Meat birds with vaccinations?


8 Years
Dec 4, 2011
Princeton, MN
I posted a topic a while ago about whether or not to vaccinate my Cornish X that are coming in February. Most of the people who replied said that I shouldn't vaccinate them because they will only be living for 8-9 weeks and the vaccination could still be very prominent. So I called McMurray today to ask them if I could only vaccinate the egg layers I will be getting. My order consists of 14 Cornish X and 12 mixed varieties of egg layers. McMurry told me that they can put down on my order that I don't want my meaties vaccinated, but they couldn't guarantee that they wouldn't be. They told me that if I am getting the chicks together, it could cause potential health problems if they aren't all vaccinated even though they will grow up separately. So I’m kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place on this one. I don't have the space for 26 egg layers, and getting rid of chicks around here can be difficult. What do you think I should do? Still get my meaties even if they could be vaccinated? Please help!
I've never vaccinated my meat chicks, nor any of my layers. I did feed medicated feed to my layer chicks, but none to the meaties. I never had one die off. When ordering chicks again, regardless of layer or meatie, I doubt I'd vaccinate.

I did a search for you by typing in "vaccinating" in the search field and changing where it searches to the meaties section. I found these two...

Good luck!
After our very first round with "the pox" (fowl pox, and yes the vet happened to be around near that time and agreed it was the pox)...well...I debated it. Even bought the stuff with my yearly vaccine order (for horses, dogs, goats, I added that one since it was fairly cheap). In the fridge it sets untouched still! Since I had no losses with the few little layers we had at the time, and it really was minor and passed...well...I ended up skipping the vaccines for the poultry.

I WAS feeding "medicated starter" ...then my husband ended up with some 20% layer crumbles...hmm...not only are they "medication free"...the same protein percentage...higher in calcium...these birds only live 6 - 8 weeks before their date with freezer's cheaper...hhmmmm I said to myself...

Guess vaccines, no meds, the "wrong" feed...EVERYONE is healthy, no leg issues, no more pox, no cocci, no nada...we're rocking 4 batches of the broiler chicks now between a friend and I who also raises them the same way I have been (not to mention all our other stuff) and so far so good.

I REALLY wouldn't worry to very much, especially with something with a short "shelf life" so to speak...I USED to worry a TON...but once I stopped all that I was happier and so were the chickens
smile.png ALL honesty...I've never before vaccinated a laying hen either and no issues besides the one pox scare when we first moved and for all I know they picked that up during transport or from something that flew through...but I am one who tends to fret much at first, then calm down later and worry less...especially once I see that it's not as bad as it seems
Thanks everyone! Those links were very helpful. Has anyone ever vaccinated their meaties before? Will I get sick eating a bird that is vaccinated? I know for a fact I want my layers vaccinated just because I don't want to risk losing my birds, especially since there are so many wild birds around here and not to mention all the nasty little rodents that have been gathering around the coop lately.
Personally, I wouldn't get a mixed order, half vaccinated and half not. I'd either go 100% vaccinated or 100% not vaccinated.

Vaccine in a Cornish Cross chick, to be eaten in 8 weeks, doesn't bother me in the least.

I would go with the vaccinated, just to help out the layers that you are getting and want to keep healthy for their lifetime.

Think of it, worming meds have a 14 day withdrawl for eating eggs from full grown birds, a cornish cross does an incredible amount of growing in 8 weeks. Even if they still had any of the meds left in their meat, after cooking them it wouldn't have any impact on you.

Editted to add math:
day one - 1 oz. and vaccinated
8 weeks later on butcher day - 128 oz. (8 lb live weight)
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THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! I have been waiting for some reasoning other than opinion behind the answers i'm getting, and your comparison to deworming and food safety has made a lot of sense. I will have them all vaccinated and hope for the best!

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