Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

I know this is off topic, but I just had a shipment of supplies for my brooder come in: premier 1 heating plate, nipple waterer, etc. I'm getting so excited! 2 months from today!!! WOOHOO!

yay hope everything goes well
Yay! My hubby's boss said we could have as much construction sand as we want...FREE! Woohoo! I was hoping at least for a discount. Gotta love small business loyalty perks! Can't wait to get rid of this dusty, yucky play sand.
I just want to share my experience with ordering from Meyer. My chicks left Cleveland Ohio at 8:49 pm Monday night, I got the call from my post office in Suffolk VA. at 10:30 Tuesday morning that my chicks had arrived. I had requested that my niece's 7 chicks be marked so that we could tell them apart from mine. The customer service rep. told me she didn't think they would mark the chicks, but she put it on the order anyway. The 24 chicks that I ordered arrived healthy. I was surprised that they had made a notation on the order slip that my niece's chicks were marked on their tummies with black marker. We were able to tell very easily which was my nieces chicks. We ended up with 2 Easter Eggers, 3 White Marans, 1 White Leghorn, 1 Welsummer, 2 Silver Laced cochins,2 Salmon Faverolles, 2 Partridge Cochins, 1 Light Brahma, 1 German Spitzhauben, 1 Cukoo Maran, 1Buff Orpington, 2 Buff Brahms's, 1 Barred Rock, 1 Gold Laced Wyndotte,1 White Cochin, 1 Speckled Sussex, my meal maker was listed as a Dominique, and they thru in a free Blue Cochin. Would I order from Meyer hatchery again? You better believe I would. Nothin but happy......
That's great that they marked them for you and great selection!

I ferment feed. I tried it with the pellets but it stunk and got moldy too easily. I'm doing it with whole grains now and it works great. That's their main feed now. I keep a 2 gallon bucket in the run by the garbage can full of seed. I keep water in the bucket, scoop some out, scoop more in. It's ever rotating and they chickens love it. They don't waste any of it and it goes a lot further.
I order my seed in bulk from Azure. After all is said and done it costs me $.39/lb for mostly organic food. There's a few things I'm not picky about organic (like lentils) and other things I am (like corn and wheat).

They also get table scraps and will eventually they'll be free ranging again. At the moment I don't have a way to keep them out of my garden and I have too many sprouts coming up to let them in there. I threw them some grass clippings and I've been throwing dandelions to them. They love them.

I don't need the poop boards. I don't use them now. I'm too lazy to clean something like that. ;)
I'll see what I can figure out when we move in and have lived with it for awhile. Right now I'm thinking of taking the window above the current nest boxes out and putting the nest boxes in that spot. I'll have to add a door to the separate area though.

I'm so sorry Nancy! Maybe it was something internal like a bad heart or other problems that weren't related to illness. I hope so and the rest of your girls are ok!
When and if I ferment again, I'll probably just ferment the grains like you. I think fermenting the crumble is what made it small so bad. It would be nice to save money on feed. You have some lucky chickens too. One of these days maybe I can also get a sprouting system set up for them and maybe some soldier grub worms too? Hmmmm...lots of stuff to think about. Of course they already get stuff from the frig and leftovers. We always add our grass clippings and leaves too.

Yeah, no poop boards here either, probably for the same reason. Sounds like you have a great plan.

Lol I did the same thing! And ended up with 10 more chicks than I had planned! I am picking up hatching eggs this Friday! Can't wait so excited
! My broody is definitely ready for some real eggs

Oh my goodness. I just check Meyers website every chance I can to see if anything new is available. This might start effecting my job...start? Lol. It definitely is.
Yes, they are very distracting...Spring is the worst too!

I know this is off topic, but I just had a shipment of supplies for my brooder come in: premier 1 heating plate, nipple waterer, etc. I'm getting so excited! 2 months from today!!! WOOHOO!
Not off topic..sounds like a awesome package to open. Congrats on the new stuff...I love getting stuff for my obsessions...yes, I admitted it.

Thanks! I'm still working on building my brooder...about 1/4 of the way done. It's been tough since I had shoulder surgery 3 weeks ago. I call working on the brooder part of my PT :)
Ouch, shoulder surgery? I know that was not far I have not gone through that, but I know many people who have and I've heard it is very painful. I hope that you heal up soon and I love your idea of physical therapy!
Our fence is finally up!!!!

