Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

our D'Uccle was in the nest box this morning, but no egg yet. The last 2 days we've gotten 1 egg/day and both days they don't match our usual. I wish the chickens would just stay consistent with their eggs! It would make it a lot easier. One of these days we'll get more than 2/day. I thought we'd have more layers weeks ago! *sigh*
That would be nice eventually they'll get a better schedule, we have 5 egg days about every other day now, so ours are getting into a routine.
I'm loving everyone's pics! I can't believe how big everyone has gotten.

The ducks got to swim in their big girl pool today and without being in a pen. And surprisingly they were not that bad to try and catch. I went and picked up 6 dozen crickets and between the ducks and chickens they were gone in about 5 mins. Next time I'm just gonna order 500 online for $25 shipped cause I spent $8 for 72 which didn't last at all. And I FINALLY got the silkies to put themselves to bed today without any help or treats!!
I bet that was fun watching the ducks. Where do you order your crickets? I still give even my big girls treats to get them to go in the coop, so your silkies are doing great.
Here are more pictures of my chicks at 4 weeks and 3 days old. Some are pretty scraggly looking.

Sally, the Salmon Faverolle

Blackie- Black Australorp

Dottie, Columbian Wyandotte (pretty feathered in compared to the last one I had) and Andi, Blue Andalusion

Mini, Welsummer, she has increase in size and has caught up with the rest, so guess she is not a bantam after all.

Cuckoo, Cuckoo Maran, her twin, Zany, looks pretty much the same, both of my marans are huge compared to the other chicks and are almost fully feathered.

Greta- EE (looks a lot like one of the other Ellie's on here)

Dottie and Blackie

Campi, Golden Campine

Here is Daisy and Sally. Daisy loves to chase the little chicks back inside. I don't know if she is just being mean or playing.

Lacie, GLW

Splash, the Splash Blue Andulasian or Splash Orpington. (She is one of the friendliest chicks, along with the SF and both EE's and the other Andulasion)

Here is my Ellie, EE- Her colors are reminding me a lot of my grown EE, Olivia

photobomb- Ginger, Golden Buff - the scraggliest one. She is a really friendly chick too. I really didn't want this breed due to egg laying issues in the future, but she is the sweetest chick and pecks the big chickens back.

Rocky, Partridge Rock. One of my surprise breeds that I did not order. She likes to stay in the coop a lot of the time with the other Cuckoo Maran, Zany while the other 14 like to roam further and further out to the garden. She is also the smallest chick now.

None of my chicks are really scared of people, I am not sure what I have done different, but I am glad about that. It is funny though, a leaf will fall or a butterfly will fly over and they all duck and hide. I'm glad though that they are so aware of possible predators.

I didn't get a picture of Izzie the Light Brown Leghorn, she looks a lot like the Welsummer now, just a little lighter.

I went and got a larger water container for the chicks, those quart ones would not keep up with those 16 thirsty chickens, so they have a gallon one now. They have a large feeder now too. They are getting big!
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That would be nice eventually they'll get a better schedule, we have 5 egg days about every other day now, so ours are getting into a routine.
I bet that was fun watching the ducks. Where do you order your crickets? I still give even my big girls treats to get them to go in the coop, so your silkies are doing great.

I usually get them from one of the pet stores in town but next time I'm gonna order from you can get 1000 (any size) for $29.99 shipped. Plus you can get worms really cheap that they will ship with the crickets. Your girls are so cute btw! Your EE looks like mine almost
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Here are more pictures of my chicks at 4 weeks and 3 days old. Some are pretty scraggly looking.

Sally, the Salmon Faverolle

Blackie- Black Australorp

Dottie, Columbian Wyandotte (pretty feathered in compared to the last one I had) and Andi, Blue Andalusion

Mini, Welsummer, she has increase in size and has caught up with the rest, so guess she is not a bantam after all.

Cuckoo, Cuckoo Maran, her twin, Zany, looks pretty much the same, both of my marans are huge compared to the other chicks and are almost fully feathered.

Greta- EE (looks a lot like one of the other Ellie's on here)

Dottie and Blackie

Campi, Golden Campine

Here is Daisy and Sally. Daisy loves to chase the little chicks back inside. I don't know if she is just being mean or playing.

Lacie, GLW

Splash, the Splash Blue Andulasian or Splash Orpington. (She is one of the friendliest chicks, along with the SF and both EE's and the other Andulasion)

Here is my Ellie, EE- Her colors are reminding me a lot of my grown EE, Olivia

photobomb- Ginger, Golden Buff - the scraggliest one. She is a really friendly chick too. I really didn't want this breed due to egg laying issues in the future, but she is the sweetest chick and pecks the big chickens back.

Rocky, Partridge Rock. One of my surprise breeds that I did not order. She likes to stay in the coop a lot of the time with the other Cuckoo Maran, Zany while the other 14 like to roam further and further out to the garden. She is also the smallest chick now.

None of my chicks are really scared of people, I am not sure what I have done different, but I am glad about that. It is funny though, a leaf will fall or a butterfly will fly over and they all duck and hide. I'm glad though that they are so aware of possible predators.

I didn't get a picture of Izzie the Light Brown Leghorn, she looks a lot like the Welsummer now, just a little lighter.

