Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

So my waterer is experiencing issues after the last few freeze/thaw periods. It now leaks where each nipple attaches to the PVC pipe. I tried different adhesives to address the problem, but nothing seems to be working. I'm considering the chicken fountain that some of you have purchased. Are you still happy with it? And how much assembly is required? I don't want the assembly to be extensive enough that I could compromise the integrity of the product LOL. Really curious....
So my waterer is experiencing issues after the last few freeze/thaw periods. It now leaks where each nipple attaches to the PVC pipe. I tried different adhesives to address the problem, but nothing seems to be working. I'm considering the chicken fountain that some of you have purchased. Are you still happy with it? And how much assembly is required? I don't want the assembly to be extensive enough that I could compromise the integrity of the product LOL. Really curious....
I LOVE LOVE LOVE my chicken fountain! Definitely get the winter kit as well,'s winter! Since I "winterized" my fountain i've had no issues.

Assembly is very minimal - it consists of inserting & gluing 1 pipe & lining up pre-drawn dots. The glue is included. You screw on the hose inlet (unless you want to wait until spring since you water hose will freeze in winter - no good way around this, but it holds enough water for a few day unless you have a ton of chickens). All the nipples are installed, the valve is's truly that simple! I have a review of my "construction and installation" on my blog here:

If you have specific questions, especially about winterizing, feel free to shoot me a PM. Or better yet, contact the Chicken Fountain owner on his facebook or webpage. He is VERY nice and loves to help potential customers & owners with questions or concerns. I've contacted him a couple of times with questions.
Holly gross batman! Do you think it is debris that got hardened with puss around it?

I cannot use the words of exclamation that just came out of my mouth! That is huge! I bet she's feeling so much better already, and will be back to her old self soon.

Holy heck.... that's bizarre!!! So you put the q-tip on the roof of her mouth and this came out of her eye???? Crazy stuff there... So glad you got that out of her.
How is she today??

I actually haven't checked on her today. She's in my daughter's bathroom so I don't go up there much. My daughter is the one that wants to be a vet, so she nurses all our sick chickens. Although after this experience I think she is thinking twice about that career. She couldn't even look as she held her for me.
I think her eye got infected from running into something or getting pecked. It could've been from a sinus infection but her other eye shows no signs and she has no other signs of a cold, so I'm thinking it was from her eye.
Yes, pushing on the roof of her mouth helped the stuff move out a bit, but really it came out from pushing on the swollen part of her face.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE my chicken fountain! Definitely get the winter kit as well,'s winter! Since I "winterized" my fountain i've had no issues. 

Assembly is very minimal - it consists of inserting & gluing 1 pipe & lining up pre-drawn dots. The glue is included. You screw on the hose inlet (unless you want to wait until spring since you water hose will freeze in winter - no good way around this, but it holds enough water for a few day unless you have a ton of chickens). All the nipples are installed, the valve is's truly that simple! I have a review of my "construction and installation" on my blog here:

If you have specific questions, especially about winterizing, feel free to shoot me a PM. Or better yet, contact the Chicken Fountain owner on his facebook or webpage. He is VERY nice and loves to help potential customers & owners with questions or concerns. I've contacted him a couple of times with questions.

I got the chicken fountains brooder nipples and love them. I was thinking about getting the mini chicken fountain but have been dragging my heels. Now since yall have said great things I think I will get it! Question though. It just hooks up to the hose right?? And you leave the hose on?
Since I moved my coop it's about 30ft away from spout. Can I just get a 40ft hose and connect it?
I got the chicken fountains brooder nipples and love them. I was thinking about getting the mini chicken fountain but have been dragging my heels. Now since yall have said great things I think I will get it! Question though. It just hooks up to the hose right?? And you leave the hose on?
Since I moved my coop it's about 30ft away from spout. Can I just get a 40ft hose and connect it?
I just answered your PM...but that's almost exactly the set up for my coop - 30 ft away & I bought a 40 ft hose (because 30 ft hose is hard to find). There is a valve that refills the fountain as needed when the water level dips, so even though the water hose is "on", water consumption is very low. My water bill has not gone up more than $5 since using the Chicken Fountain. Since it has been freezing here at night, I turned off the hose & hand fill - with 7 -8 chickens, I top it off every other day with about 1/4 gallon since the fountain holds so much.

I can't say enough good things. Anyone who orders - make sure to tell Frank (owner) that Cassandra the "Urban Chicken Keeper" sent you. I don't get a kickback or anything, but it's always good to know where your sales pitches are coming from!
Yay! :celebrate :celebrate
My cuckoo Marans definitely laid this today. She was pacing all day and squawking every time she made it up the ramp into the coop. However, I found it in the run. Id say the color is somewhere between these two.

I am traveling right now but just wanted to say that I have really loved having my mega fountain from the Chicken Fountain. So nice to not have to worry about filling it. We have the winter kit and I bought the bird bath heater for it. I just remove the hose and refill it by hand on freezing days since heated hoses are so expensive. My setup is about 30 feet from the spigot too. Works great, just a few extra things to do in the winter. I always check daily to make sure the nipples are flowing.
and I agree, they have great customer service.
OK.... I just have a question.... keep in mind I'm not mechanical at all...

I thought if you live in temps where it freezes for quite a while you have to disconnect hoses or it could cause pipes to burst?
Everyone around my way disconnects them and doesn't use outdoor faucets. Am I missing something?

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