meat rabbits

I have raised rabbits for many years, First if you are having problems with them breeding make sure they are getting at least 12 hours of light, rabbits can have any where between 1-10 kits average 8. If you breed them once and then breed them again 3 hours later, you increase your litter size. There gestation period is 28-31 days, 30-31 being normal. You do want to give your does a little break in between litters, are they may cause problems. If you have any other questions let me know and PS holding them by there back legs and snapping the head back to break the neck is the fastest and most humane way to kill them.
the writhing animal with the blood curdling scream would probably be me.

yes, will definitely have put way more thought into it before the day.
Since my last post, we have -more- rabbit raising experience. Our doe had a litter yesterday, midday. She really gave us no warning, or indication. There were no kits in the am, and 7 live kits&2 dead at noon! The amount of fluff that she pulled off her belly was amazing! I can see why they say 'save some' in case a doe doesn't pull fur sometime...there is lots to save!

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