Meet Thor, Jr. "TJ" (dark brahma over light)

WRONG THREAD! Thor is purdy though!
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Oh really? Ever had a yard full of cows? 150+ head

I've not had that pleasure as of yet.

On their way, 48 leading the charge. Might want to temporarily evacuate, at least until they figure out where the brakes are.
We have a fence all the way around the yard. There are...let me count here....5 gates, including the double gate to drive the cars in. You MUST park the vehicles in the yard. Cows like to lick cars, or worse. Especially the windows. Once a cow ate the antenna off of DH's patrol unit. Explain THAT to the chief of police, but nevermind. The C.O.P. once destroyed his unit by dropping a round bale of hay on it, small town police force, these things happens. But I digress...

Each of the yard gates has not only a latch on it, but a chain with a large metal loop on it to slip over the top of the gate. Wanna know why Taz? Cuz a cow will lick the latch and lick the latch and lick it some more, until they lick it open, then they'll walk right in....

We came home one evening after being gone all day and I found a large, very large pile of cow poo in the middle of the backyard. I know it was cow poo. There's nothing else quite like cow poo. Problem was, all the gates were latched and had the loops dropped over the gates. That pile and the missing coop door will haunt me till my dying day.

To get back OT - TJ has taken to following me everywhere. I know what he wants - treats - but it's a bit disconcerting. I don't like being followed. Yesterday I scooped him up on my way to the brahma coop and set him down inside. It's going to be his future home. He ran out screaming. Ran back to his "home". How I am going to convince him that the brahma coop is his new home and all those hens are his, I'll never know.
It's just when I think of how big he's gonna be. He best take after his daddy....that's all I've got to say about it.
You are preaching to the choir (wow...never thought I would use that saying). I am the one that had to chase our bull with the feed bucket down the street at least once a week. Then I had to run home as fast as could once he saw I had the bucket.
I've posted before about what happens when you try to give bull a bath.

I hate cows!
I hate cows!

I'm with you and Gritty.

Have you ever noticed that there are millions of cows in the world and millions of missing people.

coincidence??? I think not.

Caught in the act?
I'm with you and Gritty.

Have you ever noticed that there are millions of cows in the world and millions of missing people.

coincidence??? I think not.

Caught in the act?

Imp, I love you to death. You know I do. Sometimes though, you really REALLY worry me.

Run, Imp, RUN!

You sure don't want the Eeyore jammies catching up with you........ she's got more CAPERS!

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