Meaning of "paint" and examples of it?


i wanna be a cowboy, baby ( HELL YEAH )
Jun 15, 2020
TyCo, West Virginia
I'm still new to this and I'm still figuring things out, but today was the first time I heard the term "paint" being used as...what i assume to be color variations? I know there's buff, splash, wheaten, barred, duckwing, etc...but I never heard that before and I don't know what it looks like. Google was wanting to bring up unrelated stuff when I tried searching for it, so I figured I'd ask here. Does anyone have any pictures of their paint chickens?
Paint refers to a chicken with one dominant white gene and one black gene. They’re white with varying amounts of black spots. Examples are paint silkies, erminettes, and Austra whites. Paint is interesting because it doesn’t breed true- paint x paint gives you white (two dominant white genes), black (two black genes), and paint (one dominant white and one black gene).

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