lol Thank you, I am very excited. From thinking I got the wrong worms (I bought giant mealworms by accident and thought they would never turn to pupa, so I had to contact the company and they assured me they do not treat their worms), to having about 5 or 6 of my pupa dry up and turn black (I thought they were all going to dry up and die), I was afraid they would never become beetles. I'm just not a very patient person. I think they knew I ordered 1000 more worms off they internet, so they had better start doing their jobs before they became chicken food.
Who'da thunk we'd get so excited over bugs, lol. Congrats! You will be pleasantly surprised at how fast the rest will morph now.
I have not tried to feed the wild birds yet, because I am just getting started, but I did read that bluebirds love mealworms. Do you have any bluebirds where you are? Maybe they all crawled under the rock so the birds couldn't get to them? I hope you find some birds that will enjoy your special treat. It might just take them a while to find them and realize they are suppose to eat them.One of my bins was wall to wall worms, so I took a huge cup outside for the song birds. After I poured them into the tray that catches the seeds that the woodpecker spills, I realized the worms I put out yesterday were not eaten, but had crawled under the rock that holds the tray down! So there is a whole lot of worms out there, and my wild birds are not eating them! What kind of wild birds eat mealworms? We have Thrasher, Indigo Bunting, Cardinal, tufted Titmouse, Oriole, Chickadee, Cowbird, Sparrow, Grosbeak, Mourning Dove, all kinds of Finch, and I don't know what else. And the red bellied Woodpecker. The Robins would have but they are already gone up north. I hate to see the worms get eaten by the squirrels but that is what will probably happen. I won't risk regifting them to my hens since they have been in contact with wild bird dooky.