Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

I got a full dozen today! So many eggs!
I don't think so, but I've never owned a white Leghorn. Roha lays probably 3-4 eggs a week, but she went on strike when the arctic weather came through here last week and hasn't laid since as far as I know.
She is such a sweetheart, though, so if that counts for anything to you, you should look into getting one for yourself.

I do have two Meyer speckled Sussex, but I don't think I have any good recent pictures except this one of Poggy's face:

(Frou-Frou blends in with the snow.

I really should get out there and get some nice pictures of them.

And yes, any rooster will mate (or try to mate) with any hen, which is why you have to be careful with bantam hens and LF roosters. Mr. Po hasn't had a lot of success, but I have seen him have his way with Marama once. He's so small, though, that even when the girls squat for him, he usually can't get up onto them to do his thing.
thank you for the info. Poggy is adorable and Frou-Frou should have her own reality TV show... I would watch it!! That's a riot that the bantam tries to mate with the LF.

My girls are 17 weeks old. Some days they are real red in the comb and waddles, but some days they are pale. Is this a normal observation at this age? I think my Delaware will be the first egg layer because she has been the most red the most often.
I seem to remember that happening to mine too. One day I would think they were ready to lay and the next day the comb was back to light pink.

You're going to get more after all? Good for you! They are so hard too resist, are they not? No more for me though, not until I can maybe give away a few first. There are a couple that like to bite me that will be the first to go, Pepper, the BR and Daisy, the White Rock. I don't want to give them to people with kids though, since they bite.
Nice selection. When will the eggs under the silkie hatch?

This thread will be one year old in 10 days!
Some days I'm so ready for a few more and another little coop and others I'm content with what I have. If I find just the right coop I will go for about 5 new chicks. If I can't, I may give away 2-3 girls and just get 3 more.

I need to get more pictures of the girls soon. I did get this one of my EE Greta. She is the one with a noodle comb. It's not a pea comb and not straight. She is the one who has not squatted yet, but she probably will soon since she seems to follow and do everything the other EE does.

There is a lot of noise at the hen house the past few days. I may reach over my 7 eggs a day soon!

Have any of you had a hen that hopped on other hens like a rooster? Daisy our White Rock hopped on the back of one of the Cuckoo Marans and grabbed her neck feathers and everything. I know Daisy is a hen since she's laid eggs. Maybe it's a dominant thing that they do? When she was a chick she did the same thing to one of her hatch mates so I was concerned about her being a rooster, but I know she's not. I'm still new to all of this, I guess she's just mean and is taking control of the others, she also blocks the nest boxes sometimes and chases the others out of the coop. She only picks on the 24 week old hens, she won't bother the older ones. Of course they pick on her, so I guess she passes it on down the line.
I hope I get an EE like Greta some day. I know they're the most common color but out of my 4 EE's I didn't get any that color which I think is odd. I love the colors of my EE's but I wouldn't mind one like Greta. I hope she lays a green egg for you!

I missed a lot on this thread over the last few days! Beautiful flock and eggs everyone. I've been insanely busy with packing and prepping the new house. The big move is on the 28th of this month. We have 13 days and a LOT of stuff to do...
Oh the joys of moving.

Sunni started laying eggs again on the 12th. She was very proud of herself. She dragged the egg all over the place in her coop and when I went up to get her she was playing with the egg and chattering like she was a rooster giving me a treat. It was priceless. Thankfully she made a full recovery from the dog attack. It sure was a close call...
Welcome back... I hate moving. We moved into this house 19 years ago this month and hopefully we live out our years here.
That's funny about Sunni presenting her egg to you. She must have been so proud!

