Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

Great eggs! I love the Golden Laced Polish too. The Buff Laced as well. Actually, I would not mind one in every color.

That's so nice of them. I wish we had a feed store near us. Sounds like you have a pretty good one neat you. It's only TSC for us right now, unless I find out there is another place.

That's neat that you're coming up with so many ideas for extra income. Well, I was selling a few eggs but since I only get two a day now, that's not gonna help!

I don't have an automatic chicken door on my coop, but the run is secure and when it's free range time I just open the human run door.

I can see why there is a need for one, especially in colder areas. Their pop door on the coop just stays open all year long.

They sure seem to be enjoying themselves.

He is beautiful, so sorry he is not working out. So far we have not had any roosters here. I guess I have been lucky since I never ordered any and no mistakes were made.

Good job Morgaine! Congrats! She sounds like she is getting great treatment too. A chicken diaper for Christmas? Ha ha, good luck!
Such cute little ones and they grew up so fast. Pretty soon they'll be starting college.

Oh wait, were we still talking about chickens? OopS!

Seriously, you have a beautiful flock and healthy looking too!

Today, I finally got my first white egg from my molting girls. Not sure which one laid it, but I am so glad one of the 5 white layers are back to laying eggs! Still just 2 a day, though.

I have noticed that they are all eating a lot more and seem to be fattening up again, so hopefully everyone else will pick up their laying again soon.

So the Winter Solstice is December 21st this year and the days will start getting longer from there. So that means more daylight pretty soon, which means more eggs!!!!!

Your lucky you can leave the pop door open all the time. While our run is "secure" I wouldn't trust it and feel a lot better with them being locked in tight. Tonight I stepped out to check that the doors had shut and saw something dark over by the chicken area. I was staring at it trying to figure out what it was and it stood up. It was the black fox that lives down the street! I was just telling my parents earlier that it stays on the back part on the property but there it was right next to the run! The previous owners of this house had a couple flocks decimated by foxes. I think they may have just figured out the chickens are back. DH went out right then and "marked" the area. I am glad they are locked up tight.

It's actually a Do It Best store; kind of like a TSC. They sell Agway brand feed so they are associated with them somehow. I honestly don't know why they gave it to me unless it just isn't selling ands they wanted it off their shelves. They also know I travel 35 minutes one way to them so maybe that's why they are nice? I have a small hardware store 3 miles from my house but I don't know anything about the brand feed they carry and I'm happy with the Agway brand so I'm not going to chance switching to an unknown. After the problem with the Purina brand last winter I'm sticking with what I know. For now!

And I was just thinking about that Winter Solstice.... I bet you see a big change come January. They'll be fattened up, feathers regrown and longer days!! Time for those ladies to get back to work.

Pretty girls.... what color eggs do they lay?
Very pretty egg.... I always delete my pics like that... I get so many LOL I'll have to save one and post.

LOL.... what a cutie. Love her colors!!

I certainly hope our girls get back to laying. A nest was made in one of the nest boxes today but no egg. Hopefully that means the girls are getting back to it though.
@ trsturself oh wow, that fox sounded way too close. Scary, glad your flock was safe. One thing about our run too is that the whole yard is fenced in now and Maxie our killer Chow patrols the yard 24/7.

So my husband used the electrical cord running to the nipple water system yesterday, so the whole unit was frozen solid this morning since he forgot to plug the bird bath heater back in. I can't fuss at him too much since he used the cord for the table saw to cut crown molding for the kitchen. Guess I need to double check at night to make sure they'll have water in the morning. I had to bring out fresh water this morning and more later until the temps go up.
I got spoiled by having an auto water system. Still need a heated hose but they're just so darn expensive!
My DH fusses so much about the lack of eggs, so I warned him that he wasn't helping by taking their water away.
Your lucky you can leave the pop door open all the time. While our run is "secure" I wouldn't trust it and feel a lot better with them being locked in tight. Tonight I stepped out to check that the doors had shut and saw something dark over by the chicken area. I was staring at it trying to figure out what it was and it stood up. It was the black fox that lives down the street! I was just telling my parents earlier that it stays on the back part on the property but there it was right next to the run! The previous owners of this house had a couple flocks decimated by foxes. I think they may have just figured out the chickens are back. DH went out right then and "marked" the area. I am glad they are locked up tight. 

