Mealworm farming

I noticed when I put apples in they seem to mold faster. Do you take them out as soon as you see mold on them. Should I just use carrots and potatoes instead?
I noticed when I put apples in they seem to mold faster. Do you take them out as soon as you see mold on them. Should I just use carrots and potatoes instead?

Carrots are what I found works best. When my colony was small potatoes would mold. Now, everything is gone in 1-2 days. If you still have it in a day you may have fed too much. Limit how much of the wetter stuff you put in so it will not mold. Only give enough to eat in one day or two.
I also mostly just use carrots. They dont mold nearly as quickly as the fruity things. And they dont draw in gnats. I also use celery.
Ok Thanks, I will try that. I am putting in a half of a half of apple and not many worms so my be too much.
It also came to me that you may need more ventilation too. But less food is easy..
Even if the drawers don't completely seal? I am using the plastic drawer system. Should I drill additional holes in sides of drawers?
Ok will do. Going to order more worms this week so then maybe those apples will start disappearing. I know my chickies are very unhappy not to see the "worm" bowl coming out with me. LOL
The bigger your colony gets the more ventilation it will need too. W/o adequate ventilation even your substrate will mold and there will be an INTENSE ammonia smell, the colony will go toxic.
Quick question for y'all!

I want to switch my small colony of wormies (or beetles, right now) to the three drawer method. I saw that someone was saying to use 1/8" hardware cloth, but someone else used screening. Will the eggs fall through the screen? I am having trouble finding the 1/8" hardware cloth, but have some extra screening, so I want to know if that will work... Thanks!

ETA: I also want to know how you cut the bottom out of those tough plastic bins! I tried using a serrated steak knife (haha) but it didn't do anything. How did you all do it??

Edited again: I went out and measured to see how big the screening holes were. They are 1/16"... Half of the 1/8" Hardware cloth. What do y'all think?
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