Here are the ladies when I finally set them free after being penned up for 4 months or more.

They stayed close to the coop and run at first and then wander a little further.
We let them out last night around 7pm and the last one put herself to bed around 8:30pm

I supervised the whole time since my garden areas are not blocked off yet. Our land is no longer a vision of red clay.
We actually have grass! So exciting!! It still needs to feel in a lot more and some areas need work, but the girls did not complain.

Here they are this morning, I let them out a couple of hours.

I got a picture of the baby cardinals too, they're outgrowing their nest. They grow faster then chickens!

The project around our house is pretty much complete except for a few minor things. Our dog can now run free in the backyard. She use to be on a tether line for years, now she is free.

I have zucchini, squash, tomatoes, herbs, cucumber plants in the ground and the next step is more raised beds for more veggies. My first addiction was gardening, that's what got me thinking about adding my other addiction of chickens. I have been going crazy here not being able to put plants in the ground. I feel so much better now. Big relief. I must feed these addictions!!!!
Not off topic..sounds like a awesome package to open. Congrats on the new stuff...I love getting stuff for my obsessions...yes, I admitted it.

Ouch, shoulder surgery? I know that was not far I have not gone through that, but I know many people who have and I've heard it is very painful. I hope that you heal up soon and I love your idea of physical therapy!
Yeah, I was really excited to open that package. Shipped really quickly too - 2 days from order placed. I plugged in the heating plate for about 2 hrs to test it out, make sure it was working properly. It heated up nicely; hot enough that it was just warm enough to touch & be hot to body temp but not give me a burn. I'm very pleased so far but the real test will be how the chicks like it :)

I fell on the bad ice we had back in January & partially dislocated my right shoulder. It popped back in by itself, but not 100% correctly & I got a compression fracture at the head of the humerus (arm bone where it makes the shoulder joint). The injury caused a frozen shoulder, so I had to have surgery to fix that. I can now move it but man is it one of the most painful orthopaedic surgeries around! And I have nicknamed my PT "the physical torturer". But in the end, my shoulder should be pretty good, though it might not be 100% pain free.
Our fence is finally up!!!!

Here are the ladies when I finally set them free after being penned up for 4 months or more.

They stayed close to the coop and run at first and then wander a little further.
We let them out last night around 7pm and the last one put herself to bed around 8:30pm

I supervised the whole time since my garden areas are not blocked off yet. Our land is no longer a vision of red clay.
We actually have grass! So exciting!! It still needs to feel in a lot more and some areas need work, but the girls did not complain.

Here they are this morning, I let them out a couple of hours.

I got a picture of the baby cardinals too, they're outgrowing their nest. They grow faster then chickens!

The project around our house is pretty much complete except for a few minor things. Our dog can now run free in the backyard. She use to be on a tether line for years, now she is free.

I have zucchini, squash, tomatoes, herbs, cucumber plants in the ground and the next step is more raised beds for more veggies. My first addiction was gardening, that's what got me thinking about adding my other addiction of chickens. I have been going crazy here not being able to put plants in the ground. I feel so much better now. Big relief. I must feed these addictions!!!!
Our fence is finally up!!!! Here are the ladies when I finally set them free after being penned up for 4 months or more. They stayed close to the coop and run at first and then wander a little further. We let them out last night around 7pm and the last one put herself to bed around 8:30pm I supervised the whole time since my garden areas are not blocked off yet. Our land is no longer a vision of red clay. We actually have grass! So exciting!! It still needs to feel in a lot more and some areas need work, but the girls did not complain. Here they are this morning, I let them out a couple of hours. I got a picture of the baby cardinals too, they're outgrowing their nest. They grow faster then chickens! The project around our house is pretty much complete except for a few minor things. Our dog can now run free in the backyard. She use to be on a tether line for years, now she is free. I have zucchini, squash, tomatoes, herbs, cucumber plants in the ground and the next step is more raised beds for more veggies. My first addiction was gardening, that's what got me thinking about adding my other addiction of chickens. I have been going crazy here not being able to put plants in the ground. I feel so much better now. Big relief. I must feed these addictions!!!!
Beautiful! I absolutely love it!! Congratulations! Gardening was my first addiction too. This year I planted more veggies for the chickens than for us. LOL!
Oh no, I'm so sorry Nancy, that's terrible.

