Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

Oh oh...
We won't start the run addition until next week probably. This week we tore down an ugly falling down little retaining wall and rebuilt it. It was full of rocks. Who sections off a section of their yard with a retaining wall an then fills the area in with rocks? We took all the rocks out and filled in the area with dirt. We will have 2 raspberry and a blueberry bush in there once we finish spreading the dirt. Can't wait for them to produce fruit! Here is the original wall after we took the rocks out.

And here it is with the new wall and some more dirt

I've also been working on an electronic door for the chicken coop. I got the electronics sorted out at the beginning of the week then today DH and I built the door part and hooked it all up. Now we just need to install it in the coop and make sure everything works correctly. The spool is hanging off the drill because I need to glue it in. The green is tape covering all the wires so the chickens won't peck at them and tear them off. The plastic container houses the electrical components. I can't wait for this to be installed and I trust it. It will be so nice to not have to get out of bed just to let the chickens out or fight my daughter to go put them up when it's dark and cold out.

We are putting on an insect hotel class tomorrow for our homeschool group so we were getting all the supplies ready for that.
Hopefully we'll get to the grow out pen next week. Our chicks are getting big! The chicken swap isn't until next saturday. Hopefully we'll get rid of a few chicks then.
That'll be a nice little area for your berry bushes. I am planning on putting some in the ground this year too. Have you thought of planting figs too?

I am jealous of your coop door, so neat! Please keep us updated on the progress with pictures.

An "insect hotel class"? Sounds neat, what exactly will you do?

Oh, forgot to mention an update on Amber. She still hasn't laid an egg but she is getting back to her old self. She was walking around with the other chickens scratching and pecking at the ground. She even flew out of the garden area to explore the yard with the other girls. Her tail is back to a normal position and she isn't hunched over and fluffed up anymore. I made her eat some cottage cheese and she ate 2 bites on her own but then lost interest and fought me on the force feeding. She looks at the food the other girls are eating but doesn't go for it. I've seen her take a couple bites but not a lot. I haven't seen her drink at all (other than what I forced on her). Hopefully tomorrow she'll be back to eating/drinking on her own.
Good news, I hope she keeps improving!

Oh gosh...Olive is still backed up. She's seems great otherwise. I guess I will just be giving lots of massages.
Oh no, I have never had one that way. I hope that she gets better soon.

They are so cute. They'll be even cuter when they dry off and puff up. Is this your first hatch? Or have you done this before?
3 AMs. Still 7 more eggs without much going on. But today is day 21 for the first set and 19 for the second.
I know you probably have already told all of us, but where did you get your AM eggs to set?
The AM eggs from a BYCer. I'd highly recommend her. I can look up info if you're interested ;) Also have some Meyer EE and barred rocks in there....waiting....patiently.....
That'll be a nice little area for your berry bushes. I am planning on putting some in the ground this year too. Have you thought of planting figs too?

I am jealous of your coop door, so neat! Please keep us updated on the progress with pictures.

An "insect hotel class"? Sounds neat, what exactly will you do?

Good news, I hope she keeps improving!

Oh no, I have never had one that way. I hope that she gets better soon.

They are so cute. They'll be even cuter when they dry off and puff up. Is this your first hatch? Or have you done this before?
We had a fig tree in CA. Turns out the only one that would eat them is my mom. DD and I are both allergic. Plus I don't think they grow here in CO.

For the insect hotel class we built wooden boxes then stuffed them with housing for beneficial insects.

I saw Amber eating on her own today. Her crop is still empty though so I'm not sure how much she's actually eating. She's acting like her normal self though so I'm not nearly as worried about her.

I've read to turn a chicken with an impacted crop upside down as you massage and make them throw up everything in their crop.
The AM eggs from a BYCer. I'd highly recommend her. I can look up info if you're interested
Also have some Meyer EE and barred rocks in there....waiting....patiently.....

Can't wait to hear how the Meyer eggs do.
I saw Amber eating on her own today. Her crop is still empty though so I'm not sure how much she's actually eating. She's acting like her normal self though so I'm not nearly as worried about her. 

I've read to turn a chicken with an impacted crop upside down as you massage and make them throw up everything in their crop. 

Its sour crop that you routinely make the chicken vomit. As far as I know, that will do nothing for an impacted crop unless you do it once to see if you can dislodge the impaction.

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