Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

My little Blue Ameraucana, 7 weeks old.
How cute!!!!! They're on my list for next time (which is over a year away) so maybe I can get a blue egg!!

In my experience, that call is used to alarm the flock and make sure they are aware of potential danger. When my birds have had hawks fly low over their pen, for example, they have been silent save for a few clucks as they ran for their lives for cover! The alarm call is more of a warning to be on guard. This is one reason why it is speculated that they make he same call when coming out of the nest. It is believed that this is to get the flock looking, to make sure that as the hen is leaving the nest, there is nothing possibly sneaking up on her or her flock. This is all speculation, of course, but seems plausible when you consider how the same call is used otherwise.

I have had hens squat for more dominant hens, but have never had a cockerel squat for a hen. That's not to say it can't happen, of course, but it would be unusual. The squat, again, is one of those things that people connect to one thing (mating behavior in chickens) but is actually another thing, and that is a sign of submission. That's why some hens will squat for other hens, especially in flocks that don't have a rooster to be the top bird. Roosters tend to be too proud to squat for one another and prefer to flee rather than show submission, but I have heard of it happening. So yes, we still don't know.
Give her another month or two and hopefully she'll stay a she.
Great explanation. As far as the squatting goes, I was equating it to dogs and submission. My male dog will submit to any dog he comes across so I wasn't sure if a cockerel that hasn't come into his own would submit to a hen higher in the pecking order. We'll see!! Thanks for the info... I love learning everything chicken.
@NotableNancy ok, my turn! I got ZERO eggs yesterday. Between brooding and molting, I'm eggless. Just hoping complaining will turn things around.

I'm planning on trying to break the broody in two more weeks once the little ones are let out to integrate. I refuse to buy eggs!
Right now I just have 2 really big jars but that should work because I use the first jar after day 4 and then use it for the next 3 days or so since there's so much in there. Then the 2nd jar is ready and do the same thing. We'll se how it goes. Right now I just sprout wheat berries maybe also called hard winter wheat? My girls like the BOSS better just plain rather than sprouted so I don't do that anymore. I'm going to go to Whole Foods and see what else they have to sprout. I just don't have a place around with large quantities of products to sprout so I can't really get this stuff to cheaply.

What are you doing to your kitchen? Are you 'put out' of the kitchen or are you able to work around it? And most importantly any more sonograms???
Congrats on the new layer. That is a cute little egg. So the sonogram is over 99% sure it is a little girl. I guessed boy, but I really don't think I lost since I get a granddaughter soon. Our daughter in law who has always been thin has finally gained 3 pounds and is not has nauseous anymore, so things are going well. My oldest brother has 4-5 grandsons ( I say 4 to 5 since his son is getting married next month and his soon to be wife already has a son). So this baby will be the first Great Grand Daughter in my side of the family, so my mom is happy about that.

So back to chickens. My girls are doing well. They've been without the regular water source for over a week now. I think that I do need to raise the nipple system a little since they seem to drip a lot when drinking.

Oh yeah, with our kitchen remodel. We still have the sink and stove hooked up, so we are sort of functional. All of or other kitchen stuff is scatter between the dining area, garage and living room, so it is pretty hectic around here. The cabinets are ordered and should be here in less then 2 weeks. I have taken time off work to finish the walls and ceiling. My husband has been cutting and putting up the drywall and then I do the spackling, priming and painting. This project is bigger then I expected. One of these days I'll post pictures. Our house was built in 1963, so it was time to redo the kitchen.

My little Blue Ameraucana, 7 weeks old.
Adorable!!! I so want one!!!

In my experience, that call is used to alarm the flock and make sure they are aware of potential danger. When my birds have had hawks fly low over their pen, for example, they have been silent save for a few clucks as they ran for their lives for cover! The alarm call is more of a warning to be on guard. This is one reason why it is speculated that they make he same call when coming out of the nest. It is believed that this is to get the flock looking, to make sure that as the hen is leaving the nest, there is nothing possibly sneaking up on her or her flock. This is all speculation, of course, but seems plausible when you consider how the same call is used otherwise.

