meat birds and laying hens in the same coop?


Several reasons: The meat birds grow too quickly and are rather gluttonny so your layers (assuming they're all chicks) would not get all of the food and water they require.

They require different food.

The meat birds get rather lazy as they grow and lay around alot. The layers will peck at them and possibly get cannibilistic to the point of killing them.

The meat birds are eating and pooping machines. They make a much bigger mess
in the coop or run than the layers.

That being said, out of space scarcity, I have raised meat birds and layers together as chicks, but only for the first few days until I could separate them. They did ok, but now I plan better to have space available--my DH built a new and bigger coop last year, so now I have 2 totally separate coops and runs.

Good luck.

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