Mexican Chickens?

I always get a kick out of the question:
Can I feed my chickens xxxxxx?

I have fed chickens danged near anything that can, would or ever had been considered remotely edible. Never had one get sick or choke or break out in hives. Beans, peas, corn, all the stuff that if you read right here on byc, some one will tell you it's bad-- poisonous-- toxic-- unhealthy. You guys need to hang with the chickens, watch what they pick up, and swallow.

Right now I have a crew of 10, 16 week old barred rock pullets. Without a doubt this is the wildest bunch of beast I have ever raised. If I were to fall down in the run, and not get up, they'd be pecking my eyeballs out inside of 10 minutes.

Several years ago I had a bunch free ranging, something about the color I was painting the house, maybe the smell, but any how Lord only knows how much latex paint they drank. I did find out that latex paint will pass through a chicken virtually unchanged. So the paint must be durable too!
I love my barred rocks. They eat everything - paint off the house (their favorite), moldy bread, rotting vegetables... people say not to give them spoiled food, but just try keeping them out of a compost heap!!!
I love my barred rocks. They eat everything - paint off the house (their favorite), moldy bread, rotting vegetables... people say not to give them spoiled food, but just try keeping them out of a compost heap!!!

IMHO all this just goes to show why chickens are so wonderful and useful... If you're going to domesticate an animal, nothing is handier than an animal that effectively thrives on eating your garbage! Dogs and hogs, same idea... There's definitely a pattern here.
Question, can you feed chickens soft corn tortillias? I has left over soft taco shells and did't want to throw them away.
I just gave my chickens tortillas for the first time yesterday. I believe that is their new favorite. I think they like that better than their afternoon frozen fruit bowls!

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