I got a full dozen today! So many eggs!
Woo HOOOOOO. Must be the longer days we're getting now. You are going to have so many eggs you will be calling people asking if they want some
How many total chickens do you have now? I don't blame you for wanting to get rid of the few that are so mean. Especially if there are little kids around. I just have the one that bites me hard. Lately I give her a really STRONG back rug when she squats for me, I mean good and rough and long, and she doesn't seem to bother me for a day or so. Give that a try!
I got 10 today from my 13 girls. I haven't gotten that since about September. Still only 1 green egg 5X a week and Izzy still isn't squatting so I still think they are all from BeeBee and Izzy will start back up whenever she's ready.
Woo HOOOOOO. Must be the longer days we're getting now. You are going to have so many eggs you will be calling people asking if they want some
How many total chickens do you have now? I don't blame you for wanting to get rid of the few that are so mean. Especially if there are little kids around. I just have the one that bites me hard. Lately I give her a really STRONG back rug when she squats for me, I mean good and rough and long, and she doesn't seem to bother me for a day or so. Give that a try!
I got 10 today from my 13 girls. I haven't gotten that since about September. Still only 1 green egg 5X a week and Izzy still isn't squatting so I still think they are all from BeeBee and Izzy will start back up whenever she's ready.
We have 22 chickens now. My initial 5 will be a year on February 11th, then there is evil Daisy who will be 38 weeks soon and the young ones are now 6 months! Gosh they grow fast! I am still 2 over my coop size, if I allow the 4 square foot per chicken. Daisy is not biting us as much now since she's decided to abuse the younger chickens, so far I have not seen any damage that she's done to them. I guess it's normal in the chicken world, but seems so vicious to me. Pepper still bites, so I think I will try the rough rub down with her. She's a sneaky little thing and always gets me when I least expect it.

That's great 10 eggs form 13. Eventually our plan is to be at 16 chickens total. I really would rather have a flock that is a little smaller and be able to rotate some older ones out here and there and add chicks to bring it back up to the 16 total. Maybe try to keep 12 layers at laying age and 4 new ones growing into the flock. I am hoping to use a broody and sneak some chicks under her when the time comes or even hatch some. These are all future ideas though.

Well, my EE, Greta laid a little greenish blue egg today! I think it was her since she was in the nest box. The other EE Ellie is still squatting like crazy but I have not caught her in the nest box. I hope she lays blue or green too!

Here is my morning haul, I have gotten two more since. I think I have a new white egg layer and I believe it is my Blue Andulasion. Ginger, the Golden Buff is already laying large eggs and she just started, hers is the top left. Below hers is Ash, the RIR's that is almost a year old. Those Golden Buffs really start large eggs early, don't they? The right brown one is from my Partridge Rock. I still have a brown egg layer that I am not sure about and I am not sure who is laying the other white eggs for sure either. Mystery in the coop.

Here is the new EE egg beside Olivia's green egg. Olivia's egg does not look quite as olive in person though, more of a light lime green. The new layers egg is lime green with blue tint. It is so hard to get the colors to show up correctly. I am hoping it is Greta's since I was worried about her since her comb is not a proper pea comb. more of a noodle comb. So so far out of the 4 EE's I have had I am 3 out of 4 in colored eggs. Hopefully I will get 4 for 4, but they be asking too much.

Anyway the eggs on the skelter are climbing! I love all the colors too! We have been eating way too many eggs lately, I guess because they're available. I plan on bringing a dozen to my son this weekend. Pretty soon we'll be bringing eggs to everyone we know!

Congratulations to Sunni for being the chicken picture of the week!!
x2 Sunni is so famous now! Cute story too!
So happy your little one is doing so well.. We had one of our favorites chewed up by my in-laws dog. Our little Gladys was badly injured and after a week just didn't make it. I have caught this same dog chewing up others and had to lock up all my chickens and she came over again this am and started jumping on my little dogs. She's not much bigger but she's a Jack Russel and I have 2 little Boston Terrier 6mo old pups.. How do I tell my in laws to keep their dog home? I don't want to insult them but I can't let their dog do this to my livestock.

Did you know who's dog it was and were you able to get them to keep it away? I just don't know how to approach this yet..... Any advice would be welcome! Susie Q
We have 22 chickens now. My initial 5 will be a year on February 11th, then there is evil Daisy who will be 38 weeks soon and the young ones are now 6 months! Gosh they grow fast! I am still 2 over my coop size, if I allow the 4 square foot per chicken. Daisy is not biting us as much now since she's decided to abuse the younger chickens, so far I have not seen any damage that she's done to them. I guess it's normal in the chicken world, but seems so vicious to me. Pepper still bites, so I think I will try the rough rub down with her. She's a sneaky little thing and always gets me when I least expect it.

That's great 10 eggs form 13. Eventually our plan is to be at 16 chickens total. I really would rather have a flock that is a little smaller and be able to rotate some older ones out here and there and add chicks to bring it back up to the 16 total. Maybe try to keep 12 layers at laying age and 4 new ones growing into the flock. I am hoping to use a broody and sneak some chicks under her when the time comes or even hatch some. These are all future ideas though.

