Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

Hey gang,

So we still have been wondering about the breed of a couple of our black/brown girls. We thought cornish, but now I am wondering specifically about two of them. Does anyone have a GLW from Meyer and if so could you post some pics.

Here is the girl in question, I am leaning more towards a GLW., the Meyer person thought GLW or Barnevelder. She lays cream colored eggs.



Here is a shot of her with two of the cornish, you can see the difference in feather patterns.

Here is a shot of the Cornish feather patterns


And now I have to vent for a second, last week sucked the big one. I rear ended someone last week and crunched my BF truck. He was not too happy about that, bent the bumper in. I wasn't injured, the lady went to urgent care for a concussion and a neck injury, she is claiming. She also disclosed to me that she had just spent 8 months recovering from whiplash. The insurance company said his rates will go up, but I will pay the difference. The other thing I found out is I might be facing another surgery, this time for my wrist. Had MRI done of hand and neck due to pain and swelling in my right arm. The results are not good, have osteoarthritis in my thumb and the bones in my forearm didn't grow to same length, one bone is longer than the other and is pushing on other bones in my hand. I also have a tear in some ligaments as well. From what I have read the procedure I might have to go through is an Ulnar Shortening Osteotomy, basically they go in a shave down the longer bone or cut out a piece to make the bones the same length. I think then it is either a cast or pins and cage, inactivity for something like 6 weeks. I am in process of scheduling with four different hand surgeons to see what my options are. It is caused by several things, fracture in the growth plate of wrist and the bones don't grow evenly, undue load and pressure on wrists (such as gymnastics) and trauma's from falls. Well I have had all three of these things, plus a ski thumb injury and a green stick break to my forearm. Not sure how to deal with the news right now, just feel a bit discouraged.
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Hey gang,

So we still have been wondering about the breed of a couple of our black/brown girls. We thought cornish, but now I am wondering specifically about two of them. Does anyone have a GLW from Meyer and if so could you post some pics.

Here is the girl in question, I am leaning more towards a GLW., the Meyer person thought GLW or Barnevelder. She lays cream colored eggs.

Here is a shot of her with two of the cornish, you can see the difference in feather patterns.

Here is a shot of the Cornish feather patterns

And now I have to vent for a second, last week sucked the big one. I rear ended someone last week and crunched my BF truck. He was not too happy about that, bent the bumper in. I wasn't injured, the lady went to urgent care for a concussion and a neck injury, she is claiming. She also disclosed to me that she had just spent 8 months recovering from whiplash. The insurance company said his rates will go up, but I will pay the difference. The other thing I found out is I might be facing another surgery, this time for my wrist. Had MRI done of hand and neck due to pain and swelling in my right arm. The results are not good, have osteoarthritis in my thumb and the bones in my forearm didn't grow to same length, one bone is longer than the other and is pushing on other bones in my hand. I also have a tear in some ligaments as well. From what I have read the procedure I might have to go through is an Ulnar Shortening Osteotomy, basically they go in a shave down the longer bone or cut out a piece to make the bones the same length. I think then it is either a cast or pins and cage, inactivity for something like 6 weeks. I am in process of scheduling with four different hand surgeons to see what my options are. It is caused by several things, fracture in the growth plate of wrist and the bones don't grow evenly, undue load and pressure on wrists (such as gymnastics) and trauma's from falls. Well I have had all three of these things, plus a ski thumb injury and a green stick break to my forearm. Not sure how to deal with the news right now, just feel a bit discouraged.
I don't think it is a GLW. They typically have golden/brownish feathers laced with black. The pattern on your hen seems to more match the cornish than anything else. She could be a cross of some sort.

Good luck on your surgery. I had hand surgery several years ago due to an injury and, except for some persistent numbness, everything is fine now.
Hey gang,

So we still have been wondering about the breed of a couple of our black/brown girls. We thought cornish, but now I am wondering specifically about two of them. Does anyone have a GLW from Meyer and if so could you post some pics.

