Men and laundry


Poultry Crank
12 Years
Feb 4, 2007
Leesville, SC
One day I decided to do something "sensitive and caring" and tried my hand at a bit of laundry. I selected my favorite sweatshirt for the experiment, the one Lori calls, "grody."

Shortly after I stepped into the laundry nook, I shouted to Lori, 'Hey, hon, what setting do I use on the washing machine?'
'It depends,' she responded. 'What does it say on your shirt?'
I yelled back, 'Minnesota Vikings, of course. What does that have to do with it?'

And they say blondes are dumb...
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elderoo I hope this makes you feel better by me telling you this but my boyfriend doesn't do laundry to well either. He tired to help me around the appartment on my birthday and he flooded the laundry room with soap.
you're not alone!!

My husband helps with the laundry and such, which is nice since he wont do much animal wise unless i am near deaths door. But I LOVE doing laundry. I worked at a laundry mat through most of high school and college. Then married a Marine. So I am big on "properly" folded clothes.
My boyfriend is going into the Marines. He leaves for basic training August 23rd. It kind of scares me.

Rhett&SarahsMom :


My husband helps with the laundry and such, which is nice since he wont do much animal wise unless i am near deaths door. But I LOVE doing laundry. I worked at a laundry mat through most of high school and college. Then married a Marine. So I am big on "properly" folded clothes.​
Lol that was funny
I can actually see my kids saying that more than my husband. He is much better at laundry than I am, I just can't get him to do it
* When I went to the folks house for vacation, I spent almost a week in their basement doing laundry. What with both folks being total clothes horses and running a resturant, Mom sometimes gets behind. STILL can't figure out why my step-dad has 2O+ pairs of khaki pants though!!!!! What's up with that????

Im the only one that does the laundry, can not trust hubby with the washer or he would take it apart to see if it would run any better than last!

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