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10 Years
Nov 21, 2009
Fort Worth
Click on this thread for info on swap

Hey Yall. If the name doesn't say it I live in Fort Worth.

I wonder if you live near here? What projects are you working on?

Do you can? Make Soap? Quilt? Raise turkeys, chickens, ducks, goats, pigs, bees or anything I missed?

I would love to know about the people in my area.

As for me... my projects are many, looking to buy a new home, raising some chicks, incubating as many as I can before I move. (I plan to get NPIP or TPIP or both after I move; I still have to learn about the differences). I do know I have to stop purchasing and selling or trading or hatching I think untill I get my results back so thats why I am hatching like crazy now!

I have only canned once strawberry jam and it was great. Want to learn to make soap. I want goats and bees and turkeys after I move.

Thats all for now.

What about you?
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We're pretty much in Boyd now. I'm still moving stuff from Arlington. I do all sorts of things including sewing and making lampwork beads. I also cook and bake a lot. I'm going to have my MIL show me how to make pickles this year and help her in the garden. We've got 30 red broilers I'm raising now in addition to the other chickens. Darn, those things grow QUICKLY! I'm used to the classics. Dominiques, RIR, that sort of thing.
: Angelique
I wanna raise some meat birds as soon as I move!!

I also was thinking about starting to do the pickling thing too. I went to a place in Oklahoma that had a pickle bar.

I couldn't believe all the flavors. I got a couple slices of each like 10 kinds and since then I have been wanting to make some.

Are you planning on eating 30 or selling/giving some? Do red broilers reproduce if you let a couple grow old enough? Are you going to process them yourself? How old will they be when they get processed?

Thanks for posting BTW! Whats the drive time from Boyd to Arlington?
I was thinking about selling/giving some. I probably could use 30 birds but would need to get another dedicated freezer for that many birds at once. I can always raise more if I need to do so. Red broilers supposedly don't lay well but will reproduce if you let a couple get old enough. I plan to take them to be processed. They will be processed when they weigh between 8-10 pounds. Supposedly they get to 6 pounds in 7 weeks. The drive time from Boyd to Arlington is about an hour and 15 minutes unless you go during rush hour or have construction. Then it's much longer.
: Angelique

I'm in Fort Worth myself.
I only do Silkies right now. I guess I'm sort of specializing in Lavenders for now.
I'd love to get into buffs, but can't seem to find a buff boy that I don't have to have
shipped. I want to show at some point, but who knows. Because of Ft. Worth codes,
I can only have 12 birds at a time, so I don't tend to sell many started birds unless they
are cockerels.

I try to do some gardening, but so far don't have much luck with anything except
green peppers. I've looked at trying to can, make soap, and quilt. But I'm kind of
a cheap skate and the beginning investment on soap making kind of scared me.
Quilting and canning just take so much time, I'm not sure I'll get to them.

From what I understand, because of the NPIP/TPIP rules in Texas, we can't have an
actual swap meet type thing. We can have get togethers but not exchanging birds.
Unless we take pictures of the birds to the meet and make private swaps using those.
I'd still love to meet more people from the area!

At some point in the future, we are looking at moving to a farm in Missouri so I can raise
more Silkies, start on some buffalo, and maybe some dual purpose birds too.
The NPIP and TPIP rule that we can not buy/sell/trade without having our flocks tested and certified to bring for sellers/traders.

That is something everyone should know... I am looking into the process of getting it done myself as soon as I move so that I can hold an event.

You don't have to be NPIP for selling honey though.. or soap.. or the other home maker projects. Also I understand it is a pretty easy process to get certified.

How many of you are NPIP?
Why not look into getting NPIP? It sounds easy enough, they come out test your birds, if they test ok then your in. It doesn't cost much they way I understand it.
I started canning last year and I love it. And I am starting on a rag quilt today, you have to start somewhere right?

I sell chicken, duck and quail eggs for eating. And quail and some breeds of chicken eggs to hatch.

We butchered 25 meat birds last year and just ate the last one and I am getting some more at the end of this month. I have meat ducks growing right now, and I am going to get some turkey's to butcher.

I dabble in allot of things, I wont say I am real good at anything, we do have goats, but they are Boers so they are normally sold as meat.

Due to heath reasons I can't be outside once the ozone goes up a little so that rules out any big garden but I have a little one started.

And I have all kind's of birds, they are like Lay's potato chips, you cant have just one...

MW Turkey's
Black Australorps
Silkies, Faverolles,
Pheasants and quail

I am wanting to try the soap thing, but I am all for trading this for that. Jelly or jam for somebody's bread or soap. It would be fun.


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