I went and got a larger water container for the chicks, those quart ones would not keep up with those 16 thirsty chickens, so they have a gallon one now. They have a large feeder now too. They are getting big!
Love the chicks and Daisy is looking so pretty too!!

did you see these threads on meaties:

Makes me want more land to get some but I really don't have the room.
Another question or two for those that have had Meyer's Polish, especially to adulthood. How are their temperaments as far as friendliness toward humans and has anyone noticed if this depends on the color of the bird? How well do they hold up in a mixed flock (are they picked on, are they agresssive, etc.)? I am in a toss up for the fourth chick on my order for next year. I'm thinking either an Easter-egger, one of their Polish, or a Blue or Black Copper Marans (in addition to the BCM I'm already planning on getting). I'm basing my decision on egg color mostly--I get so many brown and pinkish-brown eggs as is, I'd like some more variety.

Oh, and I've been posting a lot without pictures, so here is Rangi, my Meyer Ancona, taking a close look at the camera:


People, don't get an Ancona from Meyer's unless you want the coolest, friendliest, most charming, shoulder-hopping, white egg laying goofball available! ;) This bird flies to my shoulder when I'm standing at full height, sits down, and hangs on for the ride. Such a character!
Another question or two for those that have had Meyer's Polish, especially to adulthood. How are their temperaments as far as friendliness toward humans and has anyone noticed if this depends on the color of the bird? How well do they hold up in a mixed flock (are they picked on, are they agresssive, etc.)? I am in a toss up for the fourth chick on my order for next year. I'm thinking either an Easter-egger, one of their Polish, or a Blue or Black Copper Marans (in addition to the BCM I'm already planning on getting). I'm basing my decision on egg color mostly--I get so many brown and pinkish-brown eggs as is, I'd like some more variety.

Oh, and I've been posting a lot without pictures, so here is Rangi, my Meyer Ancona, taking a close look at the camera:

People, don't get an Ancona from Meyer's unless you want the coolest, friendliest, most charming, shoulder-hopping, white egg laying goofball available!
This bird flies to my shoulder when I'm standing at full height, sits down, and hangs on for the ride. Such a character!

Our Meyer polish aren't adults yet but they are 4 months now. Our SL, BL, and splash are getting friendlier as they get older. We didn't really hold them much as chicks so they were pretty skittish at first. Now they hang around my feet and will eat out of my hands. Our GL is still young (9 weeks) and is very skittish. She is hard to catch but fine once you do.

Our D'Uccle laid her first egg today! It is so cute and tiny! My daughter sent me a pic with one of the normal eggs she got today. I'll post it when I get back on my phone. It was a 3 egg day for us. Now for the Partridge Rock to start laying and Amber to resume laying.

Update on Amber. She is sleeping up on the roost again instead of the floor. She still looks scraggly but almost all of her scabs are gone and feathers are coming in in a lot of places. :)
Our Meyer polish aren't adults yet but they are 4 months now. Our SL, BL, and splash are getting friendlier as they get older. We didn't really hold them much as chicks so they were pretty skittish at first. Now they hang around my feet and will eat out of my hands. Our GL is still young (9 weeks) and is very skittish. She is hard to catch but fine once you do.

Our D'Uccle laid her first egg today! It is so cute and tiny! My daughter sent me a pic with one of the normal eggs she got today. I'll post it when I get back on my phone. It was a 3 egg day for us. Now for the Partridge Rock to start laying and Amber to resume laying.

Update on Amber. She is sleeping up on the roost again instead of the floor. She still looks scraggly but almost all of her scabs are gone and feathers are coming in in a lot of places. :)

I'm glad amber seems to be doing better! And I can't wait to see the egg, I bet it was tiny.

Another question or two for those that have had Meyer's Polish, especially to adulthood. How are their temperaments as far as friendliness toward humans and has anyone noticed if this depends on the color of the bird? How well do they hold up in a mixed flock (are they picked on, are they agresssive, etc.)? I am in a toss up for the fourth chick on my order for next year. I'm thinking either an Easter-egger, one of their Polish, or a Blue or Black Copper Marans (in addition to the BCM I'm already planning on getting). I'm basing my decision on egg color mostly--I get so many brown and pinkish-brown eggs as is, I'd like some more variety.

Oh, and I've been posting a lot without pictures, so here is Rangi, my Meyer Ancona, taking a close look at the camera:


People, don't get an Ancona from Meyer's unless you want the coolest, friendliest, most charming, shoulder-hopping, white egg laying goofball available! ;) This bird flies to my shoulder when I'm standing at full height, sits down, and hangs on for the ride. Such a character!

I only have 2 that are 4 weeks(SL&GL) but out of my 8 chicks they are the friendliest. The first few days they were kinda mean to the other chicks but they are being nice now. The golden is the friendliest of the 2 but idk if that has to do with her color. They are with 5 other breeds and they haven't been picked on. I was afraid they would try to pick their crest but so far no problem. I'm getting a buff and blue next month so we shall see how those girls are. I thought about adding a Ancona but I was trying to stay away from flighty birds. Do you think it's just her personality or is Meyer wrong on the description?
I think every hatchery has their Anconas labelled as flighty, but if you look at the reviews for them up in the 'Breeds' tab, most people say they are pretty friendly. Maybe not Barred Rock or Cochin or Orpington friendly, but friendly nonetheless. Honestly, I think if you don't give them as much attention while they are growing up, you will probably find your Ancona to be more flighty. I like my birds to be mostly okay with me being there, and so I have taken time to be with them every day since I got them. Rangi especially liked to be held when she was young, so I had no problems in handling her daily. She is somewhat flighty, as in you can't just run up to her or she'll get out of there, but if you're calm as you walk up to her, she has no problem being picked up or petted. I also find her on my shoulder quite frequently, especially if I'm not paying attention. :lol:
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