Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

I've had others say she looks like a Welsummer too. Rocky was one of my mystery rare egg layers, I need to determine which egg is hers. I think she is some sort of mix since she seems to confuse everyone as to what breed she is.

Did your polish start earlier then one year? It is the timing that I am wondering about, she seems to be squatting really early since she is only 6 months.


She started at 25 weeks. I got a another egg today.


My Welsummer Pepper
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I've joined in the conversation about Rocky before, and I'll say what I said before. She cannot be a Welsummer because she has penciling. Because penciling is recessive, both parents must carry it in order for their offspring to show it. Welsummers have no penciling and even in a hatchery setting it can be assumed they would not be carrying it because there would be no benefit for crossing it into them. Therefore, it's unlikely that she is even a Partridge Rock / Welsummer mix, let alone a Welsummer. And since there are no other penciled birds from Meyer that would give such an appearance to a bird (at least without giving her other dominant traits that she does not show, such as feathered or gray legs), I can't imagine her being a result of someone hopping a fence. She would have to be a Partridge Rock that happened to inherit some recessive genes for her coloration from her parents. I have seen lighter colored Partridge Rocks from hatcheries, so it isn't out of the question.

ETA: On top of this, she looked identical to my Partridge Rocks as a chick. Wellies are chipmunk-striped chicks. Partridge Rocks are dark brown and black chicks.
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See, told you I was wrong! I have seen great eggs and great colors but haven't had any so I don't know.... Beautiful eggs though, I've gotten one or two from them and they laid gobs of beautiful eggs! Does anyone know how to tell what color green or blue an EE will lay? Susie Q
No, I don't have a rock. I get a few eggs that color so it could be one of my BA's, EE, RIR or BR. I'm such a bad chicken mom, I don't know who lays about 5 - 6 of the eggs
You have a Barred Rock, right? That's what I meant. Maybe I am wrong to lump all the Rocks into one category. I have a White, Partridge and Barred Rock, well actually 2 Barred Rocks. I do see similar traits, shape really in the 3 hens but just different coloring.

I am still figuring out who laid what, my husband wonders why it matters to me. I just have fun trying to figure it out and I figured down the road I'll know if any of them have any egg laying issues or health problems, if I don't see their eggs. I don't handle mine quite as much as everyone else though, I have never done the 2 or 3 finger check to see if they are ready to lay. Maybe I should know how to do that too?

I'm still waiting on eggs from my BO's from Aug. 19 hatch! They were 22 weeks Monday. Along with my 2 other BR's, 2 EE's, and 3 other RSL's. I have one RSL that has been laying since last Tuesday faithfully. But everyone else needs to pay up! Lol!! Can't wait for my EE eggs. They are my fiancé's favorite.
Should be soon, for mine approaching 23 to 24 weeks seemed to be the right time to start.

Beautiful! My RSL that started laying last Tuesday lays the darkest brown eggs much like your Maran!!

How old were your EE's when they started laying? Mine are 22 weeks. One is extremely skiddish, the other not so much. The one who is very skiddish is getting very red in the face and comb is growing although it's an odd looking comb. The other one, she's reddening up, but not as much as the other. She wont let me get close enough to her to see if she squats. And my fiancé hugged and kissed on them the most as chicks! He just loves them.
My RSL's eggs are almost as dark as my CM eggs too. That was a pleasant surprise.

One of my EE's started at a little over 21 weeks, the next at a little over 22 weeks, these last two started at a little over 24 weeks. So between 21 to 25 weeks old, if they are anything like mine. Since they are a mixed breed, you never know.
I hope you get green or blue eggs.

I've joined in the conversation about Rocky before, and I'll say what I said before. She cannot be a Welsummer because she has penciling. Because penciling is recessive, both parents must carry it in order for their offspring to show it. Welsummers have no penciling and even in a hatchery setting it can be assumed they would not be carrying it because there would be no benefit for crossing it into them. Therefore, it's unlikely that she is even a Partridge Rock / Welsummer mix, let alone a Welsummer. And since there are no other penciled birds from Meyer that would give such an appearance to a bird (at least without giving her other dominant traits that she does not show, such as feathered or gray legs), I can't imagine her being a result of someone hopping a fence. She would have to be a Partridge Rock that happened to inherit some recessive genes for her coloration from her parents. I have seen lighter colored Partridge Rocks from hatcheries, so it isn't out of the question.

ETA: On top of this, she looked identical to my Partridge Rocks as a chick. Wellies are chipmunk-striped chicks. Partridge Rocks are dark brown and black chicks.
I knew there was a reason why she could not be a Welsummer. Thanks for reminding me. Her eggs are too light as well to be one. She is becoming a very pretty chicken and will be one of my bigger hens once she stops growing. Her head seems too small for her body now. She is pretty tall compared to the other hens.

I wish she would quiet down though, she is such a noisy thing, her and my SF are going to get me into trouble with the neighbors.

I was supposed to have a Welsummer and I thought for the longest time that Mini my other Light Brown Leghorn was one until she developed white earlobes. She lays white eggs too, so Meyer's gave me a leghorn instead of a Welsummer, maybe next time I'll get one?

This is one of my welsummers from Meyer. She just turned 6 months old, no eggs from her yet, but i am guessing soon! My other ladies from meyers started about a month ago! Love them!!
You have a Barred Rock, right? That's what I meant. Maybe I am wrong to lump all the Rocks into one category. I have a White, Partridge and Barred Rock, well actually 2 Barred Rocks. I do see similar traits, shape really in the 3 hens but just different coloring.

I am still figuring out who laid what, my husband wonders why it matters to me. I just have fun trying to figure it out and I figured down the road I'll know if any of them have any egg laying issues or health problems, if I don't see their eggs. I don't handle mine quite as much as everyone else though, I have never done the 2 or 3 finger check to see if they are ready to lay. Maybe I should know how to do that too?

The finger trick will help you figure out who is not laying but not necessarily who is. The best thing to do to figure out who's laying what is the food coloring trick. Hold the chicken under your arm, head facing your back, tilt their bottom up and blow on their vent, then immediately drop a few drops of food coloring right in the middle of their vent. Their next few eggs will have a streak of color on them. I did this and it works great if you get it right in the middle, if you miss it doesn't work so well. Blowing on them makes them puff out their vent so they suck the color down inside.
I'm going to do this again on my cochin to see if she really did stop laying or if her eggs just changed a little. She stopped squatting for awhile so I was pretty sure she stopped but some days I get an egg that I just can't place with anyone else. She squatted for me today so it's really making me wonder.
I'm still waiting on eggs from my BO's from Aug. 19 hatch! They were 22 weeks Monday. Along with my 2 other BR's, 2 EE's, and 3 other RSL's. I have one RSL that has been laying since last Tuesday faithfully. But everyone else needs to pay up! Lol!! Can't wait for my EE eggs. They are my fiancé's favorite. :love
Mine hatched August 11 and I have gotten 2 eggs in 3 days. Idk if 1 laid both or if both laid 1 each. Lol. Shouldn't be too much longer for u!!! Good luck!

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