Maybe Americaunas?


6 Years
Apr 5, 2013
Mebane North Carolina
Hey guys I'm new to the site I hatched eggs for my science project and my chicks are now 4 1/2 months old. We had 3 Roosters and 1 Hen hatch but we found new homes for two roosters and are planning on getting 2 more chickens. Ok so back to the question I was told the 2 I have now where Americaunas and just wanted to make sure? Any ideas?



((Sorry the pictures are kinda blurry))
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The rooster is an Easter Egger.

I don't know enough about the Ameraucana colors to say if the hen is one or not, she may be a Silver Ameraucana? Maybe someone with more knowledge than me can give you the correct answer.

I'm not sure where the name "Americana" comes from - I think it's a name someone made up to make their EE's sound fancier and to confuse people about what breed they have.

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