Here is the girl in question, I am leaning more towards a GLW., the Meyer person thought GLW or Barnevelder. She lays cream colored eggs.

Here is a shot of her with two of the cornish, you can see the difference in feather patterns.

Here is a shot of the Cornish feather patterns

And now I have to vent for a second, last week sucked the big one. I rear ended someone last week and crunched my BF truck. He was not too happy about that, bent the bumper in. I wasn't injured, the lady went to urgent care for a concussion and a neck injury, she is claiming. She also disclosed to me that she had just spent 8 months recovering from whiplash. The insurance company said his rates will go up, but I will pay the difference. The other thing I found out is I might be facing another surgery, this time for my wrist. Had MRI done of hand and neck due to pain and swelling in my right arm. The results are not good, have osteoarthritis in my thumb and the bones in my forearm didn't grow to same length, one bone is longer than the other and is pushing on other bones in my hand. I also have a tear in some ligaments as well. From what I have read the procedure I might have to go through is an Ulnar Shortening Osteotomy, basically they go in a shave down the longer bone or cut out a piece to make the bones the same length. I think then it is either a cast or pins and cage, inactivity for something like 6 weeks. I am in process of scheduling with four different hand surgeons to see what my options are. It is caused by several things, fracture in the growth plate of wrist and the bones don't grow evenly, undue load and pressure on wrists (such as gymnastics) and trauma's from falls. Well I have had all three of these things, plus a ski thumb injury and a green stick break to my forearm. Not sure how to deal with the news right now, just feel a bit discouraged.

That's a double lace pattern, so not a GLW. I would say barnevelder or cornish still. Does she have a very different body type than the cornish? They have a pretty distinct body type.
Hey gang,

So we still have been wondering about the breed of a couple of our black/brown girls. We thought cornish, but now I am wondering specifically about two of them. Does anyone have a GLW from Meyer and if so could you post some pics.

Here is the girl in question, I am leaning more towards a GLW., the Meyer person thought GLW or Barnevelder. She lays cream colored eggs.

Here is a shot of her with two of the cornish, you can see the difference in feather patterns.

Here is a shot of the Cornish feather patterns

And now I have to vent for a second, last week sucked the big one. I rear ended someone last week and crunched my BF truck. He was not too happy about that, bent the bumper in. I wasn't injured, the lady went to urgent care for a concussion and a neck injury, she is claiming. She also disclosed to me that she had just spent 8 months recovering from whiplash. The insurance company said his rates will go up, but I will pay the difference. The other thing I found out is I might be facing another surgery, this time for my wrist. Had MRI done of hand and neck due to pain and swelling in my right arm. The results are not good, have osteoarthritis in my thumb and the bones in my forearm didn't grow to same length, one bone is longer than the other and is pushing on other bones in my hand. I also have a tear in some ligaments as well. From what I have read the procedure I might have to go through is an Ulnar Shortening Osteotomy, basically they go in a shave down the longer bone or cut out a piece to make the bones the same length. I think then it is either a cast or pins and cage, inactivity for something like 6 weeks. I am in process of scheduling with four different hand surgeons to see what my options are. It is caused by several things, fracture in the growth plate of wrist and the bones don't grow evenly, undue load and pressure on wrists (such as gymnastics) and trauma's from falls. Well I have had all three of these things, plus a ski thumb injury and a green stick break to my forearm. Not sure how to deal with the news right now, just feel a bit discouraged.
Good luck with your surgery and trouble. Sounds painful. I hope things work out with the accident too. Doesn't sound like the person you hit is a very honest person, to say the least.

I have a GLW and she does look a lot different then your hen. Your hen is beautiful though!

We love our GLW, she is one of the sweetest ones we have and she lays a big light creamy brown egg, almost the same color as our BR's but less chalky, more shiny.

Your hens comb looks different then our GLW too. A GLW has a rose comb.

I believe you may have a Barnevelder. I love your chickens dark feathers and the contrast of gold and dark.
Hi Guys!!!!!!

