Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

Too young, 7 months.
Lost her to the new pup. This is the 2nd one he's gotten in 2 weeks.
I don't let them out together, but it the span of an hour, he somehow moved the chair that I had blocking off the back door, nudged the door open, and got out there.
New measures are being taken and we're going to kennel him when we're gone. I guess being in the house isn't enough.
I've never been one to get rid of animals but, if this doesn't's him or the chickens.
My other dog is so good with them.....
Well he was. He as out when the attack happened so now I don't know if I can trust him either.
That is way too young, so sorry.
Hopefully you'll figure out a way to train the new pup or something. I don't trust our dog around ours either, but it was a stray dog that killed most of my flock last year, never easy. I love dogs but they sure can be vicious and it's a fine line since I love chickens too.

My latest Meyer chicks are crazy! I have one Ex Leghorn, BO and 2 GB that go bonkers trying to get at me whenever I'm near the brooder. If I stick my hand in there they are all over me. I never had this happen before. And when I clean it out they don't run in fear they are just so curious. But the other 6 are still pretty fearful of me.
Also, they don't sleep under the EcoGlow at night ... they all cram on top. I know it's summer but it has been pretty cool here (NOT complaining it's been the most awesome summer
weather I can remember). I pushed them under when they were 3 days old but they climbed right back on top and all snuggled in a heap. I gotta get a pic. They won't fit to much longer.

here are a few pics... 17 weeks old...
NOT from Meyer:

AND my new lined boots for my coops!!! From Costco only $20!!!!
So cute :)
Eva is a cutie. I can see why she is your favorite but the rest are so cute too. I wish Meyer's had some of those rare breeds and for those of yours that they do have I wish they were a lot cheaper. I can't pay more then $4 for a chick.
Love the boots! I saw those boots in our Costco, but I just got my Sloggers and new boots a few months ago, but those are nice and warm for the winter and so tempting!

They made it!

Congrats!!!! So cute!
Ohhhhh how cute!!! Looks like you got a Blue Ameraucana and Lavender Orp!!!? I see in your signature what you got but what's a BSM? Do you know what your MMM is?
Yes, I did get a Blue Ameraucana and a Lavendar Orp! I think my MMM is a Black Copper Marans because I ordered 2 Blue Splash Marans (BSM) and have 3 chicks with feathered legs instead of just 2.

Can't wait to see the transformations.
I got a pair of Barnvelders from them. They are 12 eeks old now.
can you please post up some pic's? I think we have a couple, one for sure maybe as many as four? Nobody has been able to tell me yea, all the true breeders on the Barn thread said they were not of course the breed standard. I beg to differ as I think one is for sure pretty close. Here she is at about 17 weeks...





They look like mine. Yes
This year will be my first experience with a seasonal molt. When do your girls molt? How long does it last?
I'm seeing a lot of feathers in the coop lately. I really don't want to have to buy eggs!
My latest Meyer chicks are crazy! I have one Ex Leghorn, BO and 2 GB that go bonkers trying to get at me whenever I'm near the brooder. If I stick my hand in there they are all over me. I never had this happen before. And when I clean it out they don't run in fear they are just so curious. But the other 6 are still pretty fearful of me.
Also, they don't sleep under the EcoGlow at night ... they all cram on top. I know it's summer but it has been pretty cool here (NOT complaining it's been the most awesome summer
weather I can remember). I pushed them under when they were 3 days old but they climbed right back on top and all snuggled in a heap. I gotta get a pic. They won't fit to much longer.

here are a few pics... 17 weeks old...
NOT from Meyer:

Skye the CCL that squats for me

Eva the Cream Brabanter peeking out

Eva again... wherever I am she will jump up to be close to me
face is getting a little pink!!

sorry... Eva again. Can you tell she's one of my favs? Tail is finally growing in

Faye an Ideal EE... still regrowing her tail


Those are some lucky birds! Beautiful place you have there!

This year will be my first experience with a seasonal molt. When do your girls molt? How long does it last?
I'm seeing a lot of feathers in the coop lately. I really don't want to have to buy eggs!
Mine do not molt at the same time. They are a few weeks off from each other's. But the sexlinks don't stop laying. They seemed to slow down a bit but still seem to get out about 3 a week. The BO stopped altogether but have started up again just about 3 weeks after they stopped. I have no idea if this is normal. They are a 1 1/2 years old
This year will be my first experience with a seasonal molt. When do your girls molt? How long does it last?
I'm seeing a lot of feathers in the coop lately. I really don't want to have to buy eggs!
Mine do not molt at the same time. They are a few weeks off from each other's. But the sexlinks don't stop laying. They seemed to slow down a bit but still seem to get out about 3 a week. The BO stopped altogether but have started up again just about 3 weeks after they stopped. I have no idea if this is normal. They are a 1 1/2 years old
Most of my older girls molted at a year, but my RIR that is a year and a half has not molted at all. A couple of my younger ones now have molted and they are a year too. I may have more of them molting since our egg count is down and a couple have been broody and have not started back. I think it all depends on the breed, the chicken, etc. Some will still lay eggs when molting like jonsccm has said. I don't know if there really is a normal time for chickens.

