Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

My daughter has an Easter Egger named Eleanor because she looked like a chipmunk when she arrived, my son has a Dominique named Bobbie, and my husband has what we believe is a Barred Rock named #4, or Eggnes as I call her. They will all snuggle forever and fall asleep on our chests.
They are second generation Meyer
Blue genetics depend on the parents, but I assume Meyer is using Blue x Blue in their breeding pens, in which case the resulting offspring would be 50% blue, 25% black, 25% splash. :) And of course, I love my one and only splash hen, so I'm a bit biased. ;) But I do quite like blue as well, and that's the one feather color I'm lacking in my flock! Never thought of it until y'all brought it up a few pages back! I've always been more focused on egg color first, feather color second, but that might have to change... :D
I thought I had that wrong LOL. Love me a little Frou-Frou. She is what makes me want a splash anything... but she's got so much personality too!!
If they bred Black to Splash, they would get 100% Blues. ;) By the way, I didn't quote your post, but congrats on the Legbars! :D Fingers crossed your girls hatch! The breeder I went to for my Legbars had an all male hatch out of the group that was supposed to have my two pullets, but then it worked out because now I have the Legbar I wanted as well as another breed I didn't know I wanted, a Bielefelder! :D But anyway, I think that's my luck, him hatching all boys. Even someone else hatching for me gets all boys. :rolleyes: I have literally only gotten one female out of all of the straight run chicks I've gotten--even the 7 Guinea keets I hatched a couple years ago were all male. :th So yeah.
I was looking at those Bielefelder... I had never heard of them. Very pretty!
I've always wondered why they don't do that, say breed all splash hens to black roos. But there maybe be some profitable or logistical reason I'm missing. rnchick74 Sounds like you need a real good layer and while I love our little BO our Golden Buff is easy going within the flock and very pretty. If you are open to a white chicken maybe look at Austra Whites. If I could add another breed to our original order it would be a Welsummer, a RIR or another EE.
For some reason I thought BO's don't lay that well... but I really don't need another broody. If my Silkie turns out to be a girl I assume she will be broody from time to time if I want to hatch eggs. Glad to hear your Golden Buff is easy going. That's what I keep hearing. Can't wait to get a few :)
It appears I have 2 roos out of 8 not bad
I guess that was straight run? Very cute :)
I have two Buff Orpingtons that I love! They are the sweetest birds in my flock. If they suspect we are about to come out with treats, they pace back and forth at the gate. We did not get them from Meyers, but a local feed store. They started laying eggs this week. I can't tell you how many times we have been out with them, and they jump onto our laps.

as you can see, she likes to photobomb the other girls.

always looking for treats

when she was younger.
So sweet! Our Buff Orp is a total lap chicken and photo bomber too! When I open the top of their brooder they all fly up to perch on the sides before I scoop them to carry them outside, but Baby Buff hops right on my shoulder and rides out. Also when I am putting out treats or changing the water in their tractor she and our Dorking, Victoria, often escape, but Victoria just scurries off to forage while Baby almost always hops onto my lap or shoulder she often walks to the back of my neck and climbs onto my bun or sometimes the top my head. Silly girl. I made her her own album the other day, though I still can't get some of them in the right order, no mater how many times I reorder them, last night they kept getting worse and I gave up, today most of them seem right:
So sweet! Our Buff Orp is a total lap chicken and photo bomber too! When I open the top of their brooder they all fly up to perch on the sides before I scoop them to carry them outside, but Baby Buff hops right on my shoulder and rides out. Also when I am putting out treats or changing the water in their tractor she and our Dorking, Victoria, often escape, but Victoria just scurries off to forage while Baby almost always hops onto my lap or shoulder she often walks to the back of my neck and climbs onto my bun or sometimes the top my head. Silly girl. I made her her own album the other day, though I still can't get some of them in the right order, no mater how many times I reorder them, last night they kept getting worse and I gave up, today most of them seem right:
Oh my goodness... how adorable!!! I want a little snuggle bunny like that

