Meet the girls!


Free Flying
Jan 21, 2018
North Notts, UK
My Coop
My Coop
I just made a quick video so you could meet my girls!
I have 1x Warren called jemima
3 x bluebells, Bella, blue & Bonnie
1 x light Sussex, pippin dipper
2 x cuckoo marans, lottiepops & Mabel
2 x brahma, betty & boo
2 x Araucana, Snowball & omlet
4 x white star, ivy, mathilde, pickle & peanut
And I have 6 ex battery rescue hens
Dinky, hope, loona, chocolat, flora & rosie. I hope you like them. They bring so much happiness to me and my family.:)
Thankyou. I want to get another two light brahmas this year and maybe another arucana(or two!). I need to replace the coop first. Loads to do!
They all look super happy! I especially want to squeeze the battery rescues ❤ And you for rescuing them. :D

Are they going to be separated from the flock for much longer?
Thank you! They are very dear hens to me. I didn't get these for eggs. I hated seeing how they are kept. All I want is for them to be happy. It does make me quite emotional. I'm a great supporter of BHWT and they are doing a marvellous job. I tried to see how they got on end of last year in the garden. There were OK for about 10 minutes then realised they were all together. It was carnage!! It's they only problem with rescues they are lovely, they follow you everywhere, you can pick any of them up and pet them, they have more character and are the sweetest hens but they are difficult to integrate. When the weather gets better I will try again but I'm limited for space. It may be a bit of a process but I hope to get there eventually! :)

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