I certainly hope our girls get back to laying. A nest was made in one of the nest boxes today but no egg. Hopefully that means the girls are getting back to it though. 
Wow, I hear foxes are pretty clever, do you think that with the fox presence it could affect the laying of the flock? I was just thinking if they are nervous or stressed....I don't really know was wondering more than anything.
My two older girls haven't started laying yet. They're only 9/10 weeks old. The lady I got them from said their hatch date was 9/29 but that doesn't make sense with how old she said they were when I got them (at the time she had said 6 weeks and that was almost 2 mos ago)
Their mom is a Black Ameraucana and dad I believe was a EE. So I'm hoping for blue/green eggs.

Operation integration has been happening the last week. I've been taking the babies out everyday with the older girls and last night we put them all in the coop and everyone did great! The only problem was caused by me :( I went to check and saw all the babies dogpiled in the corner so I tried perching them and they all freaked and went back to their corner. But all were happy and eating when I went to open the coop this morning!!
Hi all - here are some pics of my Meyer Golden Buffs. After 3 weeks of look but don't touch introductions, they were ready to join the main flock and did so by hopping the separation fence by themselves sometime in the morning. And everyone is getting along!


Meyer girls - Ennie, Meanie, Minie, and Moe


"What's this white stuff falling from the sky?"


And an obligatory Stella shot, my polish/silkie cross. I swear she kissed an hugged the Golden Buffs when they all mixed together.
Glad everyone's integrations are going so well! My two groups have been together for a while, but they don't segregate themselves anymore. They even share roosts at night. Used to be the older thee on the top roost and the younger six on the other. And today three of my golf balls were kicked out of the nest boxes. I hope this means the younger ones where checking them out. 18 weeks on Monday!
@trsturself I busted out laughing about your hubby marking the area! That's something mine would do. I hope it does the trick, along with your handiwork on that coop.
Wow, I hear foxes are pretty clever, do you think that with the fox presence it could affect the laying of the flock? I was just thinking if they are nervous or stressed....I don't really know was wondering more than anything.

It's quite possible. This is the first time I've seen them near the coop. Usually they are an acre or two away when I see them. I'm not sure if they would freak the chickens out or not since they are used to dogs and cats running around.

My two older girls haven't started laying yet. They're only 9/10 weeks old. The lady I got them from said their hatch date was 9/29 but that doesn't make sense with how old she said they were when I got them (at the time she had said 6 weeks and that was almost 2 mos ago)
Their mom is a Black Ameraucana and dad I believe was a EE. So I'm hoping for blue/green eggs.

Operation integration has been happening the last week. I've been taking the babies out everyday with the older girls and last night we put them all in the coop and everyone did great! The only problem was caused by me
I went to check and saw all the babies dogpiled in the corner so I tried perching them and they all freaked and went back to their corner. But all were happy and eating when I went to open the coop this morning!!

Glad to hear the integration went well.

Glad everyone's integrations are going so well! My two groups have been together for a while, but they don't segregate themselves anymore. They even share roosts at night. Used to be the older thee on the top roost and the younger six on the other. And today three of my golf balls were kicked out of the nest boxes. I hope this means the younger ones where checking them out. 18 weeks on Monday!
@trsturself I busted out laughing about your hubby marking the area! That's something mine would do. I hope it does the trick, along with your handiwork on that coop.

Hoping for eggs soon for you!

I think it definitely helps. He used to mark it pretty often but stopped for awhile. We hadn't seen the fox in quite awhile until about a week ago. Hopefully they'll be scarce again!
My little Limabean has been acting strange. She has been stretching her neck out and opening her mouth really wide. It looks like she's yawning almost. Then she shakes her head a little. She did it before when younger, but it just seems so strange. Searching here links the "yawning" to gape worms. What/how do you worm for something like this? Have any of you ever seen this behavior? She's otherwise normal. Going to start a thread a see what others say as well.
Today was a GREAT egg day! 6 total including a double yolker!!!

Collette (Meyers BCM) laid early this morning/late last night...then again this evening with a huge egg that turned out to be a double yolker

Gidget & Gizmo (non Meyer CCL) are both laying beautiful blue/green eggs

I'm not sure exactly who all is laying the brown eggs. I know Flora is, but someone else is too!

And Esmerelda finally started laying her cute little while torpedoes!


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