Met fellow BYCer "Quailzilla"!!!!


10 Years
Feb 12, 2009
Western North Carolina
Through BYC and PM's I met Quailzilla and she gave me a baby silkie to replace my little Izzy I lost a month or so ago to a hawk attack. Quailzilla was so nice and you should have seen her brooder. She had an extremely nice setup for her little silkies. Spoiled, spoiled, spoiled!!!! So thanks again Quailzilla for your kindness and I hope so see you again and I will bring you some eggs!!!!
Awwww. Thanks Quailzilla for making Chickensioux so happy. She was so sad to lose her little silkie. Izzy Pumpkinface is a cutey. And Chickensioux really bragged on your brooder. Made me a little jealous.
Eeep! *blush*

It's nice meeting someone from 'the chicken channel' ;cP
Now, for pictures!


"Penpen" by herself...


Yeti, Tumtum, and "Penpen"


The three going through monkey-head stage.


My brooder/coop. I wanna take this outside next spring and weather-proof it and and a real run.
OH NO! Baby Izzy Pumpkinface (PenPen) was so cute as a baby!!!! I love it. Thanks Quailzilla for posting those pics of her. She is doing fine although she can't be with my ZuZu. ZuZu is mean to her, so right now she is by herself in the house in my brooder in the den. So far so good. She has all the food and space to herself and appears to be happy. No fussing.
I just KNEW Penpen was Baby Izzy Pumpkinface as soon as I saw her. Wow!!

That IS an impressive brooder. Might I ask where the little house came from?? That's a GREAT idea!!

Chickensioux, maybe you can introduce ZuZu a little bit at a time. Maybe let them free range together in the house or something. I just want it to work out so badly for you. Good luck!!

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