Meatie Time! Updated-Everything is okay


11 Years
Oct 1, 2008
Yorkshire, Ohio
Got my first batch of 100 Cornish X chicks this morning. I ordered from Central for the first time. They sent 107, and none where DOA. There are two of them that look smaller and weak. From my expirience, I expect to lose them. Can't wait to butcher in 7 weeks!
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Whoo hoo! I'm at the opposite end. I'm processing birds next weekend.
Can't wait.
I'm getting 60 from Meyers next week - hoping it is going to warm up from the 35 degrees we have been having.
Our 27 meaties are two weeks old and growing like meaties!! The feeding frenzy in the morning is something else to watch. This morning one took flight and ended up on top of the 2 gallon container and stood there saying hey look at me!

For the many meaties do you pluck by hand or have a plucker. We are mostly going to skin ours since they will be cut up into parts and a few for the BBQ spit.
I am in the process of building a whizbang picker. I have 3 more batches of 100 chicks coming, staggered over the next month and a half, so I felt an automatic plucker was a must for 400 birds. I will be able to pay for the whizbang for what it would have cost me to have someone process after the third batch.
I am in the process of building a whizbang picker. I have 3 more batches of 100 chicks coming, staggered over the next month and a half, so I felt an automatic plucker was a must for 400 birds. I will be able to pay for the whizbang for what it would have cost me to have someone process after the third batch.

Cool will be interesting to see how that goes building your own. Next questions what are you going to do with 400 birds? Do you have a large family? Or are you allow to sell to the general public. California laws are so strict I can't even sell my homemade jams/jellies anymore unless they are made in a certified kitchen.
To say it's irritating is an understatement.
I sent out order forms to everybody that lives within a 5 mile radius of my farm. I established 4 processing dates and asked people to return their order for each date by a deadline. As of right now, I have about 250 of them presold, but still have 2 order deadlines left. I have some people who didn't order because they prefer boneless/skinless breast. I plan to cut-up any unsold birds, and sell the breast to those that want them. I figure the breasts should come close to covering the cost of the whole bird, then we will have close to free wings and leg quarters. This is the first year I've done this. I'm hoping in a few years to have established customers.

In Ohio, I am allowed to process and sell up to 1000 birds/year without a permit or inspection, but they need to be sold from my farm.
Man, you got a jump start on me... mine won't be here until March 9th.

How was the quality of Centrals chicks? Were they big and blocky or small like pheasant chicks almost? You can always tell the quality of their incubators by the size of the chicks. Just Curious.

I went ahead and ordered males only this year. I was so sick and tired of the mixed weights from Moyers last year. I had some that were 2 lbs dressed up to 6 pounds dressed at 7 weeks. Some would take 9-10 weeks to finish. I went ahead and ordered two batches from these guys

I can't find anybody that sells males cheaper than that, but I'm still looking.

Please update this thread because I haven't ordered from Central and looking forward to see how they turn out for you.
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