Meat quail experience/ questions

cottontail farm

9 Years
Dec 26, 2014
Rural NW Pa
I just did a post on my blog about my experience raising jumbo brown Coturnix and Texas A&M quail for meat.
Does my experience seem typical?
Any ideas why my browns finished out larger than the A&Ms?
I didn't get a picture, but when I was butchering I was surprised to see something like two tiny jellybeans ABOVE the base of the tail (NOT testicles) . Do quail have a "popes nose" like ducks do that needs to be removed?

Love to hear everyone's thoughts.
I didn't read a blog. But I have raised a lot of quail. It's not usual for a good line of Jumbo brown coturnix to best jumbo whites. The Jumbos started as brown quail. The "jelly beans" you found are the oil glands the birds use to dress their feathers. If watch you have likely seen birds go to either side of its tall to gather a bit of oil as it preens... Good luck with your birds. Bill
Thanks for the input Bill. I never thought about what went into making the A&Ms so that makes a lot of sense. The same with the oil glands. For some reason I thought that was limited to waterfowl. Something I love about raising poultry is it seems like I'm constantly learning something new.

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