Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

That was my plan exactly! "Oh no honey. They messed up my order."
HA! that's a good idea......
I was thinking about going with "They were running a special! buy 5 get 5 free!" lol
Oh my goodness! I am sooo excited! I found this thread a few days ago and have been reading through it because I had placed an order for Meyer's chicks on Feb. 1 and have been waiting IMpatiently for today (shipping day) to get here. Then I read a post about how nice customer service was and that their availability changes from time to time and you could even call and get them to add to your order. Last night when I went to bed, the chicks that I wanted (but weren't available) were still not available, but this morning...they were! Limited availability, but they were available!! So I shuffled the kids out the door to school and got on the phone, hoping that they hadn't packed my order up yet. I spoke with a super nice customer service lady who was so helpful. She was saving my order as I was telling her each different chick I wanted since the quantaties were so low, to ensure that they would be saved for me!

My original order was for 2 Dominiques, 2 black Giants, 2 Exchequers, 2 Barnevelders, 2 Anconas, 3 Welsummers, 3 Speckled Sussex. All females.

Today I was able to ADD: 2 Blue Splash Marans, 2 Blue laced red wyandottes, 1 Silver laced cochin, 2 Blue Andalusians, 2 Salmon Faverolles, 3 Easter Eggers, 2 Buff Orps, 2 RIRs, and a Meal Maker. All females.

YAY! I'm so excited! She said they would ship out about 2:30 today and I would get them tomorrow or Weds. I asked her what my "extra" would be and how that was determined. She said the computer had generated that my it will be the Meal Maker and another female Easter Egger. She also said to count them because there was a chance that there might be another extra included with an order that size.

Just wanted to share my experience with Meyer customer service. It's wonderful!
Oh my goodness! I am sooo excited! I found this thread a few days ago and have been reading through it because I had placed an order for Meyer's chicks on Feb. 1 and have been waiting IMpatiently for today (shipping day) to get here. Then I read a post about how nice customer service was and that their availability changes from time to time and you could even call and get them to add to your order. Last night when I went to bed, the chicks that I wanted (but weren't available) were still not available, but this morning...they were! Limited availability, but they were available!! So I shuffled the kids out the door to school and got on the phone, hoping that they hadn't packed my order up yet. I spoke with a super nice customer service lady who was so helpful. She was saving my order as I was telling her each different chick I wanted since the quantaties were so low, to ensure that they would be saved for me!

My original order was for 2 Dominiques, 2 black Giants, 2 Exchequers, 2 Barnevelders, 2 Anconas, 3 Welsummers, 3 Speckled Sussex. All females.

Today I was able to ADD: 2 Blue Splash Marans, 2 Blue laced red wyandottes, 1 Silver laced cochin, 2 Blue Andalusians, 2 Salmon Faverolles, 3 Easter Eggers, 2 Buff Orps, 2 RIRs, and a Meal Maker. All females.

YAY! I'm so excited! She said they would ship out about 2:30 today and I would get them tomorrow or Weds. I asked her what my "extra" would be and how that was determined. She said the computer had generated that my it will be the Meal Maker and another female Easter Egger. She also said to count them because there was a chance that there might be another extra included with an order that size.

Just wanted to share my experience with Meyer customer service. It's wonderful!
I agree with how great their customer service is! A few weeks back I split my April 28 pickup order into 2 seperate orders since my friend and I are splitting the order and we didn't want to have to decipher what chick was what breed.... The lady I spoke with took the time to split it in such a way that I wouldn't lose my Welsummers that were sold out at that point... And I called back today to add a Black Copper Marans female that recently became available and the lady I spoke with was also super nice, she kept apologizing because her computer was updating slowly, which I know wasnt her fault :)
[COLOR=000080]Oh my goodness!  I am sooo excited!  I found this thread a few days ago and have been reading through it because I had placed an order for Meyer's chicks on Feb. 1 and have been waiting IMpatiently for today (shipping day) to get here.  Then I read a post about how nice customer service was and that their availability changes from time to time and you could even call and get them to add to your order.  Last night when I went to bed, the chicks that I wanted (but weren't available) were still not available, but this morning...they were!  Limited availability, but they were available!!  So I shuffled the kids out the door to school and got on the phone, hoping that they hadn't packed my order up yet.  I spoke with a super nice customer service lady who was so helpful.  She was saving my order as I was telling her each different chick I wanted since the quantaties were so low, to ensure that they would be saved for me!   [/COLOR]