Sorry I've been AWOL.... just busy here.

My chickens are making me crazy..... they've been waking me up at 6 a.m screaming at the top of their lungs!!! I ran out there this morning to see what was going on and they all looked so guilty! It was so funny. I Shusshhhed them up and they all stood there just looking at me ... but maybe that's because I was standing there in 28 degree weather with my hair sticking up all over the place and a blanket wrapped around me cussing them out.

But they weren't just milling around, some were in the rafters of the run, a bunch in the corner and then 4 single file on the plank leading up to the rafters. So I'm wondering if something is scaring them. They were doing the egg song aka warning call and I could hear an owl hooting or it could have been a fox or raccoon. I don't know what it is but I'm terrified my neighbors are going to complain. Maybe 20 chickens is to many for my neighborhood?? May have to make some changes in the spring.

But on a happy note... my little girls are now 20 weeks old and 3 of my 4 GB are def laying... pretty dark brown eggs. here's a pic...

The first pic is a GB egg from today and all my silkie's white eggs from this week and a teeny tiny perfectly round white egg I found in the run yesterday. Maybe from one of my Ex Leghorns? All the brown eggs on the skelter are from my GBs. My 2 BA's are molting like crazy and my EE, Cleo, is looking sad cause she's half naked. My 19 week old OE looks ready to lay, big red comb and screaming up a storm. Only my BO is still looking like she's no where near laying.

@LynnEBC Love your kitchen pics and so glad you're getting more eggs now... how is it going this weekend with egg count??

Hope everyone else is doing well.

Off to wrap presents and bake cookies.
Finally back home...always nice to be home.

Did you ever figure out what was up with your chickens in the early morning?

I love the pics of your skelter. I'll just imagine it is mine. We did get 5 eggs yesterday, so the production is slowly picking up. Only one that looks like they are still molting is my Golden Campine, the rest look like they are filling in with feathers. They are all so pretty now, I need to get outside with my camera and take some nice pics of all of them. Probably after all the relatives leave on the weekend.

I am finishing up the kitchen "still". These finishing touches seem to last forever! We have family coming in on Christmas day and then more on the weekend, then after that we will be alone for the New Year. I can't believe we are already at the end of this year.

Oh, over the weekend we went to my oldest son's and they had a gender reveal party. (Never heard of those, when I had kids!) Turns out we will have our 1st grandson in June!!!

and our first granddaughter will be born at the end of March from my younger son and his wife!!! So we'll have one of each!!!!!!

and here I was so excited over chicks!!! I will be getting some of those too in 2015 though!!

Love those eggs!

Update on the eye problem. The chicken has been inside for the last couple days. We've been putting medicine on it but it kept getting worse. I would open the eye but it was just red, nothing else. DD just brought her downstairs about 5 min ago and said, "look". The chicken's eye was half white. We brought her into my bathroom and put a q-tip of Vet Rx up into the roof of her mouth like I had read somewhere on BYC. The white stuff started coming out more. I brushed it with a tissue and a big chunk came out. Then the whole eye turned white. I squeezed her eye and a marble sized hard chunk came popping out. So gross but I'm sure she feels a ton better! We put medicine back on it and still have her inside. Hopefully it will clear up now.

Here is the chunk that came out. I couldn't find anything in my bathroom to give it scale except a fat hair tie thingy.

Good for you and your daughter taking care of your poor hen! but still ewww!!!

I actually haven't checked on her today. She's in my daughter's bathroom so I don't go up there much. My daughter is the one that wants to be a vet, so she nurses all our sick chickens. Although after this experience I think she is thinking twice about that career. She couldn't even look as she held her for me.
I think her eye got infected from running into something or getting pecked. It could've been from a sinus infection but her other eye shows no signs and she has no other signs of a cold, so I'm thinking it was from her eye.
Yes, pushing on the roof of her mouth helped the stuff move out a bit, but really it came out from pushing on the swollen part of her face.

