Mealworm farming

I think celery and carrots go the fastest in my bins. They like potatoes too. Apple molds too quickly.
Celery is a good one. Haven't tried apples. Mine often tend to rip the celery to shreds within a day or two. I have been using potatoes for the past week. They really enjoyed them up until about two days ago, then they stopped eating them as much. I tried cantaloupe and they went crazy for it. In one day roughly 5,000 meal worms ate about 1/6th of the cantaloupe until it was no more.
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I put baby carrots in the bin and they have sunk down into the wheat flour. Do I need to replace those carrots or are they still a source of moisture and food for the worms?
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I put baby carrots in the bin and they have sunk down into the wheat flour. Do I need to replace those carrots or are they still a source of moisture and food for the worms?

They can still provide a source of moisture, but don't expect to see many worms piling on it like they normally would. When I'm worried the carrots or any other vegetable will sink down in the substrate I put a piece of cardboard down and the carrot on top.
Quote: You don't need to help them. It just takes time, and they have plenty of time. It's like butterflies, if you help them out of their final packaging, they don't get the final squeeze they need to survive. Let nature take it's course. Even when it looks like they're dried up and dying, they are really okay.

The beetles all have more legs than they need to get around with, so unless you're raising show beetles, I wouldn't worry about it. Let them have sex and lay eggs. :)

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