Mealworm farming

LOL I try to be nice to all the worlds creatures but I'll swat a creepy crawler dead and be the first person to shuck down and hop in the shower if I even suspect there's a dead or live bug on me. I can't stand them! It freaks me out and gives me goosebumps just thinking about touching them. I know I look dang stupid wearing my elbow length gloves in the garden but I'd have nothing but weeds and bugs without them :p Which is why I've figured out how to raise mealworms with as little hands on from me as possible LOL

Sounds like me! Haha after a bit they were so bad! But still they're super creepy! Lol
I chopped up 2 large carrots and put them in the box for my 3000 worms. They've already taken them further down to the bottom. Should I add more?
I chopped up 2 large carrots and put them in the box for my 3000 worms. They've already taken them further down to the bottom. Should I add more?

This might not be good...I wouldn't let them take it to the bottom. I lost a couple pieces of potato that they little guys pulled to the bottom and it went moldy. I had to sift through 10,000 mealworms to get the smell out. This happened a week ago and they still smell funky......

Just gona put up with the smell until they all pupate...could be a while lol

Anyways, I put my veggies on paper bags or newspaper.

This might not be good...I wouldn't let them take it to the bottom.  I lost a couple pieces of potato that they little guys pulled to the bottom and it went moldy.  I had to sift through 10,000 mealworms to get the smell out.  This happened a week ago and they still smell funky......

Just gona put up with the smell until they all pupate...could be a while  lol

Anyways, I put my veggies on paper bags or newspaper. 


Oh yuck!! And they eat them through the paper? About how many do you give them in one serving?
I don't chop anything up, I give it whole so it dehydrates slower and laying it on the paper keeps them from pulling it down into the bedding. They climb over the paper to the food, and yes they do eat the paper eventually. I put 1 large carrot in each bin about every 3 days, and my bins are overrun with worms. I took some out to feed the wild birds today and they ate them so fast I didn't even get to see which birds got them. My chickens get so excited when they see the white cup!
This might not be good...I wouldn't let them take it to the bottom. I lost a couple pieces of potato that they little guys pulled to the bottom and it went moldy. I had to sift through 10,000 mealworms to get the smell out. This happened a week ago and they still smell funky......

Just gona put up with the smell until they all pupate...could be a while lol

Anyways, I put my veggies on paper bags or newspaper.


I usually split my carrots down the middle... so I don't need to do this?
It's common for them to be upside down, they aren't the most talented walkers in the animal kingdom.  ;)

If you haven't, you can add something for them to grab onto - cardboard paper towel/toilet paper rolls, or egg cartons, paper towels, whatever so that they can correct themselves.  Eventually they'll figure it out.  They'll burrow down into your oatmeal/brown, so they can eat.  It's probably ok to cover them up with bran rather than constantly flipping them back over.  Just like the carboard items to help them out; apple slices, carrots, banana peels will help them by giving them something to grab onto and correct themselves (as well as giving them water).

Thanks they have a couple toilet paper rolls and also some newspaper with food on it so they should be fine. They have 5 or 6 inches of wheat bran so should be ok just wanted to make sure this was normal and I hadn't missed something!!! Thanks so much!
When adding the veggies to your mealies remember that this is their water source. When they are thirsty they will swarm it. If it is a little shriveled, let it be until it is about mummified, When they eat holes in it be careful before you dispose of it because those itsy bitsy new mealies get in there too.

I am in Florida and the temp is right now to keep mine outside. I do not check humidity. I keep the substrate dry except for the veggies. Sometimes I do cu tor slice a veggie if the beetles or mealies don't swarm it. They tend to be attracted more to a cut or broken end to get the moisture I guess.

Mine tend to drag the veggies to the bottom too, but then they devour the whole thing. I have never had to dig for anything moldy, but I did replace a few mouldy cooked potatoe slices and fresh green pepper pieces.
Uggghh! I have mites! I was so excited - I saw movement in a corner of the bin that had no large mealies and no beetles. I thought it was micros. Then I noticed the mites crawling up the sides of the bin and all over the lid. I washed the lid with soapy water and wiped the sides of the bin down lightly and am letting it air out. I don't want to bake the substrate because I know there's got to be micros and eggs in there with all the beetles that have morphed during the last week. I was really hoping to avoid these little nasties. It's not humid and there were only a few baby carrots sliced up in there . . . I did have a couple leafs of lettuce in there a few days ago.
The bin is going to have to go in the garage for a few days now until the mite issue dies down. Any suggestions other that baking the wheat bran or starting over???

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