Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??


I got some pictures of our flock onto my computer and off of my phone finally. All but one of them are from My Pet Chicken, which I understand is actually Meyer Hatchery stock - so technically they are Meyer chickens.

Minerva our speckled sussex

Lilly the Buff Orp

Tuney our BS Marans

Minerva and Lilly

Olive an EE


Carol with my Daughter

Carol a RSL

Barbra a BR


Carol and Barbra are spring 2011 chicks and are part of our original three (our third is Adele an EE who came from a local "breeder"). Minerva, Olive, Lilly, and Tuney are all spring 2012 chicks.

If you want to see more there are almost 100 pictures on our facebook page
How much of a sweetie is your blue splash Marans, Kaugomu? Frou-frou, my blue splash Marans from Meyer, is about the sweetest bird alive! :love Just wondering if she's normal for them--I might have to get more if so! :D
How much of a sweetie is your blue splash Marans, Kaugomu? Frou-frou, my blue splash Marans from Meyer, is about the sweetest bird alive!
Just wondering if she's normal for them--I might have to get more if so!
Sadly she is so sweet that she's on the bottom of the peking order which makes her nervous and skittish. I love her to death, so soft and pretty, but the other girls bully her. Does Frou-frou have clean feet or feathered? Tuney is feather footed and the other girls will go so far as to peck at the feathers on her feet. I feel bad for her sometimes, but someone has to be on the bottom I guess.
Aw, poor girl! Yes, Frou-frou has feathered feet, but no one really messes with them except her (it's funny, it's like every once in a while she notices them and is like, 'when did these get here?' ). She is low on the pecking order, too, but she doesn't really get bullied. I have a pretty big flock, though, which may be why. :/
Our RSL is a bully and the queen chicken. I've thought a few times about removing her from the flock to see if that would help with the harassment some of the other girls get. I am hoping that the addition of 15 other chicks by the start of the 2014 will switch things up enough that some of the drama will settle a bit. Our new order includes more Marans and some other white birds, so hopefully there will be less "segregation" as right now Tuney is the only feather footed girl and the only one light colored.
Hey all, been busy here lately and haven't been able to post. But today was my day off so the girls got to have their first outside adventure. Needless to say they were super happy....flappin their wings, jumping every where, and first time dust baths. The silver laced cochin was kinda sleepy so she slept in my hoodie pocket most of the time.

So here is a comparison shot of the feathers of the one of the golden buffs (all the other buffs look like this) and the mystery meal maker.

close up of the golden buff

golden buff

close up of the mystery meal maker she seems to have a bit of lacing and dual tones happening

meal maker
The Howards, I would assume your Meal Maker is a red sexlink at this point. :) Lots of eggs in your future!

:celebrate 9 days to go for me! Can't wait to see those chickies! :D
Well, sad update from me. One of our chicks died - one of the yellow ones :( Just this morning, so of course we are *just* outside Meyer's 24-hr garuntee :( Hopefully the others survive OK... It didn't look quite as good as the others, and yesterday seemed really slow and this morning its dead :(
Well, sad update from me. One of our chicks died - one of the yellow ones :( Just this morning, so of course we are *just* outside Meyer's 24-hr garuntee :( Hopefully the others survive OK... It didn't look quite as good as the others, and yesterday seemed really slow and this morning its dead :(
Oh, so sorry
Their guarantee is for the first 3 days, I thought?

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