites safe for new chicks or should I change the nest box shavings for now and do the chemical job later. I don't want to hurt them!
Thanks to all the supporting people out there!
Chickens eggs hatch in 21, duck, turkey and goose 28 days Muscovey 36 days.
We use DE ( diatamaceous earth ) around the animals. That reminds me I have to go dusk the yards and pens.
I'll join!! This is my first time incubating and I have 20 eggs (chicken) scheduled to hatch on May 8th. They are a mix of EEs, Barred and White Rock, Gold/Blue Laced Brahma, and NH Reds all bred with a French Blue Copper Maran. If I can just get a 30-50% hatch rate, I'll be happy. I'm wanting to get rid of my rooster (sell or eat, haven't decided), but wanted to try to hatch some chicks first.
I have four incubators going at four different schools. These are part of the second grade life cycle lessons. We keep in touch so everyone knows what is going on. We plan to "flash-light" them on Monday to see if anything is growing. Our due date is May 7th--just in time for Mother's Day.
Candled last night, but no idea what to look for. They all have dark yolk blobs. One I thimk I saw a teeny bit of veining. Should the blobs float/move? Or should they stay in one spot? I think one had a ring, but couldn't tell for sure, so kept it. It had only been 48 hours. . .

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