Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

Skelter enabler!!
Who me???

Maybe check you craigslist and you'll find a local farm to either get fertile eggs (can you say enabler again??) or that will take unwanted animals. I actually have seen a few ads and one guy will come and pick them up. He says he is starting a farm but it may be for 'free food' Who knows.
Who me???

Maybe check you craigslist and you'll find a local farm to either get fertile eggs (can you say enabler again??) or that will take unwanted animals. I actually have seen a few ads and one guy will come and pick them up. He says he is starting a farm but it may be for 'free food' Who knows.
Yes, you!

One of these days I have to get fertile eggs and hatch them, It is a must, but I need to convince my DH first. One step at a time, one small step at a time. I need to look through Craiglist too, but I am scared I will see some eggs or chicks I just have to have and there's no room! I'd rather meet the people first before they'd come out to my place. Just in case.

So our freezer stopped working sometime through the night, so I guess we'll be having an interesting combination of meat and veggies that have defrosted today. The chickens and our dog will probably get some too. I guess we need to shop for a new frig sometime soon. The frig side still works, but the freezer part just stopped, it is cold but everything is half frozen now and of course water is everywhere. What fun! We're due for our first snow storm today and tomorrow, so I am not sure if we'll get a new frig anytime soon. Oh well, guess I'll put our perishables outside in the snow until we get some if the frig stops working too!
Yes, you!

One of these days I have to get fertile eggs and hatch them, It is a must, but I need to convince my DH first. One step at a time, one small step at a time. I need to look through Craiglist too, but I am scared I will see some eggs or chicks I just have to have and there's no room! I'd rather meet the people first before they'd come out to my place. Just in case.

So our freezer stopped working sometime through the night, so I guess we'll be having an interesting combination of meat and veggies that have defrosted today. The chickens and our dog will probably get some too. I guess we need to shop for a new frig sometime soon. The frig side still works, but the freezer part just stopped, it is cold but everything is half frozen now and of course water is everywhere. What fun! We're due for our first snow storm today and tomorrow, so I am not sure if we'll get a new frig anytime soon. Oh well, guess I'll put our perishables outside in the snow until we get some if the frig stops working too!
Ugh. What a hassle. You'll probably be stuck inside with the snow so time to break out that cook book and crock pot! And in this cold/snow, it might take a little while to get a new one :( Not fun, I feel for ya.
And I think when you get a broody you should just buy some eggs and stick them under her and if they hatch then show your DH

Just look surprised and say, 'omg, look what happened!!!'
Ugh. What a hassle. You'll probably be stuck inside with the snow so time to break out that cook book and crock pot! And in this cold/snow, it might take a little while to get a new one :( Not fun, I feel for ya.
And I think when you get a broody you should just buy some eggs and stick them under her and if they hatch then show your DH

Just look surprised and say, 'omg, look what happened!!!'
That would be funny. I should try that. He would be like "how'd that happen, you said we didn't have a rooster!"

So I have cooked up all the ground beef, stew beef and I have chicken legs in the oven. All the cold stuff is in a cooler or tote in the garage. The chickens enjoyed some cream cheese, defrosted stawberries, veggies, cooked ground beef and a little vanilla ice cream. I am always sad to see good ice cream go to waste. Everything else I don't mind as much, funny. Our dog Maxie had a little ice cream, cream cheese and beef too.

Well we are cold here but no snow yet, it was supposed to snow around noon and now they keep saying it will start later and later in the day. So now, it will start at 5 pm and they're saying no snow tomorrow. Our weather people just have no idea! I am glad it is cold enough to use the garage as a frig at least.

So I am having defrosted shrimp for lunch, guess we'll have burritos tonight with the ground beef and chicken legs and stew beef. Uh oh, I guess I better call some family members over to get some of this food!
My Meyer's Easter Egger laid her first egg yesterday! It's a beautiful light olive green color. I'm excited because I also have a Meyer's Blue Ameraucana who should start laying any day now, and I'm hoping her egg will be the expected light blue so I have two different colors!
My Meyer's Easter Egger laid her first egg yesterday! It's a beautiful light olive green color. I'm excited because I also have a Meyer's Blue Ameraucana who should start laying any day now, and I'm hoping her egg will be the expected light blue so I have two different colors!
My Meyer's Easter Egger laid her first egg yesterday!  It's a beautiful light olive green color.  I'm excited because I also have a Meyer's Blue Ameraucana who should start laying any day now, and I'm hoping her egg will be the expected light blue so I have two different colors!

:cd. :yiipchick. :cd. :yiipchick. :woot
First eggs are so exciting
That would be funny. I should try that. He would be like "how'd that happen, you said we didn't have a rooster!"

So I have cooked up all the ground beef, stew beef and I have chicken legs in the oven. All the cold stuff is in a cooler or tote in the garage. The chickens enjoyed some cream cheese, defrosted stawberries, veggies, cooked ground beef and a little vanilla ice cream. I am always sad to see good ice cream go to waste. Everything else I don't mind as much, funny. Our dog Maxie had a little ice cream, cream cheese and beef too.

Well we are cold here but no snow yet, it was supposed to snow around noon and now they keep saying it will start later and later in the day. So now, it will start at 5 pm and they're saying no snow tomorrow. Our weather people just have no idea! I am glad it is cold enough to use the garage as a frig at least.

So I am having defrosted shrimp for lunch, guess we'll have burritos tonight with the ground beef and chicken legs and stew beef. Uh oh, I guess I better call some family members over to get some of this food!
Holy cow that's a lot of food. Hopefully your fridge holds up.

My Meyer's Easter Egger laid her first egg yesterday! It's a beautiful light olive green color. I'm excited because I also have a Meyer's Blue Ameraucana who should start laying any day now, and I'm hoping her egg will be the expected light blue so I have two different colors!
Congratulations!! If you can, post a pic. We love to see Meyer's girls eggs :)
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My Meyer's Easter Egger laid her first egg yesterday! It's a beautiful light olive green color. I'm excited because I also have a Meyer's Blue Ameraucana who should start laying any day now, and I'm hoping her egg will be the expected light blue so I have two different colors!

Yay! I would love to see a picture!

I'm so excited , I got 54 eggs today!

I had to go collect them five times today, but one of them still froze on me.

I would love to have that many eggs!

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