I think someone else said maybe it was her heart, I have heard of that before with some chickens. I think some just have internal issues that don't really affect them until they're around a year old.

I'm hoping it was just the issue with the one chicken, especially for her to pass away so fast.

How's everyone this morning?
Everyone seems normal thank goodness :)

Oh my goodness. I just check Meyers website every chance I can to see if anything new is available. This might start effecting my job...start? Lol. It definitely is.
I do this too and I'm not even ordering any LOL!!!

I know this is off topic, but I just had a shipment of supplies for my brooder come in: premier 1 heating plate, nipple waterer, etc. I'm getting so excited! 2 months from today!!! WOOHOO!
So much fun!! Since you are getting them in the summer you will be shocked at how quick they ditch the heater! Mine are 3 1/2 weeks old and are never under it during the day and sleep half out of it at night. What kind of nipple waterer did you get... I've always been tempted to use one. To not have to change chick water 5 times a day would be wonderful!!

Yay! My hubby's boss said we could have as much construction sand as we want...FREE! Woohoo! I was hoping at least for a discount. Gotta love small business loyalty perks! Can't wait to get rid of this dusty, yucky play sand.
LOVE free!!! I got some from where I work today too... I put it in the chick brooder and they all tried it out. Amazing how they just know what to do without being shown.

Our fence is finally up!!!!

Here are the ladies when I finally set them free after being penned up for 4 months or more.

They stayed close to the coop and run at first and then wander a little further.
We let them out last night around 7pm and the last one put herself to bed around 8:30pm

I supervised the whole time since my garden areas are not blocked off yet. Our land is no longer a vision of red clay.
We actually have grass! So exciting!! It still needs to feel in a lot more and some areas need work, but the girls did not complain.

Here they are this morning, I let them out a couple of hours.

I got a picture of the baby cardinals too, they're outgrowing their nest. They grow faster then chickens!

The project around our house is pretty much complete except for a few minor things. Our dog can now run free in the backyard. She use to be on a tether line for years, now she is free.

I have zucchini, squash, tomatoes, herbs, cucumber plants in the ground and the next step is more raised beds for more veggies. My first addiction was gardening, that's what got me thinking about adding my other addiction of chickens. I have been going crazy here not being able to put plants in the ground. I feel so much better now. Big relief. I must feed these addictions!!!!
That is absolutely fantastic!! They must have been in heaven on that green grass and that looks like a huge fenced in area!! We have tried tomatoes several times but it just doesn't work here. The deer figure out some way to get to them no matter what we do. We would need an 8 foot fence around our whole property and that's not happening. We have such a nice view into the woods and it would completely block it and we're not even talking about $$. We put tomatoes on the tennis court one year and they walked across the bridge to it and ate them. Another year we put a small fence around the area and they pushed it in and ate them. Another we put them in pots on the patio about 2 ft. from the house and they ate them too. I think my DH is trying something new this year and growing them upside down next to the coop. I'll keep you posted... should be interesting. I can grow my herbs every year and that makes me happy. I have parsley, sage rosemary, thyme, tons of basil, and lemon balm and we have jalapeno peppers too!
Oh, and how do you keep the dog away from the chickens or is she ok with them?

Yeah, I was really excited to open that package. Shipped really quickly too - 2 days from order placed. I plugged in the heating plate for about 2 hrs to test it out, make sure it was working properly. It heated up nicely; hot enough that it was just warm enough to touch & be hot to body temp but not give me a burn. I'm very pleased so far but the real test will be how the chicks like it :)

I fell on the bad ice we had back in January & partially dislocated my right shoulder. It popped back in by itself, but not 100% correctly & I got a compression fracture at the head of the humerus (arm bone where it makes the shoulder joint). The injury caused a frozen shoulder, so I had to have surgery to fix that. I can now move it but man is it one of the most painful orthopaedic surgeries around! And I have nicknamed my PT "the physical torturer". But in the end, my shoulder should be pretty good, though it might not be 100% pain free.
Boy that sounds painful. I had a guy here doing work yesterday and was telling me he has had tons of surgery and the shoulder was by far the worst of all of them. He said blinking his eyes made it hurt. Must be awful. But you gotta do that PT!!!! Should help tremendously!!

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