Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

Beautiful!  My favorite egg color combo is blue/green with pink and white!  This is one of my fave egg pics, the pink with white speckles was laid by a Delaware but our Buff Orp sometimes lays similar:  

Weird, just got this egg yesterday, pinkish two tone egg, unknown layer.

I had to post this shot as it makes me chuckle every time I look at it. It is my fav chicken eye photo. Show me yours....
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Weird, just got this egg yesterday, pinkish two tone egg, unknown layer.

I had to post this shot as it makes me chuckle every time I look at it. It is my fav chicken eye photo. Show me yours....

neat egg.

Here's my chicken eye pic. I have a bunch of my CCL roo and our EE. They always come right up to the camera to see what's going on.
Weird, just got this egg yesterday, pinkish two tone egg, unknown layer.

I had to post this shot as it makes me chuckle every time I look at it. It is my fav chicken eye photo. Show me yours....
My 6 year old niece says that those egg colors happen because the hens toner cartridge is low. Children of the technology age?????
neat egg. Here's my chicken eye pic. I have a bunch of my CCL roo and our EE. They always come right up to the camera to see what's going on.
love it, we have a few hams as well and it seems inevitable that they photo bomb the pics all the time. Thanks for sharing, what a cutie!
My 6 year old niece says that those egg colors happen because the hens toner cartridge is low. Children of the technology age?????
Aww yeah I remember a time period when all the girls wanted to do was dust bathe.  Your RIR is getting very pretty coloring and I see the GB is turning nicely too.  I love the way RIRs, GBs and BOs look together so I'm a tad jealous.  Let me know how the RIR turns out temperment wise.  Those are some stunning island birds.

Yes Scarlett our RIR is GORGEOUS ! Her feathers are like a thousand different colors mixed together! She's a really sweet girl! Curious, nice to all the others, and first to protect them from my two older pullets when playing outside.
And I hope that Roo doesn't want to join my flock. He has from what I've seen, 2 hens already and that juvenile roo with him. They are gorgeous but a pain in the butt! I shop him away daily from the lot caddy corner to mine
Nice eggs! My 10yr old daughter made me keep a golden laced polish, fell in love with it. I hope it lays good. It was one of only three pullets, seven roos, from meyers 'leanns adopt me' mystery chicks. The other one we still have is our first and most consistent layer this winter, a EEgr bantam, nice green eggs. The other pullet was a dark cornish, but something ate her:( .

Of the others we ordered only one of two brown leghorns is laying a few a week, one big EEgr is laying a few slightly longer and lighter almost lime green eggs a week. Waiting to see the if the wellsummer lays a dark egg.

Great eggs! I love the Golden Laced Polish too. The Buff Laced as well. Actually, I would not mind one in every color.

So cute!! Just busy here trying to shop, decorate etc for Christmas. This time of year just gets crazy. AND I'm trying to wait patiently for my 18 week olds to possibly start laying. 2 EE's are now molting terribly. I feel so bad for them when I look at them because they must be very uncomfortable an confused about what's going on.
Went to the feed store and bought 100lbs of chicken feed, a flock block and oyster shell and when I was asking about higher protein feed to give to my molting girls they gave me a bag of the Manna Pro Omega Egg Maker... 5 lb bag sells for $16.99!!! I kept asking if he meant 'free'?? Yup. So nice of them!! I'll give them a bit at night mixed with some regular feed and wet with warm water.

We have to oil ours once in a while or it sticks sometimes. I love ours too!!
That's so nice of them. I wish we had a feed store near us. Sounds like you have a pretty good one neat you. It's only TSC for us right now, unless I find out there is another place.

Wow that was nice of them! I have upped our girls' protein but still only one layer out of 40+ hens. Going to go buy some high protein food soon just to see if that changes anything.

I figured out our door problem. Our bottom limit switch gets stuck in so when it switches to close it thinks it's already closed. I had brought it in with the intention of changing it, but got distracted and it was working in the house (of course) so I forgot about it. I'll be bringing it in tomorrow and throwing a new limit switch on it. Hopefully that will solve the problem. Good news, my other door is working great. And DH has made progress on his prototype for a door we can sell. We're thinking we can charge $75-100 instead of the $200 for a commercial one. It won't be as pretty but won't be bad and it will be functional! I've learned a lot from the 2 I made for us so I think I can make a pretty good one now.

Our polish lays pretty good when she's laying. I bet that would be an interesting cross!
That's neat that you're coming up with so many ideas for extra income. Well, I was selling a few eggs but since I only get two a day now, that's not gonna help!

I don't have an automatic chicken door on my coop, but the run is secure and when it's free range time I just open the human run door.

I can see why there is a need for one, especially in colder areas. Their pop door on the coop just stays open all year long.

