Meet Thor, Jr. "TJ" (dark brahma over light)


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
This is my boy, TJ. His daddy is my wonderful, but sadly failing roo Thor. His mama is one of my light brahma hens, I suspect Chloe.

TJ is every bit as sweet as his daddy and I suspect he will be larger than Thor when grown. TJ is just 3 months old (13 wks.) in these pics.

Here TJ is with Dad; pardon Thor's looks, as I said he is in failing health:



Big boy:


So sweet too:

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Thanks y'all. I had hoped to get a dark over dark brahma chick out of Thor before he passes away, but it is not to be. The only dark brahma chick that has hatched we had to cull because he was so large he had trouble hatching and had neurological issues.

TJ is a doll baby though and I am very pleased with him.

This is Thor before his health started failing:

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They're both handsome boys, so alike but so different! I know it's terribly sad to let Thor go, but Grits, this comes under the heading of quality of life, and TJ is almost ready to make his pop proud. Do the right thing and remember that the line continues straight ahead unless we choose to bend it.
and so proud of Thor, he throws good chicks!
Ranchy, you just made me cry! Not five minutes ago I had this exact same discussion with Keith, AGAIN! The thing is, we have decided that the best way is for Keith to shot him. Don't want to turn my own happy thread into a debate, but Keith is a farm boy. He has culled animals in every way possible when necessary. He knows what is best. You know enough about my husband to know he is an excellent marksman. Thor will not suffer one bit. The same can not be said if I were to do it. Yet Keith is very reluctant. He won't exactly come right out and say it, but he loves Thor too. I'm working on him.

And you are right. I have one beautiful rooster out of Thor and I believe one beautiful hen; "Betsy" so far not showing any signs of being a roo.
Those are some gorgeous roos you have there. They are so lucky to have ended up with a "mommy" like you. I know letting Thor go will be very hard an you but you have given him a great life. A part of him will live on through TJ.
Breathtaking roos! So sorry about your tough decision- you are doing the right thing by not letting him suffer. You will always have a part of him through TJ and Betsy. *sigh* Sending positive energy your way.....

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