[COLOR=000080]My original order was for 2 Dominiques, 2 black Giants, 2 Exchequers, 2 Barnevelders, 2 Anconas, 3 Welsummers, 3 Speckled Sussex.  All females.  [/COLOR]

[COLOR=000080]Today I was able to ADD:  2 Blue Splash Marans, 2 Blue laced red wyandottes, 1 Silver laced cochin, 2 Blue Andalusians, 2 Salmon Faverolles, 3 Easter Eggers, 2 Buff Orps, 2 RIRs, and a Meal Maker.  All females.  [/COLOR]

[COLOR=000080]YAY!   I'm so excited!  She said they would ship out about 2:30 today and I would get them tomorrow or Weds.  I asked her what my "extra" would be and how that was determined.  She said the computer had generated that my it will be the Meal Maker and another female Easter Egger.  She also said to count them because there was a chance that there might be another extra included with an order that size.  [/COLOR]

[COLOR=000080]Just wanted to share my experience with Meyer customer service.  It's wonderful![/COLOR]

Extra?? Will I wind up with an extra in my order?
I think they only send extras with larger orders that are shipped. I think its due to the chance that some will not live through the shipping process
so they send a freebie to try to make it so you are more likely at least end up with the total number you ordered.
(I'm not saying every shipped order will lose chicks in route, just that there's a chance they will)
I doubt they include the freebies in pick up orders
I think they only send extras with larger orders that are shipped. I think its due to the chance that some will not live through the shipping process
so they send a freebie to try to make it so you are more likely at least end up with the total number you ordered.
(I'm not saying every shipped order will lose chicks in route, just that there's a chance they will)
I doubt they include the freebies in pick up orders

No they don't put the freebies in the pickup orders. There is usually not a risk of someone losing chicks if they are picked up. I go every year and pick up my chicks. Luckily I live only 15 minutes away.
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No they don't put the freebies in the pickup orders. There is usually not a risk of someone losing chicks if they are picked up. I go every year and pick up my chicks. Luckily I live only 15 minutes away.
Lucky you for being so close! I about 2 and 1/2 hours away.... quite a drive but I would rather pick em up then risk shipping them. Plus I am picking up for a friend also so I figure its worth it. Now I just have to wait another two months til its chick roadtrip time
Thanks for the welcome Dragonlord

Yes, it would be very nice to live so close that you can pick up your chicks.

I did get a scary email a little earlier from Meyer asking me to call them ASAP about my order asking for a substitution. And as soon as the email came through, my phone started ringing. As it turned out, the Dominiques from my original order didn't hatch so they were wanting to know what I wanted to substitute for them. I subbed a couple of Patridge Rocks
I wanted to order some of those anyway, but felt like I had ordered enough already lol. So it worked out fine! Again, very good customer service!

Can't wait to see my little babies!!! Going out to get their nursery ready now................
I have four of my EEs laying now and one of my EE mixes. Here are a few pictures of the color tones, one is sky blue and the rest are shades of blue green to olive. My EE mix lays the light green. I have a few brown and white eggs and two Marans eggs in the photos too.

Love those eggs. I wish I cold get one as dark as the one in the back right and also some blue eggs. One of my EE's lays an egg that is a bluish green color, but not pure blue like that one you have. Who laid the freckled ones?