I forget... are ours the same age? 9 weeks? Yours look older than mine and I don't remember.
Oh my goodness... how adorable!!! I want a little snuggle bunny like that

I forget... are ours the same age? 9 weeks? Yours look older than mine and I don't remember.
Thanks, ours are 11 weeks :) Funny you said bunny, she reminds me of one especially when she hops at her sisters. Pretty sure she's at the bottom of the pecking order, not that I think we have a very strong one yet, but lately she seems to be testing her place everyday and where it seemed aggressive when our Buckeye did it, with her it's kinda adorable and silly, it's like what are you doing Baby?

My husband and son were gone all weekend in Indiana for my mother-in-law's birthday and he helped rebuild their shack of a coop, built a new roof, added ventilation, a new nest box and a perch (which they never had!). I think that's great he could be with his mom and help her poor chickens, but I was very tempted to hire our next door neighbor the carpenter to finish our coop. This Friday is his birthday and he's got a few extra days off but I don't know if he's going to want to work on it, but really we need to, the next Friday is my dad's 70th birthday and everyone is going to be in town and the weekend after is our son's 5th birthday. I do have them outside all day, except half of yesterday when we had thunderstorms and I ran out in the quickly pouring rain to grab them all, I had the last one, Clara, who started following me then froze, I scooped her up just as a huge crash of thunder and lightening came at once and shook the yard, my son screamed from the porch but we were inside in a second.
My new order from Meyer Hatchery arrived today! I'll get better pics once they're more settled, but here's a peak at what we are adding to our flock.

Salmon Faverolle

Buff Orpington

Silver Laced Wyandotte

Silver Laced Polish

Blue Laced Red Wyandotte

Olive Egger

I'll have to get a better picture of the olive egger where her colors are more visible. She was the once I was most curious to see since they are new this year and so I haven't seen what others have been looking like. She's got feathered legs from her maran heritage, but she's also got some brown coloration around her beak that my black copper maran from Meyer definitely didn't have. Can't wait to see how she turns out!
My new order from Meyer Hatchery arrived today! I'll get better pics once they're more settled, but here's a peak at what we are adding to our flock. Salmon Faverolle Buff Orpington Silver Laced Wyandotte Silver Laced Polish Blue Laced Red Wyandotte Olive Egger I'll have to get a better picture of the olive egger where her colors are more visible. She was the once I was most curious to see since they are new this year and so I haven't seen what others have been looking like. She's got feathered legs from her maran heritage, but she's also got some brown coloration around her beak that my black copper maran from Meyer definitely didn't have. Can't wait to see how she turns out!
Oh my gosh! They are adorable. That little Polish is making me change my mind about them.
My new order from Meyer Hatchery arrived today! I'll get better pics once they're more settled, but here's a peak at what we are adding to our flock. Salmon Faverolle Buff Orpington Silver Laced Wyandotte Silver Laced Polish Blue Laced Red Wyandotte Olive Egger I'll have to get a better picture of the olive egger where her colors are more visible. She was the once I was most curious to see since they are new this year and so I haven't seen what others have been looking like. She's got feathered legs from her maran heritage, but she's also got some brown coloration around her beak that my black copper maran from Meyer definitely didn't have. Can't wait to see how she turns out!
Very nice! Olive Eggers are like Easter Eggers, you never know exactly what they will look like full grown. They are continually evolving. I think that makes owning them especially fun. Good luck with all of your new chicks. I hope they integrate well with your existing flock!
Well, all of my planning & worrying was for nothing!!!

I just logged on and there was a very limited quantity of BLRW females!!! WOOHOO!!! We snagged one!!!

Thanks everyone for all your suggestions. I think if (ok, when) we increase the flock, I will add a BA and a BO to the list! But I'm going to either have to get a lot that is bigger than 1/2 an acre, or just move to the country!

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