Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

Here is a collage I did of our EE's, all of which are from Meyer.

I decided I am going to do a collage of each breed in one page, like I did for the EE. A snap shot of that breed in our flock. So there will be one for the Delaware's, Barred Rocks, Welsummer, etc. I always feel like I don't do a good job of showing each girl from all the breeds. It is hard when you have 25 birds to get good pictures of each girl, some are shy and some are camera hogs. That way when someone says what does your flock look like I can show them the five Delaware's, etc.

Crazy Colorado weather, we were 71 on Saturday and sunny, yesterday we started the day at 55 and then dropped to 20 and stayed there most the day.

@Lynn - well you fooled me with the faux tin roof, looks nice.
What a nice idea and what nice looking birds. I only have 22 but they are next to impossible to get individual pictures of...especially since I too have camera hogs and end up with pictures of chicken eye balls half the time.

Weather here in West Texas is misserable today as well. Yesterday it tickled 80 degrees. So far today it has not gotten out of the 20's. I am aching cold but the birds are all out there doing their thing and are blissfully happy. A drop in egg output by about half with the shorter and colder days but they earned some time off producing 22 egg a day during the spring and summer.
I have to update on my Peppy. I tried the crowing colar (actually a homemade version of velcrow) and I am not terribly happy with it. I seems to keep his crow from carrying long distances, but it is not any quieter. I'm too nervous to tighten it further so I just took it off. He seems to crow less often and has become much gentler with the girls. My buff brahma, Apricot, I thought was going to cause me to separate one of them because she was having such a tough time with mating, has figured it out. It's amazing how resilient chickens are. Now she just squats, let's Peppy do his thing, and off she goes to something else. If he's really bothering her, she hides in the coop.
I have to update on my Peppy. I tried the crowing colar (actually a homemade version of velcrow) and I am not terribly happy with it. I seems to keep his crow from carrying long distances, but it is not any quieter. I'm too nervous to tighten it further so I just took it off. He seems to crow less often and has become much gentler with the girls. My buff brahma, Apricot, I thought was going to cause me to separate one of them because she was having such a tough time with mating, has figured it out. It's amazing how resilient chickens are. Now she just squats, let's Peppy do his thing, and off she goes to something else. If he's really bothering her, she hides in the coop.

Glad Apricot figured out how to deal. It took my girls a little time too. Some still hide in the coop when a rooster gets a little too excited. I'd be nervous to tighten the collar too!

Well one of my CCL laid an egg this afternoon!! I'm not sure which one...but someone did! It's a cute, small egg, but it's an EGG!!! I'm so excited!!!

Yeah! It looks pretty green in the pic, but I know how hard it can be to accurately capture egg color in a pic, what color would you describe it as?
Yeah! It looks pretty green in the pic, but I know how hard it can be to accurately capture egg color in a pic, what color would you describe it as?
I would describe it as blue-green. There is a green tint to it, but there definitely is blue in it as well. The flash/photo doesn't do it justice. No matter what (blue/green) I think it's a beautiful shade of EGG!!!!
Last night around 9:00 one of the dogs started barking and the cat laying on my lap actually growled and jumped down. That was unusual, usually he cares less about the dogs. So DH and I got up to investigate. Standing on the patio we didn't see anything. I was just shutting the door coming back inside and one of the roosters crowed! He wouldn't stop crowing. That really worried us. I flipped to the camera while DH got a gun. It was our silky rooster crowing but the coop was secure. Of course we went out to investigate anyway! Never found anything, but pretty sure something was around. Our theory is a raccoon or fox was out back sniffing around and hit the electric wire. It must've made a yelp and took off. All the animals heard the yelp but it was long gone by the time we got out there. Proud of my rooster for sounding the alarm in the middle of the night!
Awesome rooster!!!

Someone posted this to another thread. Had to share.
That is so all of us!!! I love that

Moimoi (our old cat) keeping a watchful eye on the babes

New places to explore
So cute.... and so jealous of your warm weather an greenery!! They look like they are growing so fast!!

I did it!!!! I placed an order with Meyer for my spring chicks! I am SO excited! :)

We currently have two buff orpington girls - Frita and Nugget - they are 27 weeks old and Frita just started to lay on Saturday.

I originally thought we should start small and got our two girls from a science class hatch project at my husband's job in the spring - I should have realized I was going to go chicken crazy. :)

Looking forward to my new babies the first week of April - I ordered 2 black Australorps, 2 easter eggers, 2 silver laced wyandottes, and a meal maker! :D

I am also very excited to join all of you - I've been reading your thread since I first started researching hatcheries in August, and you all feel a bit like "family" to me. Nice to meet you. :)

Welcome to the thread and glad you joined us! So hard to wait for chicks but at least you have 2 to dote on while you wait

I have to update on my Peppy. I tried the crowing colar (actually a homemade version of velcrow) and I am not terribly happy with it. I seems to keep his crow from carrying long distances, but it is not any quieter. I'm too nervous to tighten it further so I just took it off. He seems to crow less often and has become much gentler with the girls. My buff brahma, Apricot, I thought was going to cause me to separate one of them because she was having such a tough time with mating, has figured it out. It's amazing how resilient chickens are. Now she just squats, let's Peppy do his thing, and off she goes to something else. If he's really bothering her, she hides in the coop.
I've been meaning to ask how the collar was working.
Glad Apricot has it figured out. I hide in the coop sometimes too

Well one of my CCL laid an egg this afternoon!! I'm not sure which one...but someone did! It's a cute, small egg, but it's an EGG!!! I'm so excited!!!
Congratulations!!! Beautiful egg
Hopefully they keep them coming!!!

Well one of my CCL laid an egg this afternoon!! I'm not sure which one...but someone did! It's a cute, small egg, but it's an EGG!!! I'm so excited!!!
How pretty!!! I am looking forward to having EE's to lay some pretty eggs for us! (Those that have Meyer EE's, how are they with egg color?)

Thank you all for the warm welcome :)

The waiting is the wooooorst. Five, long, COLD, NY winter months.... *sigh* ....
Gah! I like to look at Meyers website "what's available this week" and usually it's a few breeds I DONT want...well today there are TONS I want!! Welsummer, CLB, blue orp, and blue Ameraucana that mines supposed to be.
I was just thinking, if she ISNT an AM, then what is she?? Any guesses??


Looks like a straight comb instead of pea comb. No real tail feathers like all my others. Slate colored legs. Even Meyers said she might not be an AM :(
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Gah! I like to look at Meyers website "what's available this week" and usually it's a few breeds I DONT want...well today there are TONS I want!! Welsummer, CLB, blue orp, and blue Ameraucana that mines supposed to be.
I was just thinking, if she ISNT an AM, then what is she?? Any guesses?

Blue orpington maybe?

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