Our Meyer chicks came in last Wednesday. I ended up with 6 Cornish Rock X, 1 Dominiquer, 1 Buff Laced Polish, 1 Exchequer Leghorn, 1 Easter Egger and 1 Speckled Sussex. Please excuse the pictures....I took them by myself while holding the chicks (would that be considered a selfie?).

So cute. Love those polish! Here's my Buff Polish, Buffy. They are so fun to watch grow, especially when the head feathers start.

I'm so excited, I placed my first Meyer hatchery order. Delivery for the week of May 12th . This is the first time I have ordered chicks from anywhere, I have always hatched my own, or gotten them from local breeders.

I ordered
3 assorted Cochins,
2 Easter Eggers,
2 Salmon Faverolles,
1 Buff Chanteclers,
1 Cuckoo Maran,
1 Partridge Cochin,
1 Silver Laced Cochin,
1 Walsummer,
1 Buff Orpington,
And 1Olive Egger

I can't wait to get these little girls.... time is going to pass so slowly waiting for May to get here.....
Congrats! May will come fast, gives you time to prepare.

My sweet little girls have turned into egg eaters. I put the golf balls out and now look...
She keeps turning them and spreading her fluff over them. LOL!
She is such a pretty fluffy chicken, love her coloring. Sorry about the egg eating.

My Meyer chicks are due to arrive March 4. I'm getting a brooder set up for them. It's been
a long time since I had baby chicks! Getting quite a mixed bag of all pullets.
6 easter eggers
2 buff orps
3 black australorps
4 lt brown leghorns
4 of the rare egg assortment (very curious to see what those will be)
4 new hampshire reds
1 golden laced wyandotte
1 dominique
1 meal maker (who knows, but I have a person in mind to give eggs to)

I wanted white leghorns, but they did not have any available at all. I have three
black copper marans that I bought a little while ago that are just starting to lay as
Wow, so many people are getting chicks now, so jealous! Nice selection! March 4 is just a few days away! Exciting!!!

I got 5 of the rare breeds in my last order, they gave me a nice selection.

That Maran looks like my RSLs eggs!
My RSL was my meal maker and her egg is almost as dark as my marans too. It is a huge egg too.

Beardie is pretty!!
You never know what you'll get color/feature wise with an EE, that's why they're so much fun... mine were all the typical chipmunk coloring as chicks but all 4 are completely different:

Mrs. Puff



Great assortment! When did you place your order to get such great breeds?
I ordered 2 Buff Brahmas last year. 1 ended up being a cockerel with a cross beak I had to get rid of and the other is below. She's very calm, towards the middle of the pecking order but sort of a loner.

GORGEOUS EGGS!!!!!! Sally is so cute; it looks like she has a bib on! Is her egg in either of the pics you posted?
I think I will have to wait on getting one until next year. Just can't fit all I want right away. But it's always good to have a list of more I want. But it sure is looonnnnng.
Those ducks are absolutely adorable
I just love your EE's! Sally is a fun chicken to have, her egg adds another color to the basket for sure.

Hers is the one next to the white one. It's about the color that I like my coffee in the morning.

These are not all of the eggs represented, but some of them.

Here's a close up of Sally's egg. (It smiled for you)


That's the most colorful Faverolle I've ever seen! xD She's so pretty! I'm hearing good things, as I have in the past about Meyers, no regrets here. There's a reason I chose this hatchery. :]

Most interesting to me is your description of Sally's personality, because that's exactly why I chose the breed. I don't keep chickens for eggs or meat, they're like my little buddies, eggs are just a nice added feature XP
I had another SF before that had a lot less brown on her. Sally is very speckled with brown. She would make a good buddy to someone for sure. She is low on the pecking order, but no one really picks on her, she just kind of does her own thing and avoids battles.

This is the first SF I had, she didn't have any brown on her chest like Sally and was more yellowish white. I did not have her too long unfortunately. You can get a variety of colors with them too which adds to the fun.

