meat birds

the cooling tank is kind of like a cold version of a sous vide...same way you cool down wort when making beer
So do you put the chicken in a bag, and then into the cold water for cooling (like with sous vide)? I know that air cooling is preferred to water cooling, because if you put the chicken directly into the cold water, it soaks some of it up. I also know that coming up with a home system for air cooling might be pretty expensive. But I like the sound of a "sous vide" system, so I will be interested in hearing how it works for you.
like said wouldn’t caponize birds that you harvest in 8 weeks...only dual purpose birds that you raise until the girls start to lay. supposed to be better. i don’t know...but i am a dentist and do a lot of minutia type it looks easy and figured i’d caponize half the cockerels and do a side by side taste test. if it doesn’t taste different, why bother?
What did your side by side study find?
Really interesting thread, thanks for posting.

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