Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

Fox got 5 of mine today 2 br bantam lb Leghorn 2 silky maybe a rouen and possibly a ee hoping Guy I know will hatch some eggs fir me
That must be awful to find. So sorry that happened.

Oh wow,,that's so neat. We're having a lot of small birds with nests around here. We have a cardinal family just outside the chicken run in one of our rose bushes. The eggs hatched a couple of days ago. I never realized how involved the father cardinal was with the chicks too. Both parents are flying back and forth to feed the babies. Are they not just adorable and so tiny!

That is so cool! It is frightening to see how well they can adapt to get at our chickens too! What a beautiful bird though!

Oh no, I am so sorry for your losses, that's terrible. How are the rest doing today?
It would be less stressful if the chicks arrived to you earlier with less travel time. Maybe if they pack them for you the same way they would for shipping. The Meyer's people can probably suggest ideas too, they are very helpful. It would save you on shipping, but you'd pay the cost in gas and time, but having the chicks less stressed would be worth the price difference.

So far I have not had too much trouble with shipments here to NC. Of course I am much further away from them to drive there. I would have more shipped too me in the future, since the routes my chicks go seem to be with trusting postal workers who hear the chirping and are very helpful to make sure they arrive quick and safe. With some of the shipping horror stories I have read about though, I would find a local source or drive to get them if I had those problems.

Oh sorry.. I hope it works out getting the others.
Such a great pic!!

Happy Mother's Day Everyone!!!!

Happy Mothers Day to All!!!! Hope everyone is having a nice day

Happy Mother's Day!

Our other 2 sick ones made it through the night.
They are still eating and drinking.
Our poor girls outside are getting snowed on.
I took down the protective plastic thinking we wouldn't get any more snow and to make the coop look nicer for potential buyers (our house is on the market). I didn't get a chance to put it back up before this storm. Their space was all wet this morning. They still have protection from the top but not the sides. I'll have to go out in a bit and shoo them into the coop. I don't think they are smart enough to go in their on their own to get out of the weather since they've only slept in there 3 times now.

I finally watched the video. Makes me want to secure our area even more!
So glad the 2 made it. I'm sure treating them so quickly helped immensely! SNOW
Gosh, I can't believe it. So glad we're done here till next winter!

That's what I'm hoping - less stress on the chicks. Plus, it will be a beautiful (if not long) drive. We can head out very early in the am and drive pretty much straight through. Once we have the chicks, we will have to stop every so often to check their butts, etc. I found some hand warmers on Amazon pretty cheap (10 for $6.50) - I will line 1/2 of the tote with them. My son will get a huge kick out of being able to watch movies in the car & sitting next to the chicks in the back seat!
Sounds like you have a good plan. I think I would take a road trip too. I'm only 7 hrs away but it still took until Wed morning for them to arrive. We are in a sort of out of the way area and the PO takes very long here. My local PO is amazing and was doing everything in their power to get them to me but it was the Philly PO that holds it up here. So excited for you. Will be a fun day!!

I can't believe you got that much snow! It is nearly 80 in CT today. I hope Italy's fast!!
For my gift, I am getting my run finished so that I can move the chicks into their coop!
This replaces my usual gift of mulch!! Lol

I love the photo of the baby cardinals. So sweet!
Enjoy the ride with your son. Creating memories - that's what it's all about!!
I actually laughed out loud about the mulch gift!! I think when I was in my 20's I would have cried if I got mulch as a gift... now I'm thrilled!!! I think we're all the same here and we 'get' it!!
Happy Mother's Day!

Our other 2 sick ones made it through the night.
They are still eating and drinking.
Our poor girls outside are getting snowed on.
I took down the protective plastic thinking we wouldn't get any more snow and to make the coop look nicer for potential buyers (our house is on the market). I didn't get a chance to put it back up before this storm. Their space was all wet this morning. They still have protection from the top but not the sides. I'll have to go out in a bit and shoo them into the coop. I don't think they are smart enough to go in their on their own to get out of the weather since they've only slept in there 3 times now.

I finally watched the video. Makes me want to secure our area even more!
Glad to hear that the sick ones made it through the night.
Snow still? Are you serious? Wow! We've been in the 80's this week in NC.

That's what I'm hoping - less stress on the chicks. Plus, it will be a beautiful (if not long) drive. We can head out very early in the am and drive pretty much straight through. Once we have the chicks, we will have to stop every so often to check their butts, etc. I found some hand warmers on Amazon pretty cheap (10 for $6.50) - I will line 1/2 of the tote with them. My son will get a huge kick out of being able to watch movies in the car & sitting next to the chicks in the back seat!
It'll be a nice mother/son trip. Full of memories. You'll have to spoil him with a lunch on the way up or something. Sounds like fun, I miss my little boys, they're 23 and almost 25. Enjoy those moments, they grow too fast...not as fast as or chicks though!