We all wonder that
You guys would sneak chicks into your order and make up small fibs to tell your husbands? Shame, shame!!!
I could never......
hide.gif least not this year since I am not ordering any, maybe next year!

If only I could get away with more chickens. xD Unfortunately I have a mother who gets scary when she's angry so... xD
Ha ha! sorry....

That was my plan exactly! "Oh no honey. They messed up my order."
You can also use the fact that the more you order the more you save on shipping. That's how I ended up with 16 last time instead of 9 to 12.

Ok so I just placed my order!! I got 2 of each, to hopeful get a hen of each. I'll have to get rid if any roosters I wind up with out of my "funny" babies! I ordered (I have NO clue how to spell it!) Mille Fluer Bearded d'ulles, white crested black polish bantam, and molted Cochin bantam. My bator should hatch around March13th, & my Meyers babies are supposed to arrive March 18th or 20th.
Can't wait to see both sets!! Good luck with the hatch!

I'm so excited!! Can't wait! I'm going to have chicks coming out of the wood work in a few weeks!! Lol My turkey is building her clutch right now too, so I will be placing some Buff Orpington hatching eggs under her soon so she can raise them for me. Lol can't wait to get turkey poults! I've never seen any in person, and watching her raise baby chickens will be hilarious!!!!
Turkey Poults? Can't wait to see those too and the chicks under a turkey? So neat!

HA! that's a good idea......
I was thinking about going with "They were running a special! buy 5 get 5 free!" lol
I'll hang on to that one for next time, thanks!

Oh my goodness! I am sooo excited! I found this thread a few days ago and have been reading through it because I had placed an order for Meyer's chicks on Feb. 1 and have been waiting IMpatiently for today (shipping day) to get here. Then I read a post about how nice customer service was and that their availability changes from time to time and you could even call and get them to add to your order. Last night when I went to bed, the chicks that I wanted (but weren't available) were still not available, but this morning...they were! Limited availability, but they were available!! So I shuffled the kids out the door to school and got on the phone, hoping that they hadn't packed my order up yet. I spoke with a super nice customer service lady who was so helpful. She was saving my order as I was telling her each different chick I wanted since the quantaties were so low, to ensure that they would be saved for me!

My original order was for 2 Dominiques, 2 black Giants, 2 Exchequers, 2 Barnevelders, 2 Anconas, 3 Welsummers, 3 Speckled Sussex. All females.

Today I was able to ADD: 2 Blue Splash Marans, 2 Blue laced red wyandottes, 1 Silver laced cochin, 2 Blue Andalusians, 2 Salmon Faverolles, 3 Easter Eggers, 2 Buff Orps, 2 RIRs, and a Meal Maker. All females.

YAY! I'm so excited! She said they would ship out about 2:30 today and I would get them tomorrow or Weds. I asked her what my "extra" would be and how that was determined. She said the computer had generated that my it will be the Meal Maker and another female Easter Egger. She also said to count them because there was a chance that there might be another extra included with an order that size.

Just wanted to share my experience with Meyer customer service. It's wonderful!
Welcome, so exciting!!! Can't wait to see those little ones! How many total are you gettting?

Thanks for the welcome Dragonlord

Yes, it would be very nice to live so close that you can pick up your chicks.

I did get a scary email a little earlier from Meyer asking me to call them ASAP about my order asking for a substitution. And as soon as the email came through, my phone started ringing. As it turned out, the Dominiques from my original order didn't hatch so they were wanting to know what I wanted to substitute for them. I subbed a couple of Patridge Rocks
I wanted to order some of those anyway, but felt like I had ordered enough already lol. So it worked out fine! Again, very good customer service!

Can't wait to see my little babies!!! Going out to get their nursery ready now................
They were great about calling me too and it was the same for me. An email and then a phone call, she was so patient when I was trying to decide what to order instead.

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