Maybe I need catchier titles??

Tab P

Mar 23, 2022
Hello all.
Five (out of 6) of my 4.5 month old pullets have just started laying within the last two weeks. I finally collected enough to have a decent sized breakfast for my family, so i started cracking open the eggs. I started with the smallest ones first, so they were likely the very first egg that each one laid. I have researched about the blood spots, the yolkless tiny egg, and all the egg abnormalities, which are completely normal for newly laying pullets, but two eggs in particular have me stumped and not sure if I
should be worried or not. I've searched everywhere online and cannot find anything that matches this. Is this an extended/ deformed/ bloodied chalazae, a parasite or worm of some sort, normal for young pullets, or something else? First two pics are two
different eggs, but I included one with all the "questionable" eggs as there may be a different angle.
So much to learn. TIA


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(The darkest yolk egg had a blood spot that doesn't show in the photo, which I now know is safe to eat). Silly, I know. I never paid that much attention when I cracked an egg until they were from my own flock.
Hopefully someone else can input as I haven't seen this in person before
Thank you for replying. Several hours of online research produced no results. Hopefully it's only temporary (for newly laying pullet) and resolves on its own. My main concern was that it was some kind of worm. Eeek
I agree, those are both probably tissue from the oviduct, really large meat spots in other words. Probably glitches from being new layers, it will probably resolve with a little time. I always crack eggs into a separate bowl, sometimes you get 'surprise!"ed. Better to not have it in your recipe if you don't want it there.

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