Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

I wouldn't force feed the starter yet, instead give her raw egg yolk. You can get that into her easier and it has all the nutrients she'll need.

I had one like that last time and I just kept giving her water/electrolytes in an dropper every hour. I actually found her on her back. Thought she was dead and nursed her back somehow.

Now for my 5 DOA, the only one I can tell for sure is the barred rock, the others are all light yellow, one a tiny shade darker. My mix was. 5 Buff Orpington, 6 Easter egger, 2 black jersey giant, 2 specked Sussex, 2 barred rock and 1 light brahma, 1 meal maker and 1 salmon faverolle cockerel. I know the faverolle isn't dead because he has faverolle feathers that are noticeable. What else would be light yellow?
Here they are

In your pic I see 4 BO, 4 EE, 1 BR, 2 JG, 1 SS, the favorelle, the really light one is probably your light brahma (even though they usually have a little grey to their back, they don't always), and what looks like a silver polish from here - maybe your meal maker?
I wouldn't force feed the starter yet, instead give her raw egg yolk. You can get that into her easier and it has all the nutrients she'll need.

In your pic I see 4 BO, 4 EE, 1 BR, 2 JG, 1 SS, the favorelle, the really light one is probably your light brahma (even though they usually have a little grey to their back, they don't always), and what looks like a silver polish from here - maybe your meal maker?

You're right, no faverolle. Only one with feather legs. That's the light brahma, but she is black. Funny though, none of the dead babies had feather legs. So, I don't think I got my faverolle at all.

The black one with yellow on its head I thought was barred rock because there was also an identical dead chick and I ordered 2. I think some of the yellows must be EE.
These are our surviving six chicks. 1 white rock, white leghorn, GLW, RIR, EE, and SLW (the sick one, but she seems to be doing a bit better already!)

They look exactly like my BR's egg! My one RIR still lays a really dark egg. I thought it would lighten up by now, it's darker than my CM egg. But my other RIR lays a much lighter egg.
I love giving the eggs to my family and I can tell them exactly who laid them. Of course they just roll their eyes at me and nod their heads till I shut up.
Like they really care who laid what egg!!
I tell everyone to who laid what, but I get the eye roll too! My husband plays along the best tho!
Ha ha, well if y'all insist!

The Silkie is between 17 and 19 weeks old now (the guy didn't have an exact age). Her name is Margaret, which is at the moment short for 'Margaret Until Proven Otherwise'. These pictures are from last week:

Never had silkies before, but I go with the rest and say girl! She sure is pretty and light blue earlobes? Cool!
All my animals minus my python love scrambled eggs so I'm sure a lot is gonna go to them and left overs are gonna go to family and friends (provided I get egg cartons, so far the only people getting any eggs is my parents & my FIL because he has a house next to us, he has given us a lot of materials and he has been mowing our lawn). The duck eggs will be used for baking which me and my mom will prob use all of.
I would have to sit down and think about all that too lol. I have a hard enough time keeping track of the 4 silkies that are the same age. We are probably going to have to rehome a couple roosters also
You have a python? Wow!
Hey all....Just gotta brag. One of our duckie girls finally laid an egg today!!
Had a feeling it would happen anytime, they had been surfing with each other A LOT lately and they were very interested in the nest boxes.
Yay, congrats!!!!!!!! We'd love duck egg pics too!
Over the week end we got 2duck eggs our first not sure who layed them we have blue sewed and rouen. We got from tsc during chick days
I'll live thru you with the ducks would love to have them, but can't. Have you tried any of the duck eggs yet?
5 doa this time :-(
Oh no.... so sorry
2 DOA and 1 that is really really weak. Hoping for the best, going to go get some electrolites out to her. Any other tips. She seems to be having a really hard time standing or walking like her legs aren't strong enough.
Oh no, hope the weak one pulls thru.
I had one like that last time and I just kept giving her water/electrolytes in an dropper every hour. I actually found her on her back. Thought she was dead and nursed her back somehow.

Now for my 5 DOA, the only one I can tell for sure is the barred rock, the others are all light yellow, one a tiny shade darker. My mix was. 5 Buff Orpington, 6 Easter egger, 2 black jersey giant, 2 specked Sussex, 2 barred rock and 1 light brahma, 1 meal maker and 1 salmon faverolle cockerel. I know the faverolle isn't dead because he has faverolle feathers that are noticeable. What else would be light yellow?
Here they are
Cute little ones, I hope the rest do okay. Maybe the light one is the faverolle, their legs are not extremely feathered when they are little, so maybe, hope so.
These are our surviving six chicks. 1 white rock, white leghorn, GLW, RIR, EE, and SLW (the sick one, but she seems to be doing a bit better already!)

Cute, hope yours do well too. The first few days with chicks are the hardest, especially if you have some that are DOA, makes you worry even more about the others.
You're right, no faverolle. Only one with feather legs. That's the light brahma, but she is black. Funny though, none of the dead babies had feather legs. So, I don't think I got my faverolle at all.

The black one with yellow on its head I thought was barred rock because there was also an identical dead chick and I ordered 2. I think some of the yellows must be EE.

Did your meal maker end up being a polish?
I didn't know you got a SLW, that must be the silver one I saw in the pic.

Whip up the egg yolk with a little water to make it thinner, then just dip her beak in it like water. If she won't take it that way you can put it in a dropper and put it at the front of her beak.

I feel like I was going to comment on something else, but I totally forgot now.
Alice one of my White Leghorns squatted for me today. She's 15 and a half weeks old.

It's hilarious that I was just asking yesterday when my girls might start squatting. :lol:

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