For my gift, I am getting my run finished so that I can move the chicks into their coop!
This replaces my usual gift of mulch!! Lol

I love the photo of the baby cardinals. So sweet!
Ha, ha,,,so funny both of those our my kind of gifts too! I think some of my friends and relatives would think I was crazy for what I wanted for mother's day. My husband helped me put up a new more secure coop door with more ventilation, we planted rose bushes and I was given marigolds which I planted. A lot of hard work today in 80 degree weather.

Good luck with finishing up your run and getting your chicks moved to the coop!

We have gotten so much done this week...I've been too busy to take pictures. Our baby cardinals are starting to get wings now. It is so neat to watch their growth. There ended up being 3 that hatched out of 4 eggs. Great hatch rate!
I finally washed my white cochin today with the sulfur dip... OMG... that stuff stinks and now Mo is 1/2 white 1/2 yellow!! I gotta get a pic. I just hope something works on her. She has TONS of broken feathers right above her tail like she's getting picked on (no rooster here) but with bald belly I don't think it's that. I just think it might be some kind of feather mite. this animal husbandry is so frustrating.
I treated the roosts with Nu Stock and dusted the bare bellied girls with the poultry dust. Not sure what else I can do.

Is Neem Oil really proven to work or is sort of an old wives tale kinda thing? When my new coop comes I want to treat it preventatively for mites/lice by painting the roosts and dusting with Sevin. Anyone else do this or have any other ideas? Was wondering if I should spray with neem oil before they start living in it?
I've heard of old timers white washing their coops with some sort of lime wash. Are you sure she is not molting?

I bet the sulfur stinks, be careful with those stock gives me a headache.
Have you tried using a magnifying glass on her to check her or magnifying glasses? Just concerned you may be doing more then you need too and maybe it's more a molt or something, especially if the others seem fine and you don't see anything on her.

I've used Neem Oil in the garden and stopped for some reason. Think it was because it harmed both good and bad insects. I can't remember why. I avoid Seven Dust too for the same reason.

Is she laying eggs?
Here is my new door that we built today. I used to have to keep the left door shut and I had another door that opened into the coop. It worked but all their litter blocked it and it was covered in chicken wire, so it was not predator proof for the night. I had to shut the shed doors each night which really took away a lot of ventilation. Now we built two sides for a door frame and added the new door and it is all covered in hardware cloth. I don't have to shut the door at night!!! Yay!!! It has been so hot the past few days they needed the ventilation. I only kept the shed doors opened when we were home so it was an oven in there before when the doors were shut.

Earlier in the week we landscaped a little around the chicken run and put in a garden area on the left. We also made a new door to my run. The old door is at the far left end of the run. Since we moved it, the whole thing ended up being on a slope, so when I would go into the run to give them food and water I had to step up a couple feet to get in and the door would swing open, lots of trouble. We screwed in the door on the left and now we have the new smaller door on the side. You can see it right where the square pavers are. We still have some landscaping to do, but now I can enter the run and coop so much easier now!!! It's been a great a productive week.

The cardinal nest is in the rose bush on the far right in the above picture, perfect level for me to spy on them.

..and this little guy is just creaming "FEED ME!!" See their wing feathers coming in?
I've heard of old timers white washing their coops with some sort of lime wash. Are you sure she is not molting?

I bet the sulfur stinks, be careful with those stock gives me a headache.
Have you tried using a magnifying glass on her to check her or magnifying glasses? Just concerned you may be doing more then you need too and maybe it's more a molt or something, especially if the others seem fine and you don't see anything on her.

I've used Neem Oil in the garden and stopped for some reason. Think it was because it harmed both good and bad insects. I can't remember why. I avoid Seven Dust too for the same reason.

Is she laying eggs?
They're not molting because the 3 with bare bellies are laying as far as I can tell. They just have completely bare stomachs. From the rear they are all fluffy and pics Ive seen of birds having mites or lice have bald butts. So I just have no idea what it is. 1 BA with bare belly also has the bald head. Mites or picked on??? I don't know. My BR has a bare belly but no other issues. Only Mo has the bare belly and tons of broken feathers from above tail to half way up back. Like she's getting them eaten off so I was thinking its feather mites. And I've never weighed my birds but my BR and Mo seem a little thin but I'm not sure. They are eating normally and have full crops at night. Sigh. I guess I'll just wait it out now and see if there are any more changes.
I was wondering if they have a reaction to something in the nests? There's a light dusting of poultry dust on the bottom and shavings. It's quite the puzzle.

Here is my new door that we built today. I used to have to keep the left door shut and I had another door that opened into the coop. It worked but all their litter blocked it and it was covered in chicken wire, so it was not predator proof for the night. I had to shut the shed doors each night which really took away a lot of ventilation. Now we built two sides for a door frame and added the new door and it is all covered in hardware cloth. I don't have to shut the door at night!!! Yay!!! It has been so hot the past few days they needed the ventilation. I only kept the shed doors opened when we were home so it was an oven in there before when the doors were shut.

Earlier in the week we landscaped a little around the chicken run and put in a garden area on the left. We also made a new door to my run. The old door is at the far left end of the run. Since we moved it, the whole thing ended up being on a slope, so when I would go into the run to give them food and water I had to step up a couple feet to get in and the door would swing open, lots of trouble. We screwed in the door on the left and now we have the new smaller door on the side. You can see it right where the square pavers are. We still have some landscaping to do, but now I can enter the run and coop so much easier now!!! It's been a great a productive week.

The cardinal nest is in the rose bush on the far right in the above picture, perfect level for me to spy on them.

..and this little guy is just creaming "FEED ME!!" See their wing feathers coming in?
Love the new door. I wish I could get my girls more ventilation like that but with the prefab coops it's not possible. That looks great.
AND Amazing pic of the baby bird!!!!! What a mouth on that baby
I'm getting bummed and being reminded of what happened with my Buff Brahmas... one feathered in much faster than the other and were obviously different - one ended up being a cockerel and one a pullet.
Now one Brabanter is feathering in much faster than the other and it has a much bigger crest and big tail... the other has small crest and no tail at all!!

I know it's early (3 weeks old) but this is what happened to my BB's. I just gotta patient. The one feathering in faster is absolutely adorable with huge crest and full beard..
I'm thinking male on the left
I really hope I'm wrong.

Quick pic of my EE's
Lola and Lily

Here is my new door that we built today. I used to have to keep the left door shut and I had another door that opened into the coop. It worked but all their litter blocked it and it was covered in chicken wire, so it was not predator proof for the night. I had to shut the shed doors each night which really took away a lot of ventilation. Now we built two sides for a door frame and added the new door and it is all covered in hardware cloth. I don't have to shut the door at night!!! Yay!!! It has been so hot the past few days they needed the ventilation. I only kept the shed doors opened when we were home so it was an oven in there before when the doors were shut.

Earlier in the week we landscaped a little around the chicken run and put in a garden area on the left. We also made a new door to my run. The old door is at the far left end of the run. Since we moved it, the whole thing ended up being on a slope, so when I would go into the run to give them food and water I had to step up a couple feet to get in and the door would swing open, lots of trouble. We screwed in the door on the left and now we have the new smaller door on the side. You can see it right where the square pavers are. We still have some landscaping to do, but now I can enter the run and coop so much easier now!!! It's been a great a productive week.

The cardinal nest is in the rose bush on the far right in the above picture, perfect level for me to spy on them.

..and this little guy is just creaming "FEED ME!!" See their wing feathers coming in?

very nice and what cute babys
I've heard of old timers white washing their coops with some sort of lime wash. Are you sure she is not molting?

I bet the sulfur stinks, be careful with those stock gives me a headache.
Have you tried using a magnifying glass on her to check her or magnifying glasses? Just concerned you may be doing more then you need too and maybe it's more a molt or something, especially if the others seem fine and you don't see anything on her.

I've used Neem Oil in the garden and stopped for some reason. Think it was because it harmed both good and bad insects. I can't remember why. I avoid Seven Dust too for the same reason.

Is she laying eggs?

We use to use sulfur every year until it started killing our grass the pH of the soil was like 4-5 and i remember one day we put sulfur down on a windy day and i couldn't get the smell out of my clothes for 4 or 5 washes it really sucked. But i have seen hens get their belly feathers stuck on aproned wire inside the coop if it's not buried in the ground and i also caught one of my smaller rating dog's pulling out any feathers that went through the wire when the chickens got to close to the sides of the run and or course it could be mites\mean birds etc
I'm getting my new shipment of Meyer birds in about month (my first shipment was last year).  I thought I'd post to see if anyone who has received one of their new olive eggers from this year could post a pic of what they birds are looking like more grown up.  I've seen a few people's chick pictures, but was hoping by now some people who got chicks at the beginning of the year would have pullet pictures. I would love to see what they look like now.  I would also be interested in hearing when someone gets their first egg to know if they are indeed laying olive colored eggs.  My other birds in my upcoming Meyer order are a silver laced polish and a blue laced red wyandotte.  Thanks everyone!!

Here is one of my olive eggers as a chick

And here she is 7 weeks old

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