Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

What sex is the dorking & what else are you getting? I think I found someone down the street from where I work with BLRWs and he may have some for sale! Thank you very much for the offer, I will let you know what happens. How is the wheaten doing?

The Dorking will be female. I also ordered a Spitzhauben that I have been trying to get for 6 months. Also a White Sultan to replace the one that died after a day. I have another order for a buff polish and gold laced Wyandotte, but I may cancel that one.

Wheaten has perked up. Still not out of the woods but better.
The Dorking will be female. I also ordered a Spitzhauben that I have been trying to get for 6 months. Also a White Sultan to replace the one that died after a day. I have another order for a buff polish and gold laced Wyandotte, but I may cancel that one.

Wheaten has perked up. Still not out of the woods but better.

That's good! I hope she makes it. When did you order the dorking? I have a sultan in my order. Also had a buff polish but switched it for a Campine. Your date aug 5th also?
Lol we have plenty of white. Now black is a dif story only black we will have is the frizzle we ordered and the lacing on a few other birds. 2 of my 3 ducks are darker so it evens out. How are the polish doing? I'm excited to get ours

We have 2 blacks (BA, and WBC polish) and a barred rock. We are trying to get as many colors as we can in our 10 birds we are allowed. lol

The polish we have now are doing great. We have 4 left to sell. Haven't heard back from one person that wanted them so I think we'll take them to our local swap next month.
chicken math example -
we had 4 replacement polish due to us, our order as it stands now...

5 rare breed pullet assortment
2 buff silkies
2 assorted silkies
1 meal maker

We might have a local contact for the silkie instead but want the order in just in case.
How did you get the buffs I thought they were not available. Our chick math is just as bad! Got the ok to order 4 chicks then that turned to 6 cause some how 2 "packing peanuts" got into our order ;) then I saw a couple more I wanted and we really wanted ducks. So our 3 polish and sultan turned into 8 chicks and 3 ducks and I'm trying really hard not to add anything else. When you got the assorted silkies how many males did you end up with? I'm afraid to order any bantams from them cause I know mpc has sexed bantams so I didn't wanna end up with all the males they couldn't sell. I just don't believe it's really st run ESP when it says on some dates male only
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chicken math example -
we had 4 replacement polish due to us, our order as it stands now...

5 rare breed pullet assortment
2 buff silkies
2 assorted silkies
1 meal maker

We might have a local contact for the silkie instead but want the order in just in case.
I count 4 when I add them up too.
So, our chickens are now around 6wks old and looking good. I'm mostly posting here because I'm curious what I have. I ordered 3 blue copper marans which I definetly have - they're looking great - and 3 blue americauna's, one of which died ~ 3 or 4 days after it arrived (so *just* outside meyer's garuntee). However, they are definelty *NOT* blue americauna's - they're pure white. I'm hopeful that they are sitll americauna's and will give us blue/green eggs but am curious to see what folks on here think they are.

Just over a month away now until I get my Meyer's babies! They're to ship the week of July 15th. I'm SO nervous about them shipping, and am hoping that they all survive. These will be the first chickens I've had since I was a teenager! Back then, I raised White Leghorns, Rhode Island Reds, and White Silkies for 4H for all of my tween and most of my teen years. I earned my chicks working for a local farmer that raised everything except cows. He also ran a feed store so I got my supplies and feed discounted. I was 11 or 12 years old.

Anyway, I'm in my 40's now, happily married with two kids. I really want them to experience some of the joys of raising chickens like I did when I was young. But even if they don't take to it, I'm looking forward to having chickens in my life once again. I'm getting a rainbow of pullets this time, just to have a fun mixed flock that will give us eggs. Not planning on raising chicks just yet, but if we do, I'll probably get some Silkies to breed (I used to LOVE Silkies) for fun. But that's a couple years down the road at the moment. One step at a time.