I got the chicken fountains brooder nipples and love them. I was thinking about getting the mini chicken fountain but have been dragging my heels. Now since yall have said great things I think I will get it! Question though. It just hooks up to the hose right?? And you leave the hose on?
Since I moved my coop it's about 30ft away from spout. Can I just get a 40ft hose and connect it?
We may purchase some of the brooder nipples too when we get chicks. Our setup does work great, but we do not have too many freezing temps here very often and the bird bath heater does help on the few days it drops below freezing. You'd probably be able to use it year round with no problems since you live in such a warm climate. On really hot days you can add ice cubes to the main unit too.

OK.... I just have a question.... keep in mind I'm not mechanical at all...

I thought if you live in temps where it freezes for quite a while you have to disconnect hoses or it could cause pipes to burst?
Everyone around my way disconnects them and doesn't use outdoor faucets. Am I missing something?
We unhook our hose and cut off the spigot when the temps are going to stay in the below freezing zone for awhile. As far as the waterer goes, it does fine as long as the bird bath heater is on.

I have heard about pipes bursting too. I have also heard that it is good to have a faucet inside the house dripping to help with pipes freezing inside the house.

Now you have me wondering too!
OK.... I just have a question.... keep in mind I'm not mechanical at all...

I thought if you live in temps where it freezes for quite a while you have to disconnect hoses or it could cause pipes to burst?
Everyone around my way disconnects them and doesn't use outdoor faucets. Am I missing something?
The idea is that any water left in the hose would expand when freezing, pushing back on the valve of the spigot or within the house if the valve is open. This could crack the spigot, the valve, or the interior pipes. If it's a spigot on the outside of the house and the valve is closed and hose disconnected, the heat within the house should keep the pipes from freezing. I'm not familiar with the chicken fountain, but running water will general not freeze. I'm actually renovating an old farmhouse that has no insulation. We have a heater running in the basement to keep the well tanks from freezing, but last winter the junction box for the barns and exterior spigot froze and broke. But the junction is underneath a manhole, so it isn't protected with earth. I will be using heat wrap on the barn spigots next winter.
You guys might enjoy this link in your spare time. It has a lot of information about different breeds. I am thinking of focusing on getting cold hardy chickens for next year so we have more eggs in the winter and this site is pretty useful.

Someone on the Natural Chicken thread posted the link. They were talking about winter layers. It makes sense now why I am getting a few eggs only. The PR's and my GB are still laying and one of my leghorns I think. The PR's and GB are winter layers, so that's why, not sure if I have many other winter layers, looking into it.
I don't think it is a GLW. They typically have golden/brownish feathers laced with black. The pattern on your hen seems to more match the cornish than anything else. She could be a cross of some sort. Good luck on your surgery. I had hand surgery several years ago due to an injury and, except for some persistent numbness, everything is fine now.
Thanks on the GLW info, also what type of hand surgery did you have?
That's a double lace pattern, so not a GLW. I would say barnevelder or cornish still. Does she have a very different body type than the cornish? They have a pretty distinct body type.
There are three cornish that have similar body types, short, compact and the dark feathers. One that is larger than the rest and seems to look more Barnie than the others and then there is the girl in question. She is small, has the gold in her feathers and has a different co than the others. She is probably a mutt....
I'd say cornish also. The red skin around the eyes.
Good luck with your surgery and trouble. Sounds painful. I hope things work out with the accident too. Doesn't sound like the person you hit is a very honest person, to say the least. I have a GLW and she does look a lot different then your hen. Your hen is beautiful though! We love our GLW, she is one of the sweetest ones we have and she lays a big light creamy brown egg, almost the same color as our BR's but less chalky, more shiny. Your hens comb looks different then our GLW too. A GLW has a rose comb. I believe you may have a Barnevelder. I love your chickens dark feathers and the contrast of gold and dark.
thanks for the pics of the GLW, she is definitely not a GLW after seeing pics. Thanks for the complement on the girls, I think they all are pretty. Thanks for the good wishes on my healthy, been a long four years dealing with varied health issues.
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