Mealworm farming

I can't tell you how many times I have cleaned the frass bucket..... They never pupate or become beetles in that bucket so ONE DAY really SOON I can toss it for sure.....

I know - I keep thinking "okay that was the last of them" then I'll lift up the carrot and find them dangling. Tiny little ones - less then 2" long. I think at some point I may give up and just dump the remainder outside in the flowerbed. I'll do it while the girls are out freeranging and I'm sure they will find the remaining treats.
I put frass around all my plants with incredible results! I have started bagging it in zip lock bags now and hope to sell it in the spring or use it on more of my plants. It has turned cold here and my rose is still blooming like mad and I definitely do NOT have a green thumb.
I really like the results I've gotten in my garden with it. When my dad first realized it was good for re-selling, he brought some home in a coffee can and wrote "F + B" in castings on our front lawn in big letters (he and my mom's initials). 3 days later, that grass was dark green and lush. Here is a photo:


My birthday today, my youngest gave me this LOL!!!!
Guess my DDs know I love my birds too!

Hi all
I have read all the posts here and just finished reading today. Thank you all for the great information I really learned a lot in a short amount of time. I first started with about 500 from Petco. Thought I would get a jump on it and bought the giant size. Then after reading a few posts here figured out they would not lay eggs so dumped the lot and started over with 1000 regular worms from Amazon. They all arrived in great condition but was unhappy that the PO put the box in my mailbox. Had it been a hot day they would have cooked in there. I am using the three bin method but I prefer to sort them out myself. I have a large bin with all the mealworms in bran. I have the pupa in a small drawer and have the beetles in another drawer. All the bins have bran in them, on under tank heaters and I have a small bowel of water in the pupa drawer. I have about 40 pupa and only about 10 beetles so far.

I have noticed that some of the pupa did not turn to beetles but turned very dark and then dried up and died. I was thinking it was a lack of humidity and added the cup of water. Do you guys think this was the problem?

I do not have chickens but do wildlife rehab and our group always needs lots of mealworms. I was thinking of raising them for our animals and then selling any extra to make money for our group. We spend a lot of money for food, meds, vet care for the animals every year. I am doing this in my wildlife rehab shed that was converted into a room complete with electric, water, air and heat.

Thanks again for all the great information and photos.
I really like the results I've gotten in my garden with it. When my dad first realized it was good for re-selling, he brought some home in a coffee can and wrote "F + B" in castings on our front lawn in big letters (he and my mom's initials). 3 days later, that grass was dark green and lush. Here is a photo:

Wow, now that's amazing! If you were selling something I wouldn't believe you,
Wow, now that's amazing! If you were selling something I wouldn't believe you,

We can't actually ship our fertilizer (which is sad, we could make a small fortune off of it). We give it away to local volunteer community gardeners or we sell it in large bags for $3 to cover the cost of labor and the bag. I wish we could sell it!! Now mealworms, we sell those :) hehe

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