Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

I'm sure there's already pics of them, probably a lot, in this thread, so I'll go look but does anybody have an Orpington or Australorp pictures? I'm hopefully going to be getting chickens in the spring if I can convince my parents and they'll probably be from here as it's closest so I'm curious to see pictures. There's a few other breeds too but those are the main ones. Black Sexlinks is another main one though, actually, if anyone has any. In the meantime, I'll go look through the post. Thanks :)
Talk about venting... we are on vacation right now and my "friend" has been telling me for weeks she'll stay at our place with the animals. A couple days before we leave she says she won't be here every day but she'll come over once a day. I wanted the dogs to get more attention than just a visit once a day. I'm really worried about one of our pugs. She can't seem to work the dog door when it gets cold and she gets locked out all the time. Last cold spell we had to let her into the house multiple times. Now wind chill it's now -33 outside!!! I really wish I had setup our extra camera on the laundry room where the dogs are so I could check on them and ease my worries. She will follow another dog in but if she goes out alone she's stuck until another goes out. Stressful!

Before we go away again in winter I'll also put a camera on the goats/horses. The goats are not good with these temps. I think they'll be ok tucked away in the corner of their stall in their foot of straw. The horses though didn't get a refresh of straw before we left because I didn't know it was going to get this frigid. Poor horses! Hope my friend gave them enough hay. It would be nice to be able to check on them and see that they are in their stall at least.

At least I can check on the chickens so I feel better about them. It is only going as low at 10 in the coop. I'm ok with that. At least they are staying above 0 even though it's -18 outside.

DH just reminded me that I didn't turn the heater down so our propane is being wasted running for an empty house. At least the dogs will be warm. lol
Oh boy... I would be worried too. I assume this is the same person with the 'Thanksgiving day fiasco'?? To go from staying at your house to only going once a day is pretty nerve wracking. I hope all is well at your house with all the animals

I was tempted to add more chicks to the order. Had to tell myself the reasons not to. Spring needs to hurry up so I can battle my impulses at TSC
So hard to restrain yourself.... and we aren't any help here LOL

I'm sure there's already pics of them, probably a lot, in this thread, so I'll go look but does anybody have an Orpington or Australorp pictures? I'm hopefully going to be getting chickens in the spring if I can convince my parents and they'll probably be from here as it's closest so I'm curious to see pictures. There's a few other breeds too but those are the main ones. Black Sexlinks is another main one though, actually, if anyone has any. In the meantime, I'll go look through the post. Thanks :)
I have 2 BA's from Meyer. You can see in the last pic one is huge and the other normal sized. The bigger one, Chugg, is queen of the flock and doesn't lay very often at all. Maybe because she is so big? The other is at the bottom of the pecking order of my 5 oldest girls so kinda picks on the younger ones a bit to hold her place. She is a very good layer of medium brown eggs, about 5 eggs a week. Neither are laying now because they are molting. They will be 2 years old in March.
I have one Buff Orp, BoBo, that is close to 5 months old. She's a sweetie always following me around and doesn't mind getting picked up. She's not laying yet. I don't have a current pic... here she is at 10 weeks. Gotta get some new pics!

I have 2 BA's from Meyer. You can see in the last pic one is huge and the other normal sized. The bigger one, Chugg, is queen of the flock and doesn't lay very often at all. Maybe because she is so big? The other is at the bottom of the pecking order of my 5 oldest girls so kinda picks on the younger ones a bit to hold her place. She is a very good layer of medium brown eggs, about 5 eggs a week. Neither are laying now because they are molting. They will be 2 years old in March.
I have one Buff Orp, BoBo, that is close to 5 months old. She's a sweetie always following me around and doesn't mind getting picked up. She's not laying yet. I don't have a current pic... here she is at 10 weeks. Gotta get some new pics!

Awww they're gorgeous! :)

I deleted a lot of my Buff Orp pics to make room for NYE pics. I'll take more when I get home. Here's a fancy Instagram pic lol
Awww she's pretty! :)

Thanks! Her name is Marigold, Goldie for short. She's the smallest and also the bravest! Always leaving the flock to find tasty bugs. Great forager!! She's one of my 4 non Meyers. I believe she's from Ideal but I got her and two Blue copper Marans from a local lady and the three of them were in the same brooder so they always perch at night together. A BCM on each side and Goldie in the middle
Thanks! Her name is Marigold, Goldie for short. She's the smallest and also the bravest! Always leaving the flock to find tasty bugs. Great forager!! She's one of my 4 non Meyers. I believe she's from Ideal but I got her and two Blue copper Marans from a local lady and the three of them were in the same brooder so they always perch at night together. A BCM on each side and Goldie in the middle
No problem! and awww that's adorable :)
Oh boy... I would be worried too. I assume this is the same person with the 'Thanksgiving day fiasco'?? To go from staying at your house to only going once a day is pretty nerve wracking. I hope all is well at your house with all the animals

Yes, same "friend". So I get a call from her this afternoon and one of our pipes burst and completely destroyed our finished basement. The mitigation guys say it will need to be completely gutted.

Great way to start the new year!

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