I was going to just get 5 or 6 chicks, but ending up ordering 7 PLUS a Meal Maker mystery chick (can't wait to see what it is). So IF they all make it, we will be starting with 8. It was so hard deciding. So many great breeds to choose from, but I guess there's always latter. My order is as follows; Barred Rock, Light Brown Leghorn, Rhode Island Red, Buff Orpington, Black Australorp, and 2x Easter Eggers. And a Meyer's Meal Maker. All pullets (or so I hope).

Now to start getting a coop up for them! My husband has been promising to build me a coop since March. I'm starting to think I will have to just do it myself. If he doesn't start soon, I'm gonna have to just get a shed kit and build and convert it. Got one priced and picked out already. I'm giving him until the 24th of this month to start SOMETHING or I'm just gonna get going on it myself. I mean I've dug posts before. How hard can it be?! LOL

Oh and thanks to the folks who keep posting pics of their growing chicks! LOVE living through them!
Just over a month away now until I get my Meyer's babies! They're to ship the week of July 15th. I'm SO nervous about them shipping, and am hoping that they all survive. These will be the first chickens I've had since I was a teenager! Back then, I raised White Leghorns, Rhode Island Reds, and White Silkies for 4H for all of my tween and most of my teen years. I earned my chicks working for a local farmer that raised everything except cows. He also ran a feed store so I got my supplies and feed discounted. I was 11 or 12 years old.

Anyway, I'm in my 40's now, happily married with two kids. I really want them to experience some of the joys of raising chickens like I did when I was young. But even if they don't take to it, I'm looking forward to having chickens in my life once again. I'm getting a rainbow of pullets this time, just to have a fun mixed flock that will give us eggs. Not planning on raising chicks just yet, but if we do, I'll probably get some Silkies to breed (I used to LOVE Silkies) for fun. But that's a couple years down the road at the moment. One step at a time.

I was going to just get 5 or 6 chicks, but ending up ordering 7 PLUS a Meal Maker mystery chick (can't wait to see what it is). So IF they all make it, we will be starting with 8. It was so hard deciding. So many great breeds to choose from, but I guess there's always latter. My order is as follows; Barred Rock, Light Brown Leghorn, Rhode Island Red, Buff Orpington, Black Australorp, and 2x Easter Eggers. And a Meyer's Meal Maker. All pullets (or so I hope).

Now to start getting a coop up for them! My husband has been promising to build me a coop since March. I'm starting to think I will have to just do it myself. If he doesn't start soon, I'm gonna have to just get a shed kit and build and convert it. Got one priced and picked out already. I'm giving him until the 24th of this month to start SOMETHING or I'm just gonna get going on it myself. I mean I've dug posts before. How hard can it be?! LOL

Oh and thanks to the folks who keep posting pics of their growing chicks! LOVE living through them!
How exciting!!! I'm sure it will all come back to you and it will be nice to share with your kids. I waited to long to get chickens and my teen boys think it's just 'embarrassing' to have chickens! I think they would have liked it if they were much younger.
I bet as soon as you get the shed your husband will jump right into it!!
Keep us posted
GreenEggsNSpam: Congrats on your new venture! So exciting!!
This is our first year too having chickens. I wish I got mine when my kids were younger too like Nancy said. I have kids 19, 22 and 24, so they're pretty much too busy with their lives to be interested in chickens. My youngest the 19 year old is the most interested, maybe because she's the girl? Who knows.

Here are pics of my 6 week old chicks. If anyone has any guesses on the polish, if she is a boy or girl, please let me know what you think. I think all the rest are girls. Also, my daughter, who owns the polish, has decided that her name is no longer Zorro, it is Elvis.

So if anyone knows about polish chicks and can tell at this age if mine is a hen, please let me know, thank you!

Daisy - White Rock

Wilma - Welsummer (in the middle - and I believe this is the welsummer, it is so hard to tell her apart from the light brown leghorn)

Yahoo - BA (looking like a nice plump little hen already)

Lucy - Salmon Faverolle (her coloring is coming in so beautiful now)

Elvis (formally Zorro) Golden Laced Polish - she's the one I am not sure is a hen or rooster, but no signs of acting like a rooster so hopefully a hen

Izzie - The Light Brown Leghorn ( could be the welsummer, so not positive)

and a few random group shots:


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