Merging two flocks - looking for tips


7 Years
Jun 25, 2012
I have two small flocks I'm working towards merging together. The older flock has 6 hens, not quite laying age (about 19 weeks right now) and one very sweet rooster, a blrw. The younger flock has one blue cochin rooster (about 10 weeks old and definitely the boss) and 4 hens, about 12-14 weeks right now. The younger group is still a little bit smaller in size, but catching up. I think they could hold their own in a squabble. I put their tractor coop in near the big coop where the bigger chickens are living. How long should I let them look but not touch? There have only been a few pecks through the chicken wire so far. They seem pretty peaceful with the divider. I am tempted to see how they would free range together. Could I do that soon? And how long before I attempt to put them together in the big coop? I was thinking a good month still, but I could be way off. I've never done this before!
I've heard to wait until they are all about the same age before putting them all together. I have gone about a week with just looking. I know a good way for them to be accepted is to wait until night time and put them all in the same sleeping area, you know when they all go into that sleep trance thing. I would put them all in the same sleeping area and then monitor the next day because the pecking order is going to have to be redone when they are merged. All of the chickens,even the ones that were together are going to start pecking each other in order to establish a new dominance. I would just watch them to make sure they don't get too aggressive and start plucking out feathers or anything.
I had read that too.... do you know what age they typically catch up in size? I was told about 10 weeks by one person. And like I said, they're close right now. Just wondering how much longer I should wait.
I would try the look but not touch thing for a bit and see when they start chilling out when they see each other. I've added I want to say maybe 2 month old chicks in with my older ones and it was okay as long as they can hold their own.
I would be careful, you have two roosters, merging/adding to roosters together is very hard and they will hurt each other, and the other careful.
General rule of thumb for adding younger birds is wait til at least 15 weeks old, they are pretty much as tall as they will get at that point. The roosters being that close in age may have some serious fights until dominance is established. Good luck
They may be close enough in size now. I've often read recommendations to do the "look but not touch" thing for a month. If it's already set up, you could give it a little more time. if they are near the same height and don't seem like they want to get at each other through the fence now, it may go just fine.

They may get a little taller for another 4 weeks or so, and fill out after that, reaching adult weight and bulk around one year as an average. It does vary with breed.

There's really no predicting how it will go, other than that they will have to find their new pecking order. During free ranging and at night are in my mind two different approaches to mixing them. If they free range all day without a real problem, there's no reason they can't share a coop that night. Or, you could let them choose where they sleep, if your setup will allow it. Often people set up a second feeder and waterer to minimize squabbles, and having hiding places available is a good idea, too, if you can manage it.

Good luck!
Thanks! I actually decided about 20 minutes or so before they usually turn in for the night, that I would go out and let them snack on some scratch together. It went really well! Hardly any pecking at all, which was great. And at about 7:00 on the dot, they all went to their respective sleeping places and that was that! :D

So... I think I may continue that for the rest of this week. I work during the day so I keep them in their runs anyway. If they can mingle for just short periods at night like they just did, maybe this weekend they can be in the same coop! Although giving them the choice seems to be working out well right now.... Watching them part ways and go to their own beds was just about the cutest thing to watch. ;)

As for the roosters, they didn't seem to have an issue either. The younger one is actually the youngest of the whole group.... so he's quite a bit smaller than my big roo. I'm sure that helped, as did the scratch as a distraction and the fact that it was almost bedtime.... Plus they are both fairly friendly, docile breeds anyway. I'm hopeful that there won't be any big problems between them. Will 5 hens apiece be enough for them, do you think? Time will tell I guess, but I'm hopeful for now!

Would love some tips about keeping two roosters in one coop, as I'm not sure the tractor (it's the Catawba style) will be a suitable shelter during the cold NH winter coming up....

Thanks for all the great input so far. Very helpful as always!
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You could also put the larger birds in with smaller singly at 1 day intervals. Work down pecking order using cockerel from elder batch first. He should quickly secure highest rank in tractor but have too many targets to do real harm. If not problems after 30 minutes, then repeat following day. New dominant will suppress aggression by past flockmates as he asserts his dominance over subsequent introduced birds.

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