I posted a topic a while ago about whether or not to vaccinate my Cornish X that are coming in February. Most of the people who replied said that I shouldn't vaccinate them because they will only be living for 8-9 weeks and the vaccination could still be very prominent. So I called McMurray today to ask them if I could only vaccinate the egg layers I will be getting. My order consists of 14 Cornish X and 12 mixed varieties of egg layers. McMurry told me that they can put down on my order that I don't want my meaties vaccinated, but they couldn't guarantee that they wouldn't be. They told me that if I am getting the chicks together, it could cause potential health problems if they aren't all vaccinated even though they will grow up separately. So Im kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place on this one. I don't have the space for 26 egg layers, and getting rid of chicks around here can be difficult. What do you think I should do? Still get my meaties even if they could be vaccinated? Please help!