Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

I got a pair of Barnvelders from them. They are 12 eeks old now.
can you please post up some pic's? I think we have a couple, one for sure maybe as many as four? Nobody has been able to tell me yea, all the true breeders on the Barn thread said they were not of course the breed standard. I beg to differ as I think one is for sure pretty close. Here she is at about 17 weeks...




Round 3 with Meyer orders . . . I will say they've been wonderful from the outset! Today's order was to replace/ fill out the missing / DOA / ordered-but-unavailble chicks from Mon 8/11.

And it's marked SHIPPED !! And I cannot wait to see them !!

This will make 5 total BC Marans, 2 BS Marans, and 7 Bielefelder's - all pullets + 9 Bielie cockerels, 5 Frying Pan Bargains, and a Meyer Meal Maker

Come on Mr. Postman !!!!
Here's to successful deliveries!!
Melabella - my Bielefelders are directly from GreenFire (serendipity actually- as another poster won an auction on and couldn't take the birds) So no - Meyer doesn't have them.

I was just listing my total flock (after starting over this summer). I apologize for the confusion.

Barnevelders were there, I believe, for a short time yesterday morning. Monday 7 am - 10 am is definitely the sweet spot !!!!

Unfortunately, as of 07:55, my tracking still simply states that a shipping label was created - at 07:30 yesterday !

We shall see . . .
This is from a post on another thread from 2009 - it just makes me laugh - so I thought I'd share it :

I couldn't read all these posts, Wayne I hate you , you people have all lost your minds. I'm going to invest in pharmacuticals, you people need help big time. Your like those crazy old ladies who have hundreds of cats. Only difference is if one of yours dies you can eat it. You'll get a 12 step program all right and every step will be in chicken poop. I think I can hear the sirens now, I told her to put the phone down, but she kept running around the house screaming "we do so need more chickens, aaaaaggghhhhhhhh!". I hope an egg explodes in your incubator!
This is from a post on another thread from 2009 - it just makes me laugh - so I thought I'd share it :

I couldn't read all these posts, Wayne I hate you , you people have all lost your minds. I'm going to invest in pharmacuticals, you people need help big time. Your like those crazy old ladies who have hundreds of cats. Only difference is if one of yours dies you can eat it. You'll get a 12 step program all right and every step will be in chicken poop. I think I can hear the sirens now, I told her to put the phone down, but she kept running around the house screaming "we do so need more chickens, aaaaaggghhhhhhhh!". I hope an egg explodes in your incubator!
I know how this person felt. I have to stop reading these threads. My chicken math is creeping up my spine
and will soon reach my brain then I may do something stupid and place an order...of course I will have to find a new place to live since I will get kicked out of the house...oh well, maybe I can just room with the chickens.
still waiting...they were only an hour away from my post office at 6:45 in Pittsburgh this am and Amity doesn't have them and neither does Washington. Argh!
I know how this person felt. I have to stop reading these threads. My chicken math is creeping up my spine
and will soon reach my brain then I may do something stupid and place an order...of course I will have to find a new place to live since I will get kicked out of the house...oh well, maybe I can just room with the chickens.
Just build a bigger coop!

I lost another girl head honcho BR.
I'm down to 3 layers (and one Silkie). I have 8 more coming's still hard to have to start nearly all over

Good luck to everyone with deliveries today!
This is from a post on another thread from 2009 - it just makes me laugh - so I thought I'd share it :

I couldn't read all these posts, Wayne I hate you , you people have all lost your minds. I'm going to invest in pharmacuticals, you people need help big time. Your like those crazy old ladies who have hundreds of cats. Only difference is if one of yours dies you can eat it. You'll get a 12 step program all right and every step will be in chicken poop. I think I can hear the sirens now, I told her to put the phone down, but she kept running around the house screaming "we do so need more chickens, aaaaaggghhhhhhhh!". I hope an egg explodes in your incubator!
Geez..someone needed a chill pill then or had a little too much coffee. ha ha

My chicken math is creeping up my spine
and will soon reach my brain
You should seriously get that looked at...sounds bad and maybe contagious!

still waiting...they were only an hour away from my post office at 6:45 in Pittsburgh this am and Amity doesn't have them and neither does Washington. Argh!
I hope that you get good news real soon!
Just build a bigger coop!

I lost another girl head honcho BR.
I'm down to 3 layers (and one Silkie). I have 8 more coming's still hard to have to start nearly all over

Good luck to everyone with deliveries today!
Oh no, so sorry. How old was she?

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