Well, my EE, Greta laid a little greenish blue egg today! I think it was her since she was in the nest box. The other EE Ellie is still squatting like crazy but I have not caught her in the nest box. I hope she lays blue or green too!

Here is my morning haul, I have gotten two more since. I think I have a new white egg layer and I believe it is my Blue Andulasion. Ginger, the Golden Buff is already laying large eggs and she just started, hers is the top left. Below hers is Ash, the RIR's that is almost a year old. Those Golden Buffs really start large eggs early, don't they? The right brown one is from my Partridge Rock. I still have a brown egg layer that I am not sure about and I am not sure who is laying the other white eggs for sure either. Mystery in the coop.

Here is the new EE egg beside Olivia's green egg. Olivia's egg does not look quite as olive in person though, more of a light lime green. The new layers egg is lime green with blue tint. It is so hard to get the colors to show up correctly. I am hoping it is Greta's since I was worried about her since her comb is not a proper pea comb. more of a noodle comb. So so far out of the 4 EE's I have had I am 3 out of 4 in colored eggs. Hopefully I will get 4 for 4, but they be asking too much.

Anyway the eggs on the skelter are climbing! I love all the colors too! We have been eating way too many eggs lately, I guess because they're available. I plan on bringing a dozen to my son this weekend. Pretty soon we'll be bringing eggs to everyone we know!

Beautiful eggs!
Congratulations to Sunni for being the chicken picture of the week!!
We have 22 chickens now. My initial 5 will be a year on February 11th, then there is evil Daisy who will be 38 weeks soon and the young ones are now 6 months! Gosh they grow fast! I am still 2 over my coop size, if I allow the 4 square foot per chicken. Daisy is not biting us as much now since she's decided to abuse the younger chickens, so far I have not seen any damage that she's done to them. I guess it's normal in the chicken world, but seems so vicious to me. Pepper still bites, so I think I will try the rough rub down with her. She's a sneaky little thing and always gets me when I least expect it. That's great 10 eggs form 13. Eventually our plan is to be at 16 chickens total. I really would rather have a flock that is a little smaller and be able to rotate some older ones out here and there and add chicks to bring it back up to the 16 total. Maybe try to keep 12 layers at laying age and 4 new ones growing into the flock. I am hoping to use a broody and sneak some chicks under her when the time comes or even hatch some. These are all future ideas though. Well, my EE, Greta laid a little greenish blue egg today! I think it was her since she was in the nest box. The other EE Ellie is still squatting like crazy but I have not caught her in the nest box. I hope she lays blue or green too! Here is my morning haul, I have gotten two more since. I think I have a new white egg layer and I believe it is my Blue Andulasion. Ginger, the Golden Buff is already laying large eggs and she just started, hers is the top left. Below hers is Ash, the RIR's that is almost a year old. Those Golden Buffs really start large eggs early, don't they? The right brown one is from my Partridge Rock. I still have a brown egg layer that I am not sure about and I am not sure who is laying the other white eggs for sure either. Mystery in the coop. Here is the new EE egg beside Olivia's green egg. Olivia's egg does not look quite as olive in person though, more of a light lime green. The new layers egg is lime green with blue tint. It is so hard to get the colors to show up correctly. I am hoping it is Greta's since I was worried about her since her comb is not a proper pea comb. more of a noodle comb. So so far out of the 4 EE's I have had I am 3 out of 4 in colored eggs. Hopefully I will get 4 for 4, but they be asking too much. :fl Anyway the eggs on the skelter are climbing! I love all the colors too! We have been eating way too many eggs lately, I guess because they're available. I plan on bringing a dozen to my son this weekend. Pretty soon we'll be bringing eggs to everyone we know! x2 Sunni is so famous now! Cute story too!
Thank you! I used to have a hen that would beat up the younger girls. I kept hoping she'd get bored and stop, but she never did. I even tried seperating her from the flock after she gave my Leghorn a big bloody spot on her comb. Even that didnt work. I guess some chickens are just naughty. Congratulations on all of the new layers!! You have such a nice variety of colors now. :) I keep hoping my Ellie will start laying again soon so that I can have some blue/green eggs again. But I don't think that'll be happening any time soon since we are moving in less than two weeks. Change always seems to make my girls stop laying for a while.
I finally got my shelf built that I have been wanting to put in the kitchen! Here it is with a few things I got for christmas!

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