Memphis,TN-Silkies chicks need homes :)


12 Years
Apr 7, 2007
Memphis, TN
Hi, I'm looking for good sweet homes for some of my Silkies chicks in the Memphis/Mid South area. I have all colors and they are all sweet and friendly. I just have too many and can't keep them all. I want to make sure they go to homes with chicken lovers as they are such friendly fuzz ball pets. If you are interested, please email me at: [email protected]
Some of them I can tell male from females and some I can not still. I also have Cuckoo/Polish silkies. Please please help me find good homes. Julie:jumpy
They are about 5 weeks old,,,some a little younger. I also have 8 silkies that are 1 week old. Some of my chickens are from show quality parents and some are not.
[email protected]
Hey Julie , May be interested in taking a couple off your hands. What part of memphis you located in?? I work in the Memphis area, so would need to schedule a time and location to check them out. Not looking for show quality, but would make nice addition to the Pharm ,Thanks ,Roger
Hey Roger, I live in Bartlett with is North Memphis. I will be glad to meet you somewhere if you'd like. Not sure what area of town you work in. Just let me know how many and what colors you would like. I just want them to go to chicken lovers homes and people who take extra good care of them. They are sweet babies and yes,,,I'm crazy for them. Julie
Thanks, I'll send you my cell # through your e-mail. I work all over memphis and beyond (Contractor). I'd like 2 for my teen to raise. She helps with our other flock (75+) and wanted to get her some silkies(she really likes them when we go see a friend with some) as a surprise. Thanks and I'll e-mail you with my info.
Oh WONDERFUL! The PERFECT home! I also have a teen daughter who loves my chickens. She will LOVE these silkies! Let me know what colors she'd like and are you sure you don't want more than 2?????!!!!!! That's just the kind of home I want for them!
Email me!
I was just wondering if you still had any silkies left. I recently lost one of the two I had and my other is getting very lonely. Please let me know.
Julie is on vacation in FL this week. Just wanted to let you know so you did not think she was ignoring you. I am egg sitting for her while she is gone. I don't think she has any more chicks right now but not positive. She may if all these eggs hatch, ha ha. Anyway, just wanted to let you know she may not be checking BYC while on vacate!!!


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