You can always add more protein to their diet to help out and there's "feather fixer", but I have never used it myself.

We have 21 chickens and lately only 10 to 11 eggs a day, so something is going on with our hens too, not sure if they are molting or it is just the heat because it has been really hot lately. If it is molting, it must be a soft molt since they seem to still have all their feathers.

christine- I hope that you do not have to buy eggs. I hated when I had to do that too after losing chickens to the stray dog, very upsetting, plus those store eggs are just not the same.
Eva is a cutie. I can see why she is your favorite but the rest are so cute too. I wish Meyer's had some of those rare breeds and for those of yours that they do have I wish they were a lot cheaper. I can't pay more then $4 for a chick.
Love the boots! I saw those boots in our Costco, but I just got my Sloggers and new boots a few months ago, but those are nice and warm for the winter and so tempting!
I did pay a bit for the CCL but the Brabanters and EE's at my feed store were $5 each but not having a shipping charge makes it nice.

Yes, I did get a Blue Ameraucana and a Lavendar Orp! I think my MMM is a Black Copper Marans because I ordered 2 Blue Splash Marans (BSM) and have 3 chicks with feathered legs instead of just 2.

Can't wait to see the transformations.
That would be awesome to have a BCM as your MMM. They are so cute... we need a photo shoot from you for sure

LURV the boots! I may have to get my sister, who works at Costco as a pharmacist, to get me a pair or two. :)
They had a few different patterns on the boots so yes, I think 2 pair are necessary! I love that they're lined :) I have a pair I wear for my job at the barn for 3 seasons (LLBean winter boots were my lifesaver this past winter when it was 0 degrees!) ... easy to wash off and now I will be spraying with Oxine!!

This year will be my first experience with a seasonal molt. When do your girls molt? How long does it last?
I'm seeing a lot of feathers in the coop lately. I really don't want to have to buy eggs!
This is my first year experiencing molt. My oldest are about 16 months. My Cochin had what I think was a pretty big molt with white feathers everywhere for over a month. She stopped laying completely for that time. Then laid a few eggs, went broody, caged her 4 days, she molted some more then finally started laying again. Then I sold her. LOL
It seems like a few others had a mini molt. My EE, Izzy, stopped laying about 2-3 weeks but now started up again. I'm really not finding to many feathers anymore so I don't know what's up. But egg production is down and now a new hen is giving me soft shelled eggs... I have it narrowed down to either one of my BA's or my RIR but not positive... I'm hoping related to molting but don't know.
I hear we are supposed to have another bad winter so if they're going to molt I hope it's soon.
When my Cochin had that awful feather condition I put a little 'jacket' on her so the others wouldn't pick on her and that didn't go so well. I wish I videotaped it... she didn't mind the coat but the other girls absolutely freaked out and thought I put a monster in their midst. They were running around screaming which made the cochin run around too and that freaked them out even more! One of the funniest things I've seen out in the coop. So if one of them has a heavy molt in the cold weather they're just going to have to tough it out!


Those are some lucky birds! Beautiful place you have there!

Thank you. We're only on an acre but because we back up to woods and planted pretty heavy on the sides it seem like so much more. But I'm envious of everyone's yards... I don't have a fence so I'm terrified of dogs coming up and attacking my girls when they free range (i only let them out 1-2 hours a day while I can supervise them) and I don't have a speck of grass on my property! It's all mulched, stone paths and ground cover. But they love to scratch along the woods edge with all the leaves and weeds there they find lots to eat.
Any other deliveries yet?

I'm wondering now if my third feathered leg chick could be one of my olive eggers?

I'm not really sure which is which on the 3 light colored ones on the right (I know the two in the upper right corner are BSMs). One of the lighter ones has stripes. And the darker one in the lower right is the one I thought could be a BCM, but now that I realized that olive eggers can be crosses with BCMs it could be one of my olive eggers.

The black and yellow one in the upper left corner is one of my ELs, the striped black one is my SLW and the other black one may be my other olive egger?

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