I have had hens squat for more dominant hens, but have never had a cockerel squat for a hen. That's not to say it can't happen, of course, but it would be unusual. The squat, again, is one of those things that people connect to one thing (mating behavior in chickens) but is actually another thing, and that is a sign of submission. That's why some hens will squat for other hens, especially in flocks that don't have a rooster to be the top bird. Roosters tend to be too proud to squat for one another and prefer to flee rather than show submission, but I have heard of it happening. So yes, we still don't know.
Give her another month or two and hopefully she'll stay a she.
That makes a lot of sense!
@NotableNancy ok, my turn! I got ZERO eggs yesterday. Between brooding and molting, I'm eggless. Just hoping complaining will turn things around.

I'm planning on trying to break the broody in two more weeks once the little ones are let out to integrate. I refuse to buy eggs!
Haha. Complain away!! I'm always a bit surprised to hear of chickens going broody this time of year because of the cold weather coming.

Congrats on the new layer. That is a cute little egg. So the sonogram is over 99% sure it is a little girl. I guessed boy, but I really don't think I lost since I get a granddaughter soon. Our daughter in law who has always been thin has finally gained 3 pounds and is not has nauseous anymore, so things are going well. My oldest brother has 4-5 grandsons ( I say 4 to 5 since his son is getting married next month and his soon to be wife already has a son). So this baby will be the first Great Grand Daughter in my side of the family, so my mom is happy about that.

So back to chickens. My girls are doing well. They've been without the regular water source for over a week now. I think that I do need to raise the nipple system a little since they seem to drip a lot when drinking.

Oh yeah, with our kitchen remodel. We still have the sink and stove hooked up, so we are sort of functional. All of or other kitchen stuff is scatter between the dining area, garage and living room, so it is pretty hectic around here. The cabinets are ordered and should be here in less then 2 weeks. I have taken time off work to finish the walls and ceiling. My husband has been cutting and putting up the drywall and then I do the spackling, priming and painting. This project is bigger then I expected. One of these days I'll post pictures. Our house was built in 1963, so it was time to redo the kitchen.
Awww, congratulations on the the granddaughter and glad to hear the DIL is feeling better! I had no morning sickness with my 2 boys but I did get food aversions. The thought of eating chicken in my first trimester completely grossed me out!!
I hope you have before pics of the kitchen too... I love seeing remodels. Coops, kitchens what ever! And I'm impressed you spackle! I really want to build a 3 sided box with chicken wire sides so the chicks can come out of their run into the big run whenever they want. I think it would make integration so much smoother. Now they can only do it when I'm out there to throw a make shift set up together for them and so that's only for an hour a day or so. I'm hoping to tackle it this weekend. Seems so easy but I don't even know if I should use screws or hammer and nails LOL. My DH has been so busy with work I'm hoping to pick his brain Sat or Sun and make it.
How cute!!!!! They're on my list for next time (which is over a year away) so maybe I can get a blue egg!!

Great explanation. As far as the squatting goes, I was equating it to dogs and submission. My male dog will submit to any dog he comes across so I wasn't sure if a cockerel that hasn't come into his own would submit to a hen higher in the pecking order. We'll see!! Thanks for the info... I love learning everything chicken.
Me too!