Lol I swear all my pics are of them dust bathing because that's all they want to do when out. Bratt (formally known as lemon the Delaware) is all grey lol
They sure seem to be enjoying themselves.

I need to get rid of my black australorp rooster
He is gorgeous but doesn't leave the hens alone. I have been getting 3-4 eggs a day out of 28 hens now I have him in a cage I have been getting 10-12 a day. I definitely know now it was him causing them stress to not lay.

He's my pretty boy but the girls come first! If anyone is close and would like to meet me somewhere please pm me and let me know!
He is beautiful, so sorry he is not working out. So far we have not had any roosters here. I guess I have been lucky since I never ordered any and no mistakes were made.

Beautiful! My favorite egg color combo is blue/green with pink and white! This is one of my fave egg pics, the pink with white speckles was laid by a Delaware but our Buff Orp sometimes lays similar:

Good news! After nine days off Morgaine finally laid an egg on Sunday! I suspected she would because of her behavior but there was nothing in the nest box when my husband checked. I went out there an hour later and checked in the coop, sure enough she had laid it on the droppings board (which we have sand on) it was small cold and almost grey, it had a very thick bloom on it even after washing and buffing it twice it's still a cloudy light purple. Yesterday she laid a nice medium dark reddish brown egg in the next box so she's back in action. It was so nice to have all five girls lay in a day. I think perhaps her body was busy healing from her mild case of frostbite on one of the tips of her comb. Yesterday I noticed a cut near the bottom of her comb so I brought her inside to treat it. She's so nice inside, one on one, willing to snuggle and she doesn't peck at the cat like her sisters. I gave her an apple and she had fun pecking and rolling it. I normally core and slice the apples but since I was supervising and it was just her I wasn't worried about her getting to the seeds. Is it crazy that I would like a chicken diaper for Christmas so we can have the girls spend time inside with us sometimes?
Good job Morgaine! Congrats! She sounds like she is getting great treatment too. A chicken diaper for Christmas? Ha ha, good luck!
2 days old 6-13-14



Such cute little ones and they grew up so fast. Pretty soon they'll be starting college.

Oh wait, were we still talking about chickens? OopS!

Seriously, you have a beautiful flock and healthy looking too!

Today, I finally got my first white egg from my molting girls. Not sure which one laid it, but I am so glad one of the 5 white layers are back to laying eggs! Still just 2 a day, though.

I have noticed that they are all eating a lot more and seem to be fattening up again, so hopefully everyone else will pick up their laying again soon.

So the Winter Solstice is December 21st this year and the days will start getting longer from there. So that means more daylight pretty soon, which means more eggs!!!!!
That's so nice of them. I wish we had a feed store near us. Sounds like you have a pretty good one neat you. It's only TSC for us right now, unless I find out there is another place.

Today, I finally got my first white egg from my molting girls. Not sure which one laid it, but I am so glad one of the 5 white layers are back to laying eggs! Still just 2 a day, though.

I have noticed that they are all eating a lot more and seem to be fattening up again, so hopefully everyone else will pick up their laying again soon.

So the Winter Solstice is December 21st this year and the days will start getting longer from there. So that means more daylight pretty soon, which means more eggs!!!!!
It's actually a Do It Best store; kind of like a TSC. They sell Agway brand feed so they are associated with them somehow. I honestly don't know why they gave it to me unless it just isn't selling ands they wanted it off their shelves. They also know I travel 35 minutes one way to them so maybe that's why they are nice? I have a small hardware store 3 miles from my house but I don't know anything about the brand feed they carry and I'm happy with the Agway brand so I'm not going to chance switching to an unknown. After the problem with the Purina brand last winter I'm sticking with what I know. For now!

And I was just thinking about that Winter Solstice.... I bet you see a big change come January. They'll be fattened up, feathers regrown and longer days!! Time for those ladies to get back to work.

Here's my two older girls
Pretty girls.... what color eggs do they lay?
Weird, just got this egg yesterday, pinkish two tone egg, unknown layer.

I had to post this shot as it makes me chuckle every time I look at it. It is my fav chicken eye photo. Show me yours....
Very pretty egg.... I always delete my pics like that... I get so many LOL I'll have to save one and post.

neat egg.

Here's my chicken eye pic. I have a bunch of my CCL roo and our EE. They always come right up to the camera to see what's going on.
LOL.... what a cutie. Love her colors!!
He is beautiful, so sorry he is not working out. So far we have not had any roosters here. I guess I have been lucky since I never ordered any and no mistakes were made.

Thanks he is gorgeous I got him when I got hatching eggs from Meyer. He was my only rooster thank goodness! My hens are happy hens now which I am thankful for. I don't know if it was because he is only 6 months old or if he is just a very harassing rooster. He's good with people and animals he's just very aggressive with mating and chasing the hens

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