Meat bird pricing?

We get $3.50/lb for the colored meat birds. You will have to get at least this much as they take longer to grow out and have a poorer feed conversion rate. The market appears to be those specifically not wanting Cornish X or those looking for fresh pastured chicken deep into the winter. As long as they are feathered, the colored birds seem to do ok on winter pasture as long as there is no snow. The feed conversion rate will suffer though. The Cornish X do not seem to hold up to the elements of nature (too hot or too cold/wet) in my experience.
Not to get off the original question, but what do you have to pay in the stores near you to get chicken. When I first seen the price the growers group was charging I couldn't beleive it and these birds average 6.5 pounds. We went to the store right after seeing this and the price was the same 7.9/kg or 3.5/ pound. Its an easy sell. You could buy this pooped fed chicken or this chicken that was raised on fresh pasture same price. I think you can attract the right type of people the ones that will pay .50c or 1$ more a pound for BETTER CHICKEN. I believe start at the store price and go up from there. We are not selling the same product poop vs grass fed. If you set your price below the supermarket I believe in a way you are saying it is not as good of quailty.

I will have to correct myself. Store bought birds are not fed poop, but because of there living conditions and the way they are processed end up with a considerable amount of fecal matter in the meat. Not to mention the amount of medications that are given to the bird throught shots or through there feed.

Mr.Grantly :

I will have to correct myself. Store bought birds are not fed poop, but because of there living conditions and the way they are processed end up with a considerable amount of fecal matter in the meat. Not to mention the amount of medications that are given to the bird throught shots or through there feed.


Please prove the assertions of considerable fecal matter in the meat, medications through shots or through feed. I will file a class action law suit if true as the USDA inspectors would have blinders on, and the growers involved would be violating Federal laws.​

I'm in Denver and I sell my birds to my neighbors at 5$/lb. They are fed organic local grains and lots of fresh grass. I have no problem getting this price, and have a wait list of people that want them. I process my birds myself, picked up a picker/plucker and I get to work.

On Mr. Grantly's statements above, what he's referring to ie poop is that large automated processors, as they are eviscerating the carcass, the automated machines tend to tear and rip open the intestine, this releases fecal matter. Once this bird is put into the chill tanks, said fecal matter is now in the chill tank water, which means it's now on the other birds in the tank. Otherwise referred to as "fecal soup". There are many places in which you can look this up or watch it, Food Inc, Anything written by Joel Salatin, Omnivores Dilemma by Michael Polan,, etc...

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