So, everyday brings change, especially with 6 week old baby swedes and on this clear beautiful Fall day I think it's become quite clear I HAVE FOUR OUT OF FIVE baby boys!!!!!!! Weigh in for me here guys. Out of 8 SFH eggs I've hatched I think the score is 6-2 with the boys beatin me up! Love them all but we have decisions comin.
So, everyday brings change, especially with 6 week old baby swedes and on this clear beautiful Fall day I think it's become quite clear I HAVE FOUR OUT OF FIVE baby boys!!!!!!! Weigh in for me here guys. Out of 8 SFH eggs I've hatched I think the score is 6-2 with the boys beatin me up! Love them all but we have decisions comin.
So, everyday brings change, especially with 6 week old baby swedes and on this clear beautiful Fall day I think it's become quite clear I HAVE FOUR OUT OF FIVE baby boys!!!!!!! Weigh in for me here guys. Out of 8 SFH eggs I've hatched I think the score is 6-2 with the boys beatin me up! Love them all but we have decisions comin.
Did you mean to post pics? ;)
So, everyday brings change, especially with 6 week old baby swedes and on this clear beautiful Fall day I think it's become quite clear I HAVE FOUR OUT OF FIVE baby boys!!!!!!! Weigh in for me here guys. Out of 8 SFH eggs I've hatched I think the score is 6-2 with the boys beatin me up! Love them all but we have decisions comin.

Aggg. So sorry, yes! This was meant for the SFH thread. Sorry !

I will instead post a picture of one of my beautiful Meyer Silver Grey Dorking baby at 9 weeks.

Yes, roosters can and do sing the egg song. The egg song, out of the nest, is actually a warning call which both sexes use when panicked. Still, roosters don't typically squat, so that's a good sign!

I plan to try sprouting this year as well. In past years, I have gotten veggies for the girls to peck at during the wintertime and they do seem to enjoy it. I think either way would be fine, not sure which the girls would prefer. Maybe a little of both for variety?
P.S. I love that picture of Morgaine, Autumnhearth!
Judging by that comb, she couldn't be too far off of laying, so maybe soon?
My girls will be 5 months at the middle of the month, so nowhere near eggs from them, I don't think. One of my Dorkings and my Welsummer are both looking like they are starting to get ready for laying, though!

Agreed about the egg song. I heard it when my girls were on alert, long before they started laying. Thank you, I sure hope so, she's had a nice red comb and wattles for over a month. This afternoon Baby went into the coop making the same noises Clara does before laying, nothing yet though. Very exciting!

Love her!

My little Blue Ameraucana, 7 weeks old.


In my experience, that call is used to alarm the flock and make sure they are aware of potential danger. When my birds have had hawks fly low over their pen, for example, they have been silent save for a few clucks as they ran for their lives for cover! The alarm call is more of a warning to be on guard. This is one reason why it is speculated that they make he same call when coming out of the nest. It is believed that this is to get the flock looking, to make sure that as the hen is leaving the nest, there is nothing possibly sneaking up on her or her flock. This is all speculation, of course, but seems plausible when you consider how the same call is used otherwise.
Still not much of a comb or wattles and she/he is almost a full 6 months old. But I always remember the breeder I got my CCL from and she also breeds Silkies. She showed an 8 month old pulled and won first place then SHE crowed 3 days later. So not only could the breeder not tell its sex but even the judges couldn't tell!! I'm just gonna hang in there and see. Patty/Pat is so tiny it's like she's not even there. That's great you get an egg a day from a Silkie. Never heard that before. Are they really small?

Grr it's not letting me quote about your eggs or the pics. But that's funny about the misexed Silkies fooling judges! Congrats on the little pointy white egg! It almost looks pear shaped in the first pic! I had meant to ask to see pics of all your colored eggs. If its any consolation they all look more blue than green, except for one on the top left. I know pics can be deceiving though. Clara's egg sometimes looks more blue or more green in pics depending on the light and the background color. I can tell which two are laid by your hens but of the pullet eggs do you know which two are from the CCLs in the pic and which are from the EEs? Just curious.

Here are a few pics from this morning as I only had one of Morgaine from their 6 month hatchiversary

Beggars at the gate thinking I have treats. Amelia the Golden Buff and Victoria the Dorking

Baby bathing in the garden

And Victoria up in a tree! She jumped from the ground onto my shoulder while I was standing straight up. I walked around with her a bit and then she decided the tree branch looked nice.
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