Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

Right now we have 2 polish(silver&gold) 1 sultan 1 Campine 1 EE 2 Cochins (partridge&frizzle) & 3 ducks ( welsh, Swedish, Cayuga) ordered and I'm trying to talk my hubby into letting me add a BO. All females ex the frizzle. They are all for the aug 5 order, still 2 months to go..
Does Meyer have like a secret page of chickens on there? I've been on that site a lot looking at all the chickens and when I did a search last night it came up with 2 chicks I've never seen on there then I hit a wrong button and came across 2 more I've never seen. They are nowhere in any of the chick sections. Am I missing something
BO, BR, BA, and EE

I think our BR will be the first but who knows. We don't have any song practicing going on yet that I've seen/heard.
I think my BR will lay before my EE and BO. My BO has hardly any comb and wattle development and no red at all and I think I read somewhere that they lay later then others too.
What did you order and when are they coming?

I think BA's lay pretty early too right??
Someone on our thread said their CW was a late bloomer/featherer and was the first to lay... am I remembering that right?
I guess you just never know and when it happens it happens. But it sure will be exciting
I did post on another thread to get advice about when they would lay and one of the OT's did say that she thought our CW would lay first. I looked at her today and her wattles are getting pretty big and she is really red. So I think the race will be between the CW and the RIR's. After that the SLW and the BR's. Of course, it is a lot easier to tell on ones with the single combs, I am not sure what a mature rose or pea comb should look like. I still have my Dominque, EE's, White Rock, BO and BC to see who will lay when. It is a race to the finish!!
Does Meyer have like a secret page of chickens on there? I've been on that site a lot looking at all the chickens and when I did a search last night it came up with 2 chicks I've never seen on there then I hit a wrong button and came across 2 more I've never seen. They are nowhere in any of the chick sections. Am I missing something
I don't know, but if you find out they do let all of us know. That'd be really cool!
My Meyer babies at 4 weeks old:

Marama the Egyptian Fayoumi:


Roha the Exchequer Leghorn:


Tiwhiri the light brown Leghorn:


Hika Ma the Easter-egger bantam:


Huka the silver Lakenvelder:


Ihi the golden Campine:


Po baby the black frizzle Cochin bantam (who did not inherit the frizzle gene) :


And my little buddy, Rangi the Ancona:


Right now we have 2 polish(silver&gold) 1 sultan 1 Campine 1 EE 2 Cochins (partridge&frizzle) & 3 ducks ( welsh, Swedish, Cayuga) ordered and I'm trying to talk my hubby into letting me add a BO. All females ex the frizzle. They are all for the aug 5 order, still 2 months to go..
Great assortment. Time will just fly by and it will be here before you know it!

Does Meyer have like a secret page of chickens on there? I've been on that site a lot looking at all the chickens and when I did a search last night it came up with 2 chicks I've never seen on there then I hit a wrong button and came across 2 more I've never seen. They are nowhere in any of the chick sections. Am I missing something
Maybe you can call them tomorrow and ask about their secret page? Keep us posted.

My Meyer babies at 4 weeks old

Hika Ma the Easter-egger bantam:

So cute... and I can't believe they are 4 weeks old already!! How time flies :)

I found 2 more local possibilities that may take my roo! There are more chicken people around me than I knew so hopefully someone wants him.
Pip: they are growing fast! Your Tiwhiri looks identical to my brown leghorn.

Nancy - Well ending up with a rooster has forced you to find other chicken people in your area, so maybe some good will come out of this with new connections to people with the same interests as you.

I think I have all hens now, except maybe my golden laced polish. I go back and forth with her. She does not really act like a rooster, but her feathering makes me wonder.

And,,,,no eggs yet

I kind of have a feeling once all this rain stops and we finally have some nice hot days in a row that I'll find an egg.
I just got the ok from my hubby to get the chickens I want from Meyer! As soon as he said that my eyes got huge and he knew he was in trouble lol now only if he would have told me that a few months ago when everything I wanted was available.

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