Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

Here is my new door that we built today. I used to have to keep the left door shut and I had another door that opened into the coop. It worked but all their litter blocked it and it was covered in chicken wire, so it was not predator proof for the night. I had to shut the shed doors each night which really took away a lot of ventilation. Now we built two sides for a door frame and added the new door and it is all covered in hardware cloth. I don't have to shut the door at night!!! Yay!!! It has been so hot the past few days they needed the ventilation. I only kept the shed doors opened when we were home so it was an oven in there before when the doors were shut.

Earlier in the week we landscaped a little around the chicken run and put in a garden area on the left. We also made a new door to my run. The old door is at the far left end of the run. Since we moved it, the whole thing ended up being on a slope, so when I would go into the run to give them food and water I had to step up a couple feet to get in and the door would swing open, lots of trouble. We screwed in the door on the left and now we have the new smaller door on the side. You can see it right where the square pavers are. We still have some landscaping to do, but now I can enter the run and coop so much easier now!!! It's been a great a productive week.

The cardinal nest is in the rose bush on the far right in the above picture, perfect level for me to spy on them.

..and this little guy is just creaming "FEED ME!!" See their wing feathers coming in?
Very beautiful coop setup & landscaping! Great pics!

I have a dove that built a nest on top of an outside house light...the light is directly outside of my bedroom though. I can't bring myself to tear down the nest after she is done using it & each year she comes back and has more babies there! Right now there are 3 babies about the size in your pic. Man they can make a racket when they are hungry!
Thanks to everyone who gave their opinions on me making the trek to pick up my chicks in July. I'm going to call Meyers and see if it is possible to change my delivery method. Then I will just have to get that day off! Of course as any good mother knows, you do NOT tell the kiddo what the plan is until you are on the road!!! Otherwise you head "how many more days until..." from now until then and it drives you crazy!!!

We will definitely make it a day to remember - getting up early, breakfast on the way, getting the chicks, etc. Gotta make those memories while you can because they definitely grow way too fast! I can't believe my baby it turning 6 in a few weeks!!!!
I love the setup Lynn!

Well I think our Cream Legbar isn't going to make it through the night. She stopped eating and drinking and is just laying down. We can't even get her to drink when forced. :(
The BLRW is doing good but now she won't have any flock mates. The guy we got the silkie/EE from said we can come down and get another any time. That was nice of him.

We got an offer on our house!

Now we can stop worrying about showing and start packing the house up.
Why am I still awake...looking online at Meyer's & thinking I need to order a few more chicks. I've already ordered 4 and I'm only allowed to have 5 hens + a roo inside city limits, but I have no desire to have a roo. Sigh, it's an addiction already!
I was going to ask if you had any clearer pictures!!  Is she just a solid black color?

This one is solid black and has a beard with a little bit of white on her head above her eyes and clean legs. It kind of looks like eyebrows! Lol the other 2 are more of a blue grey color with feathered legs and the one has a beard. I will have to go get some more pics this week
Why am I still awake...looking online at Meyer's & thinking I need to order a few more chicks. I've already ordered 4 and I'm only allowed to have 5 hens + a roo inside city limits, but I have no desire to have a roo. Sigh, it's an addiction already!

lol's don't feel bad my parents only "let" me have 3 chickens and i'm up to 7 already with another 7 (if they hatch) on the way from a local teacher and another 6 duck eggs in the incubator with 5 turkeys on the way in july it's going to